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Katie Edwards

RBA forex holdings grow to help force down value of strong Aussie | The Australian - 1 views

    The Aussie dollar is very strong, so the Reserve Bank of Australia is trying to gather foreign currency to increase supply, causing the value and demand for Aussie dollar to fall a bit. The RBA doesn't intervene often, but it's necessary now to bring down the strength of the Aussie dollar so that it doesn't continue to lessen the value of exports.
Monique T

THE RUPEE: all-round decline | Business Recorder - 0 views

    This article describes the decrease in currency value of the rupee, which the central bank is trying to correct by selling dollars and purchasing their own currency.
Sebastian van Winkel

They're buying what? U.S. investors latch onto Iraqi dinar - 1 views

    "It's not a question of if, but when Iraq revalues its currency," said the Las Vegas-based Scarpa, who keeps dinars in his retirement account. "The dinar will eventually have substantial value, possibly the highest in the world." He's not alone in risking his money on an investment that can charitably be described as a long-term turnaround project that will pay off only for the extremely patient. Thousands like Scarpa in America are buying the dinar, hoping someday the war-torn nation can revalue a currency worth just a fraction of a penny.
Lola Z

Balance of payments deficit skyrockets | Business - 0 views

    This article tells the balance of payments of Ghana skyrockets comparing to the same period in 2011. The main reason is the falling price of cocoa beans, which is a main export of Ghana, and the falling export volumes. With the export going down and imports of oil, and other non-oil imports skyrocket, the balance of payment become negative value.
Katie Edwards

Current account deficit widens - 0 views

    This article explores the causes and outcomes of a rising current account deficit in Australia. The central bank is evaluating different options to try and balance the current account deficit by manipulating imports and exports, as well as adjusting the value of currency.
Katrina D

RIM writes off value of tablet inventory - 1 views

    Most of you all already know about RIM's decision to cut the selling price of their tablet, the Playbook, by more than half (presumably because they are discontinuing the product). This is an example of a large firm cutting costs and reducing its output (from their inventories). We can also relate it to the concept of economies of scale, since Blackberry was able to afford to lose the Playbook as their other products are more successful.
Monique T

Malta's power stations cost up to €126m a year in health, environment | The M... - 1 views

    This article discusses the environmental and human health costs of power plants. These type of costs would be considered negative externalities of production, because they are harmful effects that do not effect the firm producing the power, but rather a third party, society as a whole. When producers are making the power, they value the cost as the private costs to their firms, but as outlined by this article, there are many social costs which they do not consider, and this leads to over-production, which means the market is failing, as the resources are not being allocated efficiently. An interesting aspect is that they are able to put a true "cost" on environmental and health effects, which can be quite hard to determine.
Katie Edwards

Foreign exchange market EURUSD: Market Outlook. Nov 1st 2012 - 1 views

    Unemployment is a huge issue that is coming from the eurozone economic challenges. There is a negative growth, and increasing unemployment rate. Changing the value of currency, and having difficulties stimulating economic growth are contributing to the problem. The economy is slowing down, which inevitably leads to higher unemployment.
Lola Z

Richard W. Evans: Punishing China for currency manipulation could hurt the U.S. | Deser... - 1 views

    It is interesting to receive a totally different perspective on the issue that China keeps its currency artificially low. In this article, it actually says that the benefits to the US of China manipulating its currency far outweighs the costs. The reason is that the consumers get cheaper goods, which are essential goods such as toys and clothes. The other reason is that when the Chinese government is constantly buying dollars to keep Chinese yuan low, it helps to stabilize the price level in the US because the imported goods do not become more expensive, and it also helps to keep the interest rate low. This is beneficial to the US economy.
Mirren M

Behind Iran's currency crash - 2 views

    Excerpt from the article: "Most experts think the fall is a direct result of sanctions designed to get Iran to curtail its nuclear program, which Iranian leaders say is intended to generate nuclear power but many suspect could be used to produce a weapon"
Lola Z

Australia's Current-Account Deficit Widened Last Quarter - Bloomberg - 0 views

  • by 1.5 percentage points since November last year to stimulate industries outside of resources as commodity prices ease. A high currency has hurt earnings for manufacturers and retailers, helping create what the RBA has referred to as a multispeed economy with those industries lagging behind mining companies.
    • Lola Z
      Lowering the interest rates means less foreign investment because of the low interest, and hence, the demand for the currency will be lowered as well. The currency value may decrease as a result, and making exports cheaper, reducing the trade deficit.
  • weaker prices for iron ore and coal, the nation’s two biggest commodity exports.
Monique T

Home shopping goes high end - Jul. 19, 2011 - 2 views

  • white ones.
    • Lola Z
      Value of the white ones is the opportunity cost.
    • Lola Z
      Human wants are unlimited. Ladies always want more fancy jewelries. 
    • Lola Z
      Human wants are unlimited. Ladies always want more fancy jewelries. 
  • everyone wants to be at the party." 
    • Lola Z
      Once again, this shows that human wants are unlimited.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • "The recession may be the best thing that happened to the home shopping networks because designers needed new outlets to offer more affordable prices," said Jack Plunkett, CEO of Plunkett Research.
  • By selling directly to the consumer, shopping channels eliminate the steep mark-ups taken at boutiques and department stores and offer more competitive pricing, said Plunkett.
    • Lola Z
      Opportunity cost for customers is that the convenience of going to shops to see the real goods and try them on.
    Not only is there an opportunity cost for the designer, but the people spending this money on the jewelry have the opportunity cost for other large items - such as a vacation or new computer!
    I commented on this article, and now on my screen above it says shared by Monique T... just to clarify, Lola posted the article, not me.
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