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Devia Rajput

On The Universe Top 10 Deadly Toxic Snakes - 0 views

    Hi friends here i show you top ten dangerous and most toxic snakes in the world.More especially and dangerous snakes conspiracy us. We will discuss in this article about the most dangerous poisonous snakes. It resolves also be a superior time to point out that something poisonous introduces you with toxin, and something noxious troubles you when you feel or eat it

Non-toxic disinfectant - 3 views

In fact, cleaning services have really become more in demand now, and it is understandable, many people do not want to do the cleaning themselves, so it is easier for them to call a cleaning servic...

Energy Net

Battery made from non-toxic materials may revolutionize electric vehicles - 0 views

    A new battery made from non-toxic materials abundant in the Earth's crust could revolutionize the electric vehicles segment. The battery, powered by LifePO4 - a material used in advanced lithium-ion batteries, was developed by Universite de Montreal researchers.
Joe La Fleur

Video: Green-tech bust Solyndra busted for abandoning toxic waste « Hot Air - 0 views


Non Toxic Pool Service | Green Entrepreneurship Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Keeping the backyard pool fresh and sparkling clean is a lot of hard work, it also needs a lot of chemicals. These chemicals are hard on our hair, our eyes, our skin and our clothing as well. They are also bad for the environment.
Energy Net

Scientist Invents Truly Green Battery - Chlorophyll Green, That Is | greenUPGRADER - 0 views

    The problem with batteries is that they often contain toxic chemicals that can leach out into the environment. But what if the chemicals were completely natural? Professor Chungpin Liao and researchers at Coherent Control Laboratory in Taiwan are thinking in that direction. They have invented an organic battery powered by chlorophyll - the green-colored photosynthetic pigments found in most plant life.
Energy Net

A Promising Catalyst for Solar-Based Hydrogen Energy Production - 0 views

    Scientists have found that a polymer material is an excellent catalyst in a process to produce hydrogen fuel using sunlight and water. The material meets the basic requirements for an ideal catalyst -- including being abundant, easy to work with, and non-toxic -- and could help this "green" alternative-energy production method become mainstream. Creating hydrogen gas by splitting water (H2O) molecules with solar energy is a promising way of generating hydrogen fuel, which, by either being burned directly or used in fuel cells, can power many types of vehicles, including automobiles, buses, and even airplanes. The study's corresponding scientist is Xinchen Wang, a chemist affiliated with the Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, and Fouzhou University in Fouzhou, China.
Energy Net

Technology Review: Cheaper White-Light LEDs - 0 views

    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are better than compact fluorescent bulbs--LEDs use less energy, last longer, and contain no toxic mercury--but for general white-light illumination, they're still far too expensive for mass adoption. Now, researchers at Purdue University have taken a step toward making white LEDs with cheaper materials.
Energy Net

Wasting Away - The Center for Public Integrity - 0 views

    Toxic waste still plagues American communities 27 years after the U.S. government set up a program to identify and clean up the country's worst sites. A one-year investigation by the Center for Public Integrity reveals the beleaguered state of the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund effort, uncovers the companies and government agencies linked to the most sites and tracks progress of the clean up.
Energy Net

Newsvine - Organic vs Non-organic - 0 views

    How important is it to eat organic? Is it a fad, a craze or is it a warning against chemical fertilizers and GMO crops, which will help protect the next generation? Organic farming is natural farming, that means no chemical fertilisers, no genetic modification for either food crops or feed crops. Commercial farming pushing demand for agricultural produce forced a shift towards chemical fertilisers and farming methods to maximise output, for maximum profit, unaware of the significantly unnatural processes being used can be harmful. At the consumer level organic produce is a relatively new phenomena. On the supermarket shelves we are finding products labelled 'organic', most of us think it means 'natural' or 'cruelty free'. When you buy organic you are buying a green product . That means methods such as green fertilisers, crop rotation and biological pest controls are used instead of toxic chemical fertilisers and genetically modified organisms which are harmful to the land. Organic farming composes about 2% of all farming on the planet.

Cosmetic Cause Health Problems | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Personel care items like cosmetic including mascara foundations, body lotions and soaps, hair style products very vital value regarding health and science. Everybody used toxic chemicals in the form of cosmetics. How we take good and healthy steps for good and safe beauty.
Joy (Goodluck) Johnathan

Goodlucks Eco Friendly Earth - 1 views

Do What is Right for Mother Earth Humans have altered 19 % of the worlds coastlines and seriously altered life for thousands of species. The price we are paying f...

alternative coal energy green hydro hydrogen nuclear renewable solar wind biomass

started by Joy (Goodluck) Johnathan on 04 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Alex Parker

Minute mercenaries - tackling nuclear waste with microbiology - 1 views

    Groundbreaking research showing the potential of microbes to treat radioactive waste has shed light on how toxic materials could be disposed of in the future.

ralph lauren feather jacket on sale - 0 views

The poll released today was commissioned from independent firm Franklin, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates - FM3, for the Natural Resources Defense Council. It was conducted among 802 voters f...

started by linda55236 on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

polo ralph lauren sale The research - 0 views

The oxygen is released into the air, and the lithium ions are stored in the battery as lithium metal after capturing the electrons.When the battery discharges, it chemically consumes oxygen from th...

started by xlisa123 on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Kitchen Biscuits Cake Mold Cookie Press Maker - 0 views

Features: 1.Made of high-quality food grade PS + PP, durable and non-toxic. 2.Comes with 13 tips of different patterns, help to create various cookies. 3.Cookie press gun set with ABS plastic easy-...

started by ava777 on 16 May 19 no follow-up yet
Arabica Robusta

Reality check for 'miracle' biofuel crop - SciDev.Net - 5 views

  • It has only been in the past few years that interest in jatropha as a biofuel crop has mounted, particularly because of its purported ability to thrive on marginal land and in drought conditions. As for claims about the tree's fast-growing nature, early fruiting, pest and disease resistance due to its toxicity, and its potential to not only produce biodiesel, but also as fuel for light and heat for cooking.
  • The main finding of the Reality Check is that jatropha is not economically viable when grown by smallholders in Kenya, either in a monoculture or intercrop plantation model. This is due to low yields and high production costs, and a lack of guidelines for applying agronomic and silvicultural best practices.
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