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Shelly Terrell

10 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen - 4 views

    "September 27, 2014 Projecting your iPad on a large screen is great for demonstrations, simulations, explanations, and showing examples. There are several ways this can be done in the classroom.  VGA or HDMI Adapter Connect directly from your device to a projector's video cable. Click to find out which of the four possible adapters is the one you need. Document Camera Put your device under a camera connected to a projector. Glare may be a problem. Your audience can see your fingers.. Search Amazon for document cameras. Apple TV Connect an Apple TV to your projector and use your device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Apple TV is available from AirServer Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get AirServer at Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Download the Annotate Mirror Client.  Mirroring360 Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Download Mirroring360. Reflector Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get Reflector at X-Mirage Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get X-Mirage. iTools Install software on your projector-connected computer and attach device using its USB cable and choose Live Desktop. Macs can wirelessly mirror to iTools. It's beta software with no documentation and can be buggy. English version currently not available. OS X 10.10 Yosemite Update to OS X Yosemite on your projector-connected Mac and attach device using its Lightning cable. Open QuckTime & choose iPad as the camera source.  If you don't mind keeping your iPad in one spot, then a VGA adapter (for 30-pin Dock connector or for the new Lightning
John Pearce

Why Apple's new Device Enrollment Program is a game changer for IT | CITEworld - 3 views

    "Apple's new Device Enrollment Program (DEP) is a significant new enterprise initiative that removes one of the biggest, if not the biggest, roadblocks to iOS device deployments within businesses or schools: The need to touch each device to ensure that it is fully managed and locked down. The Device Enrollment Program was announced yesterday along with a slew of new IT-focused documentation and tweaks to managing Apple IDs for K-12 students and Apple's app volume purchase/licensing program. It offers the ability to configure iOS devices as supervised without using Apple Configurator, allowing for over-the-air management with these evice management capabilities. As such, this can be considered one of the most groundbreaking iOS management additions since Apple introduced MDM support nearly four years ago."

COOLNUT Power Bank 10000mAh, Ultra-Compact, High-speed Charging Technology Power Bank f... - 0 views

    Fantabulous Premium Feel; this really will be the first impression and remark you'll raise on dropping the first sight and holding this jaw dropping extremely beautiful power bank live, being designed and invented by COOLNUT. Packed with latest technology elements, this Power Bank 10000mAh can charge your device at full-speed with a maximum power output of 2.4A, better than the best. And with advanced 2A input port, the power bank itself recharges in half of the time compared to other moderate brands of 1A input that takes long. The device has been specially designed focusing on the fundamental aspect of a power bank; the need for fast charging everytime. Gleaming red-black chrome on a glossy ABS+PC shell case that is immediately noticeable, certainly adds the style factor to your life. Ultra high density Lithium-ion cells are used in this battery charger and the standard device is insured with safety standards to protect against over-charging, over voltage or over current. Add to the fact that the power bank has a zigzag row of 4-LED power indicators which indicate the current battery status and a bright LED flashlight enhancing its usability and multipurpose functionality. This integrated package includes 3 high-quality, tangle-free, fast charging USB cables & wall charging adapter that last long. With Coolnut small cable, charge your device easily, even while walking without any hanging trouble. With Coolnut long cable, conveniently charge your device, keeping the power bank wherever you want. With Coolnut charging adapter & cable, fast recharge the power bank with the best performance.
John Pearce

Teen Mobile Device Usage Skyrockets (INFOGRAPHIC) | FunMobility Blog - 2 views

    Teens love their cell phones. Duh! But just how often are they using their mobile phones and why? Leveraging the data provided by the recent Nielsen study, "New Mobile Obsession: U.S. Teens Triple Data Usage", FunMobility decided to explore cell phone usage patterns further. The result of our FunChat and FAADChat customer survey with over 10,000 respondents generated even more interesting data points. The survey found teens are spending more time on mobile devices than any other media device, and 40 percent are spending more than four hours per day on their mobile devices. And that's just the beginning. We turned this data into an infographic: "Generation OMG: How Teens Use Mobile Devices", that we just announced and was recently covered by ZDNet's iGeneration blog.
Y . D

Smart home System - 2 views

The difference between a traditional home and a smart home lies in the level of technology integrated into each and how to control the various systems inside the home. Because technology has reache...

started by Y . D on 20 Sep 24 no follow-up yet
Rhondda Powling

Designing Content for Multiple Mobile Devices by Michelle Lentz & Brandon Carson : Lear... - 2 views

  • In a BYOD (bring your own device) world, where your mobile learning must work on a wide variety of devices, a big question for designers is “how do you design for that?” In this article, we attempt to help you find some answers to that question
    "In a BYOD (bring your own device) world, where your mobile learning must work on a wide variety of devices, a big question for designers is "how do you design for that?" In this article, we attempt to help you find some answers to that question..."
John Pearce

Mirroring the iPad with your own network | Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch - 3 views

    When the iPad and laptop are on the same wireless network, and you launch Reflection on the laptop, the laptop becomes an AirPlay device for the iPad. On the iPad, you double tap the home button, swipe right, chose the AirPlay icon, pick your laptop from the list, and choose to mirror the iPad screen.However, when trying to do this same thing in a hotel, an airport, or a coffee shop, I could not get the AirPlay icon to show up on the iPad. I could not get the two devices to see one another. Well, of COURSE I couldn't! Why would you want any other device on a public WiFi network to see your laptop or iPad? The networks are designed to keep your stuff secure (even from yourself!) Since I have a few iPad workshops coming up, I wanted to make sure, if the network I was going to be using prohibited me from seeing another device, I had a solution that would work. I actually wound up with two solutions!
John Pearce

Bring Your Own Device Toolkit | K-12 Blueprint - 5 views

    "Today's education system is evolving to take full advantage of the potential of mobile technology devices to inspire learning and create independent, critical thinkers. However, with tight budgets, many schools are hoping to bring technology into the classroom without the costly burden of purchasing a device for each student. One potential solution that is being explored is BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device. This allows students to bring their personal laptops, tablets, and smartphones from home and use them for educational applications in the classroom. At a time when budgets are shrinking, school districts are considering BYOD programs to integrate cost-effective technology into their educational programs. It's a promising idea, especially for schools that lack sufficient technology budgets. BYOD takes advantage of the technology that students already own and are familiar with. However, BYOD programs have been met with some criticism from staff and administrators who believe the challenges outweigh the perceived benefits. Continue reading..."
John Pearce

Consumers on tablet devices: having fun, shopping and engaging with ads - Google Mobile... - 1 views

    "Tablets have quickly emerged as a distinct third digital screen in consumers lives that fill the gap between desktops and smartphones. But there are still many open questions about exactly how consumers are using them. We explored tablet search trends earlier this year, but wanted to dig deeper and answer key questions such as: What are the contrasts between tablet use, laptop use, and smartphone use and how are consumers engaging across these devices? What are the most common activities (playing games, searching, reading, etc.) that tablets are used for? What ads are most relevant and useful based on how people are using the devices? "
John Pearce

The Teacher's Apple : InformED - 3 views

    "A decade ago, electronics and cell phones in the classroom were considered little more than a distraction. Today, new devices such as tablet computers and smartphones are changing this perception. Educators are finding innovative ways to supplement their lectures with the newest technology, and students are beginning to see their devices as essential components of their college experience. Naturally, major device manufacturers are now battling for dominance in the field. Below, we explore how Apple is winning the battle for education technology and what gives them the edge over the sizable competition in the market."
John Pearce

WA Education readies BYOD for state's schools - Networking - Technology - News - iTnews... - 1 views

    "Western Australia's Department of Education will deploy BYO device management capabilities in the next release of its standard operating environment (SOE) for schools, another key milestone in its long-term vision for ICT use by teachers and students. Infrastructure and telecommunication director, Glenn Veen, told iTnews that SOEv4.2 consisted of nine upgrade elements, covering areas as diverse as security, disaster recovery and business continuity, and "BYO device, mobile device management, Apple integration and increased roaming capability"."
John Pearce

Go Mobile with your Presentations - - 4 views

    Presefy is a new service that you can use to share your presentations to your students' mobile devices. Through Presefy you can control your slides from your computer or from the browser in your iPad, iPhone, Android phone, or any other mobile device that has a web browser.  When you advance the slides in your presentation the slides also advance on your students' mobile devices. Your students can take notes as they follow along with your slides.
Rhondda Powling

Living and Learning with Mobile Devices | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School In... - 1 views

    Infographic based on the findings of Living and Learning with Mobile Devices, a report by Grunwald Associates and the Learning First Alliance, with generous support from AT, highlights the perceptions of parents of a mobile generation, from preschoolers through high school-age students. With schools' increasingly interested in using mobile devices to engage students, parents should be encouraged (and supported) to work with the schools as we move into this new style of education.
Rhondda Powling

10 Ways To Use Mobile Devices in the Classroom | Edudemic - 6 views

    "It is pretty much a given these days that students have mobile phones, tablets, and e-readers. Leveraging what your students already have and already know how to use is a smart idea - even if you aren't implementing a full-on BYOD classroom environment. There are many ways to have students use their mobile devices in the classroom in a format geared towards learning rather than for leisure. The infographic in this post takes a look at ten fairly general ways to use devices in the classroom. The general nature of some of the recommendations makes it a great starting point if this is a newer concept for you or for a particular group that you're working. "
John Pearce

14 Questions for Bring_Your_Own_Device - 2 views

    From an industry point of view but... Letting your employees use their personal mobile devices for work makes them leap for joy - they literally love their iPads, iPhones, Droids, BlackBerrys, Galaxies and other devices of choice. Research shows it also makes them more productive and increases their engagement with the workplace, including after hours.     On the other hand, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon opens doors to all sorts of tricky issues so it's important to plan ahead.
John Pearce

Apple Releases Apple Configurator for Businesses & Schools - 5 views

    Following today's Apple Event, Apple has just released Apple Configurator, an app that "makes it easy for anyone to mass configure and deploy iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in a school, business, or institution." Apple Configurator is likely of the same variety as what Apple uses in its own stores to reset its showroom devices, but now it's available for organizations and schools to make updating and resetting devices effortless. This should break down a few major barriers that kept organizations from widely adopting the devices before.
John Pearce

Apps and Sites That Work on All Devices for BYOT | Inside the classroom, outside the box! - 2 views

    "With more and more schools launching, 'Bring Your Own Technology' or 'Bringing Your Own Device' (BYOT/BYOD) I created a symbaloo of all apps and web tools that work on all devices to help educators get started. Even though I am a firm believe, it doesn't matter what site/app the students use to show mastery of a concept, some educators need a starting place and many have loved this symbaloo so I, of course, want to pass it along."
Aaron Davis

Facebook's war on free will | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Though Facebook will occasionally talk about the transparency of governments and corporations, what it really wants to advance is the transparency of individuals – or what it has called, at various moments, “radical transparency” or “ultimate transparency”. The theory holds that the sunshine of sharing our intimate details will disinfect the moral mess of our lives. With the looming threat that our embarrassing information will be broadcast, we’ll behave better. And perhaps the ubiquity of incriminating photos and damning revelations will prod us to become more tolerant of one another’s sins. “The days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly,” Zuckerberg has said. “Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.”
  • The essence of the algorithm is entirely uncomplicated. The textbooks compare them to recipes – a series of precise steps that can be followed mindlessly. This is different from equations, which have one correct result. Algorithms merely capture the process for solving a problem and say nothing about where those steps ultimately lead.
  • For the first decades of computing, the term “algorithm” wasn’t much mentioned. But as computer science departments began sprouting across campuses in the 60s, the term acquired a new cachet. Its vogue was the product of status anxiety. Programmers, especially in the academy, were anxious to show that they weren’t mere technicians. They began to describe their work as algorithmic, in part because it tied them to one of the greatest of all mathematicians – the Persian polymath Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, or as he was known in Latin, Algoritmi. During the 12th century, translations of al-Khwarizmi introduced Arabic numerals to the west; his treatises pioneered algebra and trigonometry. By describing the algorithm as the fundamental element of programming, the computer scientists were attaching themselves to a grand history. It was a savvy piece of name-dropping: See, we’re not arriviste, we’re working with abstractions and theories, just like the mathematicians!
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The algorithm may be the essence of computer science – but it’s not precisely a scientific concept. An algorithm is a system, like plumbing or a military chain of command. It takes knowhow, calculation and creativity to make a system work properly. But some systems, like some armies, are much more reliable than others. A system is a human artefact, not a mathematical truism. The origins of the algorithm are unmistakably human, but human fallibility isn’t a quality that we associate with it.
  • Nobody better articulates the modern faith in engineering’s power to transform society than Zuckerberg. He told a group of software developers, “You know, I’m an engineer, and I think a key part of the engineering mindset is this hope and this belief that you can take any system that’s out there and make it much, much better than it is today. Anything, whether it’s hardware or software, a company, a developer ecosystem – you can take anything and make it much, much better.” The world will improve, if only Zuckerberg’s reason can prevail – and it will.
  • Data, like victims of torture, tells its interrogator what it wants to hear.
  • Very soon, they will guide self-driving cars and pinpoint cancers growing in our innards. But to do all these things, algorithms are constantly taking our measure. They make decisions about us and on our behalf. The problem is that when we outsource thinking to machines, we are really outsourcing thinking to the organisations that run the machines.
  • The engineering mindset has little patience for the fetishisation of words and images, for the mystique of art, for moral complexity or emotional expression. It views humans as data, components of systems, abstractions. That’s why Facebook has so few qualms about performing rampant experiments on its users. The whole effort is to make human beings predictable – to anticipate their behaviour, which makes them easier to manipulate. With this sort of cold-blooded thinking, so divorced from the contingency and mystery of human life, it’s easy to see how long-standing values begin to seem like an annoyance – why a concept such as privacy would carry so little weight in the engineer’s calculus, why the inefficiencies of publishing and journalism seem so imminently disruptable
    via Aaron Davis

Nokia 7 with Snapdragon 660 Price Specifications, Release Date & More - Gadgets World - 0 views

    Nokia recently launched a bunch of smartphone at MWC 2017 that is Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 and now all of us waiting for its flagship device that has been rumored that as Nokia 8, Nokia P1. Now there is new mid-range Nokia device seen on-line may be Nokia 7 and expected to come soon.
    Nokia recently launched a bunch of smartphone at MWC 2017 that is Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 and now all of us waiting for its flagship device that has been rumored that as Nokia 8, Nokia P1. Now there is new mid-range Nokia device seen on-line may be Nokia 7 and expected to come soon.

Micromax to be launch best ever camera smartphone Dual 5 on 29th March - Gadgets World - 0 views

    Micromax an Indian Smartphone Giant to be launch its latest flagship device on March 29, the company CEO Mr. Rahul Sharma, tweeted that, but there is no much info about up coming camera centric flagship device, we only know that the new series "Dual" to be launch, for that we expected that it will be Micromax Dual 5 and there is information that the upcoming Dual Series phone is a best ever camera flagship phone.
    Micromax an Indian Smartphone Giant to be launch its latest flagship device on March 29, the company CEO Mr. Rahul Sharma, tweeted that, but there is no much info about up coming camera centric flagship device, we only know that the new series "Dual" to be launch, for that we expected that it will be Micromax Dual 5 and there is information that the upcoming Dual Series phone is a best ever camera flagship phone.
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