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Monique T

Occupation: From Wall Street to the university | CNN Finance - 0 views

  • average annual in-state tuition and fees at four-year public universities increased by 72% over the past decade
  • the rising cost of education
    This article demonstrates how price is used to allocate resources in a free market, in the area of education. Since there aren't enough teachers and universities for every student across the world who wishes to go to university to go, this education must be allocated to people via price. Because of this, only people who can afford the education can go to school. The amount of people who can go to university is also regulated by admissions and marks, but it is an example of where price can affect who gets to make use of the resources.
Monique T

Ontario says it won't block teacher strike | The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    One topic we have discussed a lot in supply-side policy is the funding of education, and how increased funding can lead to more efficiency in the economy. However, after the Ontario budget, the government decided to freeze teacher wages to try to reduce funding in this education sector; which has created many problems in our province as teacher unions are now taking action, with the threat of a strike still being possible. Supply-side policy gone wrong.
Katie Edwards

Cox and Alm: The right incentives for economic growth | - 0 views

  • toward supply-side policies that encourage education, hard work and smart investments.
    This article expresses the opinion that in order to experience the best economic growth, America must move towards more supply-side policies, and encourage education, hard work, and investments. There are arguments to support both sides of the debate on govt. spending vs. supply-side policy, but the end goal of achieving a better economy are the same.
Katie Edwards

Unemployment Insurance Faces Changes Across The Nation - 0 views

    I found this article particularly interesting because it sheds light on motivations to quit the job search - lack of experience and education, as well as the reliance on (the now changing) federal Extended Benefits program.
Katie Edwards

For the public good, or industry's? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News - 1 views

    This article outlines the consistent debate over nutrition, especially in schools. The beneficial externalities are obvious in an increase in health for the student, as well as the encouraged development of healthy eating. However, if junk-foods are so much easier to obtain and the number of un-educated consumers in terms of nutrition are so low, the public will be more inclined to just keep eating in their old habits. How on earth can the government effectively change this situation for the betterment of society?
Sebastian van Winkel

Public good, public cuts... - 1 views

    Schooling and education is a public good as it does not recieve a profit however, this article shows that at the moment it may be costing the government too much and they have decided that they have to cut back on what they are spending on it. No other companies would provide it as they will not get a profit out of it.
    This article is about cuts for schools. There will be less money for public schools. Since schooling is a public good, this article applies to this weeks work.
Katie Edwards

United Nations News Centre - Economies will perform better with more even income distri... - 0 views

  • Trends over the last 30 years show income inequality increasing both within countries and between them
  • not only for reasons of fairness and social welfare, but because it would improve economic performance,
  • More even income distribution also pays off over the long term, it contends, because high inequality deprives many people of access to education and credit, and prevents the expansion of domestic markets. Over years and decades, that amounts to an enormous waste of a country’s economic potential.
    This article on the distribution of income interested me because of the connection to economic growth and development. The efforts to create more equal income distribution are not only good for the population socially, but for helping economic performance. From the article; "This goal is worthwhile not only for reasons of fairness and social welfare, but because it would improve economic performance," says UNCTAD.
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