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Customized Programs - Peak Performance Seminars - Your Wingman - 0 views

    Let Waldo help make your next corporate meeting or training event a unique and exciting experience with a motivational keynote address or leadership training seminar.
Energy Net

U.S. energy policy is huge in election BESCHLOSS: Ample natural gas | | Th... - 0 views

    t's becoming crystal clear that the resolution of America's energy crisis is now the centerpiece of the current election campaign; it could conceivably be the decisive issue that decides the future occupant of the White House. Advertisement This is increasingly motivated by public opinion, which heavily favors a "drill now" commitment.
Energy Net

Good news for wind, bad for ethanol in major energy study - 0 views

    Growing concerns over climate change and energy security have kicked research on alternative energy sources into high gear. The list of options continues to expand, yet few papers have comprehensively reviewed them. And fewer still have weighed the pros and cons in as much depth as a new study published earlier this month in the journal, Energy & Environmental Science. The results are a mixed bag of logical conclusions and startling wake-up calls. The review pits twelve combinations of electric power generation and vehicular motivation against each other. It is a battle royal of nine electric power sources, three vehicle technologies, and two liquid fuel sources. It rates each combination based on eleven categories. And it was all compiled by one man, Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Project Get Ready Aims to Create Electric Vehicle Revolution - 0 views

    WorldChanging has a post on a Rocky Mountain Institute backed initiative to pave the way fro smart grids and electric vehicles - Project Get Ready Aims to Create Electric Vehicle Revolution. Creating a well functioning smart grid - cyclically connected to smart vehicles and buildings and houses, as well as personal and public renewable energy systems - will be no small infrastructure feat. Utility providers, technology innovators, neighborhood councils and local governments will need to come together to provide needed support -- both monetarily and ideologically. Although U.S. President Obama and the recently passed stimulus plan are pushing the renewable, electric energy revolution forward, residents across the nation might need more motivation to make the leap from fossil fuel users to plug-in pioneers. A new project, headed by "think-and-do" tank the Rocky Mountain Institute, is offering to help city leaders provide community members with that extra inspiration. The initiative, Project Get Ready, supplies a menu of strategies that are meant to help cities prepare for the "plug-in" transition. According to RMI, problems related to individual hesitancy toward purchasing electric vehicles and investing in the infrastructure itself, can "be overcome if cities/regions become ecosystems that welcome electric vehicles."
Gina-Marie Cheeseman

The Power of Moms: Transforming Grassroots Environmentalism | Use - 0 views

    Stories about moms turned activists resonate with me. Having a child with persistent asthma, after all, motivated me to start advocating for cleaner air and lower emissions through websites like this one. There is nothing quite like the mothering instinct kicked into overdrive and funneled into the effort to protect and preserve the land, air, and water for our children. On a less serious note, the chaos of early parenthood is possibly the best training available for battling environmental damage.

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De cette fa?on, vous venez de conna?tre l'importance de cette langue dans différentes parties du monde. écoutez de la musique locale et regarder des programmes TV autant que vous le pouvez, cela vo...

started by center0213 on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Andrew Mortimer - Australia - 0 views

    I am a highly motivated, versatile, professional performer and choreographer as well as being a qualified and fully registered teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance, the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and the International Dance Teachers Association.

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En toile de fond, ce sont l'incompréhension et le fait de ne pas ?comprendre que des élèves ne comprennent pas?, qui animent les efforts de certains stagiaires en vue de créer un besoin d'apprendre...

started by xfiona3322116 on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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Lacoste Femme Pas Cher Il - 0 views

Jamais une équipe n'avait marqué 4 buts dans une mi-temps dans toute l'histoire de la compétition européenne. C'est maintenant fait !Florent Manaudou a été battu par l'Ukrainien Andrii Govorov ce d...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 04 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

Lacoste Femme Pas Cher Il - 0 views

Jamais une équipe n'avait marqué 4 buts dans une mi-temps dans toute l'histoire de la compétition européenne. C'est maintenant fait !Florent Manaudou a été battu par l'Ukrainien Andrii Govorov ce d...

Lacoste Femme Pas Cher Homme

started by descendants1 descendants1 on 04 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
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Lacoste Femme Pas Cher Si - 0 views

Le capitaine emblématique de l'ESTAC, qui a déjà passé dix ans sous le maillot bleu et blanc, entrecoupées par quatre saisons à Caen, va donc terminer sa carrière à Troyes, à 40 ans passés (il les ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 22 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
Doughlas David

One Step Closer To Your Dreams - 1 views

The trains and railways provide speed and ease to travelling passengers. I love trains and that motivates me to Become a train driver. I really want to drive a train myself. I want to take every ...

Become a train driver

started by Doughlas David on 01 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
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La fédération du Vaucluse, dirigée par la députée Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, avait relayé sur son site internet l'appel à manifester et notamment des consignes pour du tractage. Mais ""le FN du Vauclu...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 17 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
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500, et environ 8.500 à l'extérieur, massés dans le stade de rugby pour regarder la rencontre sur écrans géants. Toutes proportions gardées, "le CSP, c'est l'OM du basket", avait dit à leur propos ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 26 Jun 15 no follow-up yet

Products - Waldo - Your Wingman - 0 views

    Waldo's message to you is simple - whether achieving victory as a fighter pilot, in business, or in life, the same qualities that ensure success apply: focus, discipline, integrity, teamwork, leadership, overcoming your fears, and maintaining a commitment to excellence.

Waldo's Intro - Meeting Planners - 0 views

    Ladies and Gentlemen! Our keynote speaker is Rob 'Waldo' Waldman. When Waldo was 8 years old, he got his first whiff of jet fuel and knew he was destined to fly! A graduate of the Air Force Academy, he is a decorated F-16 fighter pilot with more than 65 combat missions...

Sales Seminars - Waldo - Your Wingman - 0 views

    Waldo's sales seminars will empower your organization to maximize its performance in highly competitive and demanding business environments.

Value Added Topics - Peak Performance Seminars - Your Wingman - 0 views

    No fighter pilot flies a combat mission solo and neither should you! Wingmen are those men and women in a fighter pilot's formation who assist in accomplishing a mission. In business, wingmen are those men and women in your business and life who help you to win when the heat is on. The trusting relationships you build with your wingmen are critical to your success in life.

Walk the Flight Line: Get Dirty with Your Troops - 0 views

    When your squadron commander meets you at your jet, it's normally not a good sign. "Waldo, we need to talk," he said as he headed for the aircraft hangar. Had I messed up? Was I in trouble? I gulped. Was something wrong at home?
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