This is an article on the author's rationale for creating Authentic Assessment as a standard of practice to improve learning outcomes and promote the philosophy that education is about students acquiring a certain body of knowledge and skills necessary to become productive citizens. It references and provides links to examples as well as excerpts to his Toolbox.
This article goes into more detail as to the "why" Authentic Assessment is a preferred method to demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills, whereas the Toolbox focuses more the "how".
This is a how-to text on creating authentic tasks, rubrics and standards for measuring and improving student learning. Included are headings on
* What is Authentic Assessment?
* Why use it?
* How do you create Authentic Assessment?
* What are the standards, tasks, and rubrics?
* How to construct tests.
Of the sites explored, this was the most comprehensive, easy to follow, and relevant.
I have subscribed to this very useful site for over a year. It presents weekly tips on how to construct better multimedia, using PowerPoint with or without the software program Articulate. Topics include;
* 9 Free Tools That Help Me Build Better E-Learning
* Here's What You Need to Know About Mobile Learning
* 4 Simple Tips for Recording High-Quality Audio
* Now You Can Design E-Learning Courses Like a Pro
* Here's Why You Need an E-Learning Portfolio
* How to Create a Visual Design for Your E-Learning Scenario
* How to Create Screencasts You Can Be Proud Of
* Here's An Easy Way to Create Whiteboard Lectures for
Your E-Learning Courses
This presents content and recommendations of a fundamental planning outline for creating a multimedia presentation.
* Plan your project
* Develop your content
* Create your e-Learning deliverable
* Test your deliverable
* Deliver your deliverable
It then provides a very nice list of resources for websites to use when creating the project: (Premiere and AfterEffects) (Flash and Captivate) (Camtasia Studio) (Visual Communicator) (creating enhanced multimedia presentations in PowerPoint) (designing multimedia presentations)
The graphic organizers provided here are, for the most part, plain in appearance. These will allow students to create their own look to these organizers whenever possible. The files are presented in .pdf format. There are approximately 80 different graphic organizers on this site.
I found the options in this site more adaptable to different uses. Plus I prefer some of the editing options in Adobe Acrobat over MS Word and PowerPoint.
This site contains numerous links to outside sources (downloadable/web based, online interactive and pre-made) for creating graphic organizers. Links are also here for Inspiration, Kidspiration and SmartIdeas.
I prefer sites that are a "one-stop" resource for the tools that I am looking to use. Since I use PowerPoint a lot in my area of work, this site also provides a link to a comprehensive list of pre-configured PowerPoint templates to create charts and diagrams.
The questionnaire is designed to assist the instructor to determine the trainee's level of knowledge prior to beginning training. It also serves as an indicator of what the trainee is expected to know, or prepare for.
This is a resource for training coordinators, curriculum developers and trainers. Under the heading of "Training Coordination are the topics of Pre-Training Planning, Forms and Checklists and Preceptorship. On the Pre-Training page are numerous links to resources for setting up the pre-training phase.
Education & Training Programs Manager
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Medtronic CardioVascular Systems
Minneapolis, MN
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