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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Simon Pankhurst

Simon Pankhurst

Peer-to-Peer Learning Handbook | - 4 views

    This project seeks to empower the worldwide population of self-motivated learners who use digital media to connect with each other, to co-construct knowledge, to co-learn. Co-learning is ancient; the capacity for learning by imitation and more, to teach others what we know, is the essence of human culture. We are human because we learn together. Today, however, the advent of digital production media and distribution/communication networks has raised the power and potential of co-learning to a new level.
Simon Pankhurst

course-builder - Course Builder - Google Project Hosting - 1 views

    "Course Builder is our experimental first step in the world of online education. It packages the software and technology we used to build our Power Searching with Google online course. We hope you will use it to create your own online courses, whether they're for 10 students or 100,000 students. You might want to create anything from an entire high school or university offering to a short how-to course on your favorite topic."
Simon Pankhurst

New Scientist TV: Kinect body hack lets you possess a horse - 1 views

    "Wave a Microsoft Kinect sensor around the object you want to inhabit and the new system, developed by Jiawen Chen and his team from Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, quickly creates a 3D virtual model of it. Then, by standing in front of the sensor and positioning your body so that it melds with the virtual character on screen, the two are rigged together by uttering the word "Possess". The system performs the transformation by binding the model to you at the points where your joints are attached. Moving your body makes the avatar come to life, allowing you to re-enact Fantasia-like cartoons or to create your own interactive stories. It's also possible to team up with friends to possess more complex bodies, like a four-legged horse."
Simon Pankhurst

About MIT-K12 | MIT + K12 - 5 views

    Our goal is to develop and host an open platform for crowd-curated content relevant to K12 STEM education. Our efforts will not only allow us to identify specific and advantageous areas for student work, they will also allow us to create a sense of community around this work, and its effects, among educators and students at every level.
Simon Pankhurst

NZ Interface Magazine | Has the social media bubble burst? - 0 views

    "Social media companies have become the new heavyweights of the technology world, with markets giving massive premiums to companies such as LinkedIn and Facebook, while industry stalwarts like Apple and Microsoft struggle to keep up. But is the bubble about to burst?"
Simon Pankhurst

How to Search: Google Offers Free Online Classes - 3 views

    "Google - which first opened registration for the class in June - will offer six different 50-minute courses called "Power Searching with Google" over the next two weeks. Classes can be taken at your own leisure within that time period."
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