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Lola Z

Forex Flash: Is Eurozone destined to repeat mistakes? â€" Goldman Sachs - 0 views

    This article talks about the sad outlook of eurozone. Eurozone is an example of monetary union/currency union. We can clearly see that the effects of economic downturn affect different countries to a different degree. Greece, Spain, and Ireland are much more heavily affected than the rest. This is the same as the crisis mentioned in this article as the 70s to 80s crisis. Shocks will affect different countries differently--a shortcoming of monetary union.
Lola Z

Singapore's Monetary Policy Aims To Ease Short-term Inflationary Pressures - 0 views

    • Lola Z
      supply side policy to improve supply counteracting the rise in production costs.
  • monetary policy should aim to temper, but not fully offset
  • productivity improvements arising from the significant economic restructuring will help to prevent higher costs from fueling strong price increases, the central bank is firmly committed to objective of price stability over the medium term, he told a conference.
Lucas Gade

Amid signs of weakness, China set to loosen monetary policy - The Economic Times - 1 views

    This article relates to the fact that the economic indicators in China have been significantly lower than what was expected. In response, the central bank has decided to "loosen monetary policy", in the attempt to stimulate the economy.
Nadiya Safonova

Bank of Canada - Monetary Policy - 0 views

    This article offers an explanation of the role of the bank of Canada in the economy and all the different factors they have to assess and keep in mind in order to help economic of the factors they must consider is aggregate it is related to a lot of other factors.
Katie Edwards

Norway's Key Rate Seen On Hold - - 0 views

    This article highlights the positive economic growth seen lately in Norway, and how those positive changes caused the central bank to hold their decision to increase action and monetary policy. The adjustments will not be necessary if in fact the domestic economy continues to improve.
Monique T

Australia's interest rate cut brings new risks | The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    This article details the risks that are associated with the cut in interest rates in Australia. Interest rates are a form of monetary policy that is being used by Australia to try to create a better economic situation.
Mirren M

Malaysia sees need for easier monetary policy - 0 views

    Due to the United States and European debt crises, Malaysia is adviced to keep monetary policies loose. As of last August, "Malaysian annual inflation touched a 27-month high at 3.5% in June, reinforcing expectations of a 25-basis point rate rise in September."
Monique T

U.S. Federal Reserve's full statement on rate decision | Financial Post - 1 views

  • the unemployment rate has declined
  • Inflation has picked up somewhat
    This article describes a decision by the US Federal reserve regarding inflation rates. The article points out that the unemployment rate has declined and inflation has increase, showing the trade-off. They hope, by monetary policy, however, to attempt to both reduce unemployment and achieve a stable rate of inflation.
Hannah S

Not favouritism, just error - 0 views

    Jan 11th 2012, 15:07 by C.O. | LONDON SCOTT SUMNER recently wrote a nice post entitled "The myth of the pro-German ECB". I disagree with his argument that the Balassa-Samuelson effect explains higher inflation rates in the European periphery (isn't this effect based on productivity gains in the tradables sector?), but in my view he is right on his main point: monetary policy by the ECB was too tight for Germany. This article is about how Germany seems to be the only country in the eurozone not failing because of the reduction in aggregate demand from the euro. It explores the reasons for this.
Dan Call

RBI cant take the risk of not containing aggregate demand: YV Reddy - 0 views

    This artcile involving an interview with YV Reddy, talks about how aggregate demand is very important to not only specific countries, but to the world, talking about how the Eurozone is a key factor within the worlds economies.
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