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John Pearce

What is a Blog? - YouTube - 2 views

    "Blogging on platforms like WordPress has become very popular over the past 10 years. This video is an introduction to blogging in plain english and was designed to give viewers a brief overview of what blogging is and how to participate. For more information on Edublogs visit:"
Kathleen Morris

Kizoa: Slideshow Maker - 0 views

    * Create beautiful slideshows\n* With music and many effects\n* Insert them into your blog or website\n* Burn slideshows to DVD\n* Edit your pictures easily\n* Store and organize all your photos online\n* Share your creations with your loved ones!"

How to Make Money from Blogging - - 0 views

    If you already have a blog going for you and are wondering how to profit from the traffic you're getting then this article is for you. While some people argue that you don't really need a lot of traffic to start earning money from blogging, generally, the more traffic you get, the more ways become available for you to profit off of it. Here's some that you can do. Read more
Heather Bailie

Student Blogs: Learning to Write in Digital Spaces | Langwitches Blog - 5 views

    Student blogging is not a project, but a process. We are continuously striving to refine, improve and re-evaluate. As I am meeting with teachers individually, I can't stress enough the importance of READING other blogs (professional, student, blogs about your hobby, blogs about other interests you have etc.). I am trying to filter and funnel quality blogs in education, their grade level and  areas of interest to them as I come across them, so they can build a quality RSS Reader. BUT.. we need their help in having a basic understanding of blogs, its pedagogical uses, as a platform of a new writing genre (digital writing) and how our blogfolios fit into your curriculum and the BIG PICTURE of LEARNING. The blogfolios are not a platform to use only for a particular subject, but should give evidence of learning for each student.
John Pearce

WordPress Turns 10 Years Old - 3 views

    "Since its inception back in 2003, WordPress has grown from a humble blogging platform into one of the world's most popular content management systems (CMS). Now, the much-loved website and blogging platforms has celebrated a special miletsone - its 10th birthday. In today's blog, I'll be taking a look back at the history of WordPress, how it has changed, and is one of the most important tools for companies and marketers today."
John Pearce

Ghost: Just a Blogging Platform - 0 views

    Ghost is an Open Source application which allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even (gasp) fun to do. It's simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time messing with making your blog work - and more time blogging.
John Pearce

Posthaven is the safe place for all your posts forever - 1 views

    Posthaven is the creation of Gary Tan from Posterous fame. Blogs can be created from $5 per month. "Garry Tan and Brett Gibson were two of the cofounders of Posterous in 2008. Posterous was acquired by Twitter in 2012, and while we were happy that it was a meaningful acquisition for the team and investors, we were bummed to see something get shuttered that we believed should last forever. We know how to build every aspect of a great site, and we're setting out to do it again." 
Aaron Davis

Why Aren't Students Allowed to Blog? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

    Peter DeWitt questions why we do not make better use of blogs to support learning. He provides a number of possibilities, including curation, media literacy, student voice, assessing learning, collaboration and artistic freedom.
Kathleen Morris

Blog the Leap Year - 1 views

  • is a global blogging project that will cross all age groups and continents. As soon as Feb 29th 2012 begins in Tonga, the will open up for posts for one day only.
Rhondda Powling

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Use PicCollage - And Five Ideas for Using It In Yo... - 2 views

    Another useful post from Richard Byrne with some good ideas about using PicCollage with students. With the app you can arrange pictures, video, text, and stickers into collages very easily. "From the app you can share your collage to Google Drive, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, and many other file sharing services" He has also included a video where he demonstrates how to use the tool without creating a PicCollage account. It is a free tool and available as an Android or iPad app.
riss leung

Challenge Yourself to Blog - 5 views

    A 10 week blogging challenge with at least 1 new challenge each week. Caters for new bloggers (students) veterans, teachers and classes. You can join at any time. There are no prizes however this is a great way to get involved with blogging.
John Pearce

Learn - 9 views

    "Always wanted to be a blogging superstar? Or simply want to learn your way around You've come to the right place. Go from blogging zero to blogging hero in 10 quick levels."
Darrel Branson

BlogBooker - Blog Book - 3 views

    Create a PDF from your blog posts. "BlogBooker produces a high-quality PDF Blog Book from all your blog's entries and comments. Archives can be generated from any blog running on WordPress, LiveJournal (and derivatives) or Blogger."
trish dower

Wright'sRoom | Pondering education, technology, and making a difference - 0 views

    Shelly's blogs shared at PLPConnectU
Kathleen Morris

7 lessons educators can learn from the Urban Outfitters PR disaster | 21st Century Coll... - 8 views

    Must read post about the power of Twitter and blogging, and how it can be used in the classroom
Clay Leben

Audioboo - 2 views

    Record or upload audio files. Share and link to friends onTwitter and Facebook. Create podcasts. Embed widgets on web pages. Use for storytelling.
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