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Simon Youd

8 ways to jump into ebooks - 0 views

    These strategies will help you design an eBook implementation districts increasingly move to digital content, many school leaders are chucking printed textbooks in favor of the more interactive content that eBooks and digital texts can offer.
    These strategies will help you design an eBook implementation districts increasingly move to digital content, many school leaders are chucking printed textbooks in favor of the more interactive content that eBooks and digital texts can offer.
John Pearce

Interactive eBook Apps: The Reinvention of Reading and Interactivity | UX Magazine - 0 views

    The invention of the tablet PC has created a new medium for book publishing. Interactive books are everywhere, and have revolutionized the way people consume the printed word. With the recent software available to allow easy creation of interactive books and with the race to bring these products to market, there seems to be a more and more dilution of quality and a loss for the meaning of interactivity. When publishers create new eBook titles or convert a traditional printed book to a digital interactive eBook, they often miss the added value this new medium can provide.
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways That Paper Books Are Better Than eBooks - 0 views

    This is a technology blog. However, in order to highlight how far eBooks have to go until they seriously challenge for the hearts and minds of book lovers, we present here a list of reasons why paper books are still better than eBooks. We'll also speculate about how eBooks might match each feature that paper books currently have
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways That eBooks Are Better Than Paper Books - 0 views

    Recently I began to buy eBooks for the Kindle application on my iPad. While I still love paper books, the digital wiles of eBooks are looking increasingly attractive to me. Below are five eBook features that may tempt you to buy electronic books too.
Ian Guest

PDFTop - 5 views

    PDF, DOC, PPT, eBook Search Engine. " is a search engine and online viewer for ebooks in pdf, ppt, xls, rtf, txt, doc file format. You can find and download the ebook but please respect the publisher and the author for their creations if their books copyrighted."
John Pearce

How to Read .ePub Ebooks on Firefox and Chrome [Quicktip] - 2 views

    In this quick tip, we are going to share with you how you can open *.ePub files on your browser with EPUBReader on Firefox and MagicScroll on Chrome. These extensions are made as a minimalist ebook reader that will allow you to browse through ebooks directly from these two browsers.
Rhondda Powling

Make-your-own-ebooks platform: Aerbook Maker - 4 views

    "Aerbook Maker may be of interest to librarians and other educators who want to go beyond a read-only experience and enable their students to easily create, share-and even market-their  own slick, tablet-ready graphical ebooks and mobile apps"
John Pearce

My Ebook Maker - 7 views

shared by John Pearce on 16 Aug 12 - No Cached
    "Create ebooks from anywhere directly in your web browser for FREE. No limit on number of ebooks that you can create. Download books in ePub format - accepted by Amazon, iBooks and more. Preview your work in HTML format directly in your browser. Epub Validation Tool. Linked Table of Contents created automatically from Chapters. Upload covers and media files."
Ian Guest

Free Microsoft eBooks - 8 views

    "Free Microsoft eBooks, including: SharePoint, Visual Studio, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Office 365, Office 2010, SQL Server 2012, Azure, and more."
John Pearce

Moving at the Speed of Creativity - Directly Download an Enhanced ePUB eBook to Your iPad - 4 views

    As this summer approaches, I've been contacted by additional instructors wanting to use "Playing with Media" as a course text. To facilitate student downloading of the iPad eBook version, I created a six minute narrated slideshow and screencast explaining these download and installation steps.
Rhondda Powling

Free Sites to Promote Your eBook - GalleyCat - 0 views

    If you are looking for new places where to go and promote your bran new ebook, here is a good collection.
Rhondda Powling

How to Use Microsoft Word to Create an Ebook - PC Advisor - 3 views

    If you are looking for a basic guide on how to prepare, edit and format your eBook inside Microsoft Word, here is an introductory guide.
Rhondda Powling

Free E-book Publishing Online - Booktango - 1 views

    BookTango is an online eBook publishing service which allows you to prepare, format, edit, publish and distribute your eBook to all major online ebookstores including: Amazon Kindle, iBookStore, Google Play, Sony, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Scribd. The basic service is free. Avanced pro include a number of extra services
John Pearce

How Tech Will Transform the Traditional Classroom - 1 views

    As the post-PC era moves from interesting theory to cold, hard reality, one of the most pressing questions is: How can we use tablets, and especially the iPad, to help people learn? Most of the focus has been on ebooks replacing textbooks, a trend fueled by Apple's recent updates to iBooks. Specifically, the company released iBooks Author, a tool for creating immersive ebooks on the desktop. Plus, the new iPad is now the first tablet with a retina screen, making reading and watching multimedia on the device even more enjoyable. But technology is only as good as the system it's applied to. Much like a fresh coat of paint will not improve the fuel efficiency of a '69 Mustang, the application of technology to a broken system masks deeper problems with short-term gains.
John Pearce

Google Drive and Docs for Teachers 2012 - 7 views

    RM Byrne writes: Last month I published a free ebook titled Google Documents for Teachers. Just two weeks later Google released Google Drive and made Google Documents a part of Google Drive. Therefore, I had to update my ebook. I present to you now, Google Drive and Documents for Teachers. The document is hosted on Scribd. You can download it from there as a PDF.
Tristan Mether

ePub Bud - Publish, Convert, Store, and Download free children's ebooks online for the iPad and nook color! - 3 views

     We just want everybody to have an easy way to find, share, and self-publish their own free children's ebooks, whether the audience is just their own kids or the whole world.
Rhondda Powling

100% Free Software Developer | Hamster Soft Official Site - 0 views

    Hamster Free Converter is a free Windows-only downloadable software that makes it extremely easy to convert to just about any eBook format. Hamster utilizes the same conversion engine utilized by Calibre but without the many options and advanced features. It supports more than 200+ devices including Amazon Kindle, iPad, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPod, FR Book, iRiver, Sony, Digma, Nook, BenQ, Kobo, Explay,CrossElec, boeye, PAGEone, WexLer. Hamster Free Converter converts any eBooks to run on Amazon, Sony, Asus, iPod, iPad, iPhone, PSP, Blackberry, Zune, iRiver,
Clay Leben

ebook Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice: Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education - 5 views

    EBOOK Dec 2011 Edited collection of papers on using self-paced in the curriculum. Flexible learning....another buzzword with e-portfolios and problem-based learning?
Clay Leben

WordPress 3 Site Blueprints Book & eBook - 1 views

    Each chapter carefully explains how to use WP to setup a specific functional site, i.e. real estate listings, subscriber site, classified ad site and so. Detailed descriptions of plugins for each type of site. Packt Publishing Technical & IT Book Store. Ebook is about $27.
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