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John Pearce

8 must-reads detail how to verify information in real-time, from social media, users | ... - 2 views

    Over the past couple of years, I've been trying to collect every good piece of writing and advice about verifying social media content and other types of information that flow across networks. This form of verification involves some new tools and techniques, and requires a basic understanding of the way networks operate and how people use them. It also requires many of the so-called old school values and techniques that have been around for a while: being skeptical, asking questions, tracking down high quality sources, exercising restraint, collaborating and communicating with team members. Post also contains a great Slideshare.
John Pearce

[Infographic] How Many Pre-Teens Are on Facebook? - 4 views

    Facebook's policy is to allow 13 and up to have access, but I know plenty of underage kids that have their own logins. Surveys from last fall show many 10, 11, and 12-year olds have accounts. And whether you agree or disagree with the age limit, you might want to take a look at this survey from SodaHead that was done last week. Not surprisingly, adults and kids differ on what is the most appropriate age of Facebook consent.
John Pearce

The 25 best Windows Phone apps - 1 views

    Through its partnership with Nokia, some exciting new Windows Phone handsets are starting to hit the Australian market.  What's more, the Windows Phone Marketplace for apps is the fastest growing app store on the market as developers are beginning to cater to the potential of the Windows Phone market. Whether you're new to the Windows Phone platform or an old hand looking to discover something new, these are 25 must-have apps for WP7.
John Pearce

80 Days That Changed Our Lives - ABC Archives - 3 views

    To celebrate its 80th birthday, the ABC created 80 Days That Changed Our Lives to showcase audio visual treasures from the ABC's 80-year-old archives. Large or small, a single day or months and years, moments of high drama or a gradual shift in attitude, the 80 events featured on this site were documented by the ABC because they made an impact at the time. Looking back at these moments, it's easy to see how certain events mark changes in the way Australians have lived and thought about the world and their place in it.
Roland Gesthuizen

Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work? | MindShift - 8 views

    "With all these direct applications for learning, it's easy to justify using mobile devices in school. But what real and lasting effect will they have on the "formal" learning equation?" As we introduce mobile learning devices to students, we must avoid a mechanised education horror. It s time to remember the rich and complex nature of learning.
John Pearce

BYOD in Schools Pros and Cons - 3 views

    This is both an interesting tool, (ProCon List) and representation of some of the arguments around BYOD. Though a few months old most of the key points still hold.
John Pearce

Creating the child who can handle the internet without adult supervision - 2 views

    HERE'S a scene in my house: My almost 9-year-old is on the internet doing something or other, and I am not standing over her shoulder or otherwise monitoring her. Is this negligent? Am I throwing her to the wolves? I have no idea how to approach these thorny questions, so I have lunch with the academic and Microsoft researcher, danah boyd (she spells her name in lowercase letters for complicated philosophical and aesthetic reasons), who has studied this cluster of issues in an original and challenging way.
Celia Coffa

What Kids Learn from Online Gaming - 4 views

     The video below features a middle school student( 13 years old ) who is an avid online gamer. He talked about the things he learned via the help of his favourite online games including : Wrold War II, socializing with peers, sharing his interests, knowledge, skills, and thoughts with others.
Roland Gesthuizen

New Statistics: The Rise of Smartphones, Apps and the Mobile Web « INFOdocket - 3 views

    The majority of 25-34 and 18-24 year olds now own smartphones (64% and 53% respectively);
Roland Gesthuizen

National Novel Writing Month - 7 views

    At NaNoWriMo, we provide the support, encouragement, and good old-fashioned kick in the pants you need to write the rough draft of your novel in November.
John Pearce

Day4 - How we screwed (almost) the whole Apple community - 1 views

    "Have you heard the phrase "That's true because I saw it on TV" at some point? It was often the truth in the old days when people only had the TV or newspaper to relate to. What you saw or read was the truth, although it obviously wasn't always so. Today, thanks to the Internet, we consider ourselves much more enlightened. We can discuss and examine the source in a way that was not possible in the past. But are we really aware of all information flowing up over the net? What is really true and what's not? When someone presents a bit of loose facts on Twitter, I usually respond with something like "64% of the facts on the Internet is 48% incorrect according to 52% of respondents", completely made up numbers out of my head, but it makes people think a little extra. It is somewhat disturbing at times when the bandwagon takes of and speeds up, without people being critical. People stand up for situations that may never have happened, and spin on it which ultimately results in that it will be trated as facts, or a faktoid."
Roland Gesthuizen

Using Lynx to Test Modern Web Sites for Accessibility - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of H... - 2 views

    If someone were to tell you that you could test a modern, standards-compliant website for accessibility using 20-year old web browser technology, you might think they were crazy. This crazy idea is something that I thought up a few weeks ago when I was sleep deprived, but as it turns out, I might actually be on to something.
John Pearce

DigitalNZ - 1 views

    Helping to make New Zealand digital content easy to find, share, and use. We aim to make New Zealand digital content more useful. This includes helping people use digital material from libraries, museums, government departments, publicly funded organisations, the private sector, and community groups. Use this site to: Find NZ digital material that is hidden or buried on the internet Search across more than 20 million digital items to discover New Zealand treasures such as amazing aerial photos, old posters and memorabilia, newspaper clippings, artworks, and publications. Items are contributed from partners including Te Papa, the Alexander Turnbull Library, Auckland Art Gallery, Te Ara, NZ On Screen and many many more.
John Pearce

Google's 15th birthday: 15 things you didn't know | Technology | The Guardian - 7 views

    "Google is 15 years old today. To celebrate, here are 15 facts you probably didn't know about them."
John Pearce

Google: 15 things you probably didn't know on its 15th birthday | Technology | The Guar... - 1 views

    Google is 15 years old today. To celebrate, here are 15 facts you probably didn't know about them.
Roland Gesthuizen

Mac2Sell - Argus, Evaluation, Guide to used Mac, iPad, iPhone & iPod - 3 views

shared by Roland Gesthuizen on 20 Feb 14 - Cached
    How much is my old mac worth?
John Pearce

SAMR as a Framework for Moving Towards Education 3.0 | User Generated Education - 5 views

    "The SAMR model was developed by as a framework to integrate technology into the curriculum.  I believe it can also serve as a model to establish and assess if and how technology is being used to reinforce an old, often archaic Education 1.0 or being used to promote and facilitate what many are calling 21st century skills, i.e., creativity, innovation, problem-solving, critical thinking; those skills characteristic of Education 3.0.  Many look at SAMR as the stages of technology integration.  I propose that it should be a model for educators to focus on Modification and Redefinition areas of technology integration.  Why should educators spend their time recreating Education 1.0 using technology at the substitution and augmentation levels when there are tools, techniques, and opportunities to modify and redefine technology integration for a richer, more engaging Education 2.0 or 3.0?"
John Pearce

Hand over the iPad: Seattle doctor says babies should use tablets | Healthworks | Seatt... - 1 views

    "Doctors have long said children under 2 years old shouldn't have any screen time.  Now, a leading pediatric researcher who's been a strong voice against babies watching TV has a new recommendation.  He says young children can, and should play with touch screen computers."
John Pearce

Sylvia's Super-Awesome Maker Show! | Sylvia's DIY webshow on everything cool and worth ... - 0 views

    In an era where it's easy for tweens to zone out in front of the screen of their choice, an 11 year-old California girl is making the choice to be on the screen with her YouTube series, Sylvia's Super-Awesome Maker Show. A fan of DIY, science and technology she's teaching a global audience how to make cool things.
John Pearce

7 Steps on How to Use the New Edmodo - Teq Blog - 0 views

    "Edmodo recently released a new look for their website. Many times when a website changes. there's a ton of confusion about old features, new feature, and where everything is now located. Not with Edmodo! The simple and clear design makes it easy to navigate between all of the tools. So there shouldn't be too much confusion for existing users, and teachers who want to learn how to use Edmodo for the first time are met with a sleek and simple interface."
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