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Nadiya Safonova

Colorado Forest Fires and Increased Natural Disasters in USA - 1 views

    Natural Disasters, Latest Natural Disaster News - Aggregate supply rises when weather conditions are stable and well, however the rate of bad weather, such as these fires which are destroying large chunks of land will cause the aggregate supply to decrease.
Ya Hsuan

The euro in a shrinking zone - Global Public Square - Blogs - 0 views

    This article discussed how Robert Skidelsky, a member of the British House of Lords, is Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University. For more from Skidelsky, visit Project Syndicate or follow it on Facebook and Twitter. By Robert Skidelsky, Project Syndicate The recent European Union summit was a disaster.
    It is about how European Union summit was a disaster, and that the debts of the government has been mounting up. Therefore, they are thinking of plans for the future to make the eurozone stay, survive and not dealing with economic downfall.
Hannah S

Counting the calamities - 0 views

    This article starts by talking of how natural disasters in Thailand are increasing production costs for many different businesses. This may be because the organisations now have to try to make their buildings earthquake-proof and after natural disasters have to spend a lot of money on trying to repair whatever damage was done.
Monique T

Hunger in North Korea: Let them eat maize husks | The Economist - 4 views

  • exaggerating its troubles for political gain
  • North Korea’s food needs has long been a politicised business
    This article demonstrates the scarcity facing the food supply of people in North Korea. Although we would normally expect food scarcity because of, for example, a natural disaster, the food scarcity experienced by the people in North Korea is not only because of a lack of food being made... It is scarce because the government is preventing the supply of food from getting to the people, creating a greater demand than supply. Food is a limited resource, but the problem of scarcity in this part of the world is because of political reasons in addition to natural.
    It's really disturbing to read this. When we're working towards satisfying as many wants as we have, some people don't even get what they need.
Markus O

Northeast farmers warn of Irene pumpkin shortage - 3 views

    The article discusses a pumpkin shortage due to a natural disaster, hurricane Irene, that has destroyed crops such as these pumpkins, in the US. It demonstrates scarcity since the quantity of the resource provided is not meeting the wants of people for the product. For one, prices are rising sky high as a result, and some people who would be willing to buy cannot even get the product.
    oh no! I'm gonna need my jack-o-lantern!
    I never even thought about how Irene might have affecting something so many of us take for granted seasonally. The hurricane created a sort of chain reaction, ending with some very lame Halloween decorations :( If there are a shortage of pumpkins this year, I wonder if the lack of seeds will mean that future seasons will have low yieldings of pumpkins?
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