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John Pearce

College or No? Stuck Between Present Realities and Future Promises | MindShift - 1 views

    "Higher education options are changing for all students - not only for gutsy school reformers and tech enthusiasts dropping out with hopes to become the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. As MOOCs proliferate and college costs keep rising, more young reformers and "edupreneurs" are looking for a way around a four-year degree, some opting for a gap year to work on personal passions they hope will take off, and some looking for meaningful work experience in the world's classroom."
Clay Leben

Webinar Archive | Connected Learning - 3 views

    Archived 2012 webinars on the impacts of digital technologies and education reforms. Live weekly webinars every Friday still remain.
Heather Bailie

Education Reform: There's NOT An App For That - Forbes - 4 views

    "While schools should promote creativity, I'm not sure that it is wise to prioritize innovation in education."
Darrel Branson

Seymour Papert -- inventor of everything: Gary Stager at TEDxASB - YouTube - 6 views

    "In this TEDx talk, Gary Stager, curator of will share a lightning fast introduction to the wit, wisdom, and powerful ideas of Seymour Papert; one of the greatest educators of the past half century. Even if you are unfamiliar with Papert, you will be astonished by his lasting impact on children as programmers, the maker movement, 1:1 computing, game-based learning, education reform, epistemological politics, and a whole lot more."
Clay Leben

NY Times Magazine - Learning by Playing - 3 views

    Sept 19, 2010 Education issue on game playing as school reform. Lots of examples from current experiments. Video too.
Aaron Davis

Seth Godin on Education Reform - YouTube - 0 views

    A great video from WISE Summit in regards to #edreform. +Seth Godin argues that we need to foster problem solvers and leaders. We can't just train students to sit still in the classroom to train them to sit still in the factory. Interesting in light of the O'Farrell furore over rote learning.
John Pearce

The Creativity Post - 6 views

    The Creativity Post is a non-profit web platform committed to sharing the very best content on creativity, in all of its forms: from scientific discovery to philosophical debate, from entrepreneurial ventures to educational reform, from artistic expression to technological innovation - in short, to all the varieties of the human experience that creativity brings to life.
John Pearce

YouTube - TEDxNYED - Alan November - 03/05/2011 - 3 views

    "Alan November is recognized internationally as a leader in education technology. He began his career as an oceanography teacher and dorm counselor at an island reform school for boys in Boston Harbor. He has been a director of an alternative high school, computer coordinator, technology consultant, and university lecturer. As practitioner, designer, and author, Alan has guided schools, government organizations and industry leaders as they plan to improve quality with technology." This is his address to TEDxNYed.
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