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Shaun William

Availability Of Quick Cash Payday Loans Canada Schemes Arranged! - Video Dailymotion - 0 views

  • Canada is a beautiful and large country with millions of working inhabitants and populations. Suddenly they are suffering from financial problems mid in the month, then are you looking for funds in the same day. Quick Cash Payday Loans Canada is the right schemes to offer best and reliable cash aid without any hassle…
Joe La Fleur

Obama's New Biofuel Energy Source: Spinach! | EPA Abuse - 0 views

    Food for fuel and Half of the worlds population is starving!
opinions1 opinions1

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Reste désormais à savoir quand cette structure immense verra le jour. A ce jour, aucune date n'est fixée.Des soldats et des équipes de secours portant masques à gaz et combinaisons de sécurité ont ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 17 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Utilities putting new energy into geothermal sources - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    Reporting from Reno -- Not far from the blinking casinos of this gambler's paradise lies what could be called the Biggest Little Power Plant in the World. Tucked into a few dusty acres across from a shopping mall, it uses steam heat from deep within the Earth's crust to generate electricity. Known as geothermal, the energy is clean, reliable and so abundant that this facility produces more than enough electricity to power every home in Reno, population 221,000.
Energy Net

World Geothermal Power Generation Nearing Eruption - 0 views

    With fossil fuel prices escalating and countries searching for ways to reduce oil dependence and greenhouse gas emissions, capturing the earth's heat for power generation is garnering new attention. First begun in Larderello, Italy, in 1904, electricity generation using geothermal energy is now taking place in 24 countries, 5 of which use it to produce 15 percent or more of their total electricity. In the first half of 2008, total world installed geothermal power capacity passed 10,000 megawatts and now produces enough electricity to meet the needs of 60 million people, roughly the population of the United Kingdom. In 2010, capacity could increase to 13,500 megawatts across 46 countries-equivalent to 27 coal-fired power plants.
Energy Net

Missouri Town Is Running On Vapor - And Thriving : NPR - 0 views

    As the United States grapples for ways to break its dependence on foreign energy sources, one tiny town in Missouri seems to have it figured out. Rock Port, in the northwest tip of the state, has been on the decline for decades, and its population dwindles each year. But a walk up to the old cemetery shows something that has put the wind, literally, back in the town's sails: four massive turbines.
Energy Net

Global warming aside, fresh water dwindling - 0 views

    According to a study published in the July 14, 2000, issue of Science, one-third of the world's population is water-stressed, with 8 percent classified as severely water-stressed, including the western United States and northern Mexico, South America, India, China, Africa surrounding the Sahara Desert, and southern Africa and Australia. "Water stress" has profoundly different meanings in developed and developing countries. In Africa and many parts of Asia, it means inadequate water for drinking, sanitation and crops. In emerging economies such as India and China, it translates as an inability to meet the dietary and lifestyle aspirations of a growing middle class.
Energy Net

Greenhouse bees spread disease to wild bees | Science & Health | Reuters - 0 views

    Disease spread to wild bees from commercially bred bees used for pollination in agriculture greenhouses may be playing a role in the mysterious decline in North American bee populations, researchers said on Tuesday.
Energy Net

White roofs, streets could curb global warming - 0 views

    The idea of painting our roofs and roads white to offset global warming is not new, but a recent study has calculated just how significantly white surfaces could impact greenhouse gas emissions. Last week, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley presented their study at California's annual Climate Change Research Conference in Sacramento. If the 100 largest cities in the world replaced their dark roofs with white shingles and their asphalt-based roads with concrete or other light-colored material, it could offset 44 metric gigatons (billion tons) of greenhouse gases, the study shows. That amounts to more greenhouse gas than the entire human population emits in one year, according to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times. The strategy could also offset the growth in carbon dioxide emissions, which account for about 75% of greenhouse gases, for the next 10 years.
Energy Net

A Japanese Town That Kicked the Oil Habit - TIME - 0 views

    Shin Abe doesn't find it odd that the picturesque little Japanese town of Kuzumaki, where he has lived all his life, generates some of its electricity with cow dung. Nor is the 15-year-old middle school student blown away by the vista of a dozen wind turbines spinning atop the forested peak of nearby Mt. Kamisodegawa. And it's old news to Abe that his school gets 25% of its power from an array of 420 solar panels located near the campus. "That's the way it's been," he shrugs. "It's natural." To Abe, it is. But the blase teen has grown up in an alternative universe - one that might be envisioned by Al Gore. That's because Kuzumaki (population 8,000) has over the past decade transformed itself into a living laboratory for the development of sustainable and diversified energy sources. "When I was growing up, all we had [to generate power] was oil," says Kazunori Fukasawaguchi, a Kuzumaki native who now serves in local government. "I never imagined this kind of change." (Read TIME's Top 10 Green Ideas of 2008.)

Fisheries Technician - 0 views

    A fisheries technician may perform a wide variety of job duties, ranging from repairing equipment and spawning fish species, to conducting a creel census to determine fish population characteristics.
Energy Net

'Small wind' power plants are blowing strong | - 0 views

    DOVER, Mass. - On a recent sunny afternoon Bob Loebelenz pauses to gaze 72 feet into the air at the spinning blades of his wind turbine, a small "clean, free electricity" smile creasing the corners of his mouth. While giant wind turbines that supply power to utilities sprout along ridgelines across the United States, far smaller residential wind generators, like the one Mr. Loebelenz erected in 2003 to power his suburban Boston home, are still unusual in densely populated places.
Energy Net

Europe's Largest Onshore Wind Farm Switched on in Scotland - 0 views

    Renewable Energy World has a report on a new Scottish wind farm - Europe's Largest Onshore Wind Farm Is Switched on in Scotland. Today, the final phase of Europe's largest onshore wind farm is being turned on in Scotland. The 322-megawatt (MW), 140-turbine Whitelee wind farm was built by ScottishPower Renewables, which is part of the Spanish power business Iberdrola. In Spain and internationally, the Iberdrola Group, is the world's largest developer of wind power, with nearly 9700 MW of installed capacity. The wind farm uses Siemens 2.3-MW machines. Positioned 370 meters (1200 feet) above sea level, 15 kilometers (9 miles) outside of Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, the new wind farm has over half a million people living within a 30-km radius of it. It's one of the first large-scale wind farms to be constructed close to a large population center. The first phase of the wind farm started feeding power into the grid in January 2008.

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?371).30 Florence ButtayManuel CHARPY, Claire FREDJ (éd.), Lettres du Mexique. Itinéraires du zouave Augustin-Louis Frélaut 1862-1867, Paris, éditions Nicolas Philippe, 2003, 395 p.31 La campagne d...

started by xblue123 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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Face au sacrifice des combattants du front, de quelle légitimité pouvaient disposer les hauts fonctionnaires, entre modèle militaire de l'obéissance et modèle technicien de la compétence?? Car admi...

started by owen11158 on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

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Face au sacrifice des combattants du front, de quelle légitimité pouvaient disposer les hauts fonctionnaires, entre modèle militaire de l'obéissance et modèle technicien de la compétence?? Car admi...

started by owen11158 on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

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Face au sacrifice des combattants du front, de quelle légitimité pouvaient disposer les hauts fonctionnaires, entre modèle militaire de l'obéissance et modèle technicien de la compétence?? Car admi...

started by owen11158 on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

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Le nombre des réfugiés fran?ais atteindrait 2 millions à son point culminant, en 1918. La dernière année de la guerre est en effet celle où le nombre de réfugiés fran?ais est le plus important. Plu...

started by xshirely445589 on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

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suite. Ce n'est plus la ?Belgique héro?que?. L'armée belge capitule après seulement 18 jours de combats, le 28 mai, et le roi Léopold III refuse de continuer la lutte en Grande-Bretagne. La capitul...

started by xcathy147 on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

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613) - qui auraient brouillé son image. Cette dernière piste semble en effet la plus crédible. Elle montre une fois de plus que le jugement scientifique est trop souvent parasité par des considérat...

started by owen11158 on 10 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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