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Gameiro a éteint le débat étrange sur son niveau international, l'affaire n'étant pas une question de statistiques ou d'âge mais de vécu. La carrière de l'ancien Parisien et ses trophées en Ligue E...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 08 Oct 16 no follow-up yet
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"RIEN NE PEUT ARRÊTER LA RÉFORME"Manuel Valls, qui avait mis la direction sous pression avant d'apporter son soutien à son protocole de sortie de conflit, a invité dans un communiqué à "reprendre a...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 29 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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«J'ai bien servi, j'ai bien varié, je ne lui ai pas donné de balles de break, je suis content de ce premier match», s'est félicité le vainqueur de l'US Open 2012, ravi d'avoir évolué sous le toit d...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 02 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

Products - Waldo - Your Wingman - 0 views

    Waldo's message to you is simple - whether achieving victory as a fighter pilot, in business, or in life, the same qualities that ensure success apply: focus, discipline, integrity, teamwork, leadership, overcoming your fears, and maintaining a commitment to excellence.

Waldo's Intro - Meeting Planners - 0 views

    Ladies and Gentlemen! Our keynote speaker is Rob 'Waldo' Waldman. When Waldo was 8 years old, he got his first whiff of jet fuel and knew he was destined to fly! A graduate of the Air Force Academy, he is a decorated F-16 fighter pilot with more than 65 combat missions...

Value Added Topics - Peak Performance Seminars - Your Wingman - 0 views

    No fighter pilot flies a combat mission solo and neither should you! Wingmen are those men and women in a fighter pilot's formation who assist in accomplishing a mission. In business, wingmen are those men and women in your business and life who help you to win when the heat is on. The trusting relationships you build with your wingmen are critical to your success in life.
opinions1 opinions1

Ralph Lauren pas cher - 0 views

«J'ai bien servi, j'ai bien varié, je ne lui ai pas donné de balles de break, je suis content de ce premier match», s'est félicité le vainqueur de l'US Open 2012, ravi d'avoir évolué sous le toit d...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 31 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
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Vous rappelez-vous du programme d'ordinateur qui agen?ait les vêtements de Cher dans le film Clueless? Il est en train de devenir réalité... Des chercheurs de l'Université de Toronto, ont développé...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 29 Jun 15 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Low Temperature Geothermal Power - 0 views

    The ABC recently had a report on plans to power north-west Queensland with low temperature geothermal power using hot water from the Great Artesian Basin. A Brisbane-based company says it could supply geothermal power to all of north-west Queensland. Clean Energy Australasia wants to build a $50 million geothermal power station near Longreach. But it has now also revealed plans to build a pilot geothermal project near BHP's Cannington mine at McKinlay, south of Cloncurry. The company's Joe Reichman says the Mount Isa region needs about 500 megawatts of power a year and geothermal resources could easily provide that. "It'll change the region into a powerhouse," he said. Mr Reichman says the company has applied for federal and state government grants and has support from the major mining companies in the region. If the projects proceed they would be the first geothermal power plants in Australia.
Energy Net

Algae-to-Kerosene Jet Fuel Snags $3M « Earth2Tech - 0 views

    Scientists working at Arizona State University's Laboratory for Algae Research & Biotechnology hope that tiny algae will be able to fuel jumbo jets. Now, their research is being spun-off as a $3 million research and commercialization collaboration between Heliae Development and Science Foundation Arizona to develop, produce and sell kerosene-based aviation fuel derived from algae. The researchers say they've already moved their work from the lab bench to a pilot-scale demonstration and production project.
Energy Net

Coal Power Plant Retrofit With Solar : EcoWorldly - 0 views

    New South Wales, Australia is the site of a pilot project where solar thermal technology reduces the use of fossil fuels. Coal and solar generate electricity using the same turbines. Coal power plants can utilize solar to produce 15%-60% of the electricity. A higher quantity is possible, but requires significantly more modifications to be made to the coal boilers.
Energy Net

Workers Retrain for Wind-Energy Jobs | - 0 views

    One man in the classroom earned more than $100,000 framing tract homes during the building heyday. Another installed pools and piloted a backhoe. Behind him sat a young father who made a good living swinging a hammer in southern Utah. But that was before construction jobs vanished like a fast-moving dust storm in this blustery high desert. Hard times have brought them to a classroom in Kern County, about 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles, to learn a different trade. Tonight's lesson: how to avoid death and dismemberment. This is Wind Technology Boot Camp at Cerro Coso Community College, where eight weeks of study and $1,000 in tuition might lead to a job repairing mammoth wind turbines sprouting up across the nation.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Wave Energy to Bring Power and Jobs to San Francisco - 0 views

    CleanTechnica has a post from San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom on the city's proposal to build a wave power plant offshore - Wave Energy to Bring Power and Jobs to San Francisco. Today, San Francisco took a meaningful step toward turning the promise of renewable ocean energy into reality. We submitted a preliminary permit application to the federal government to develop a wave power project off our coast that we believe can generate between 10 to 30 megawatts of energy, with potential of up to 100 megawatts. When this project is fully operational, upwards of 100 jobs could be created in San Francisco. Ocean power is a true "game changer" in the area of renewable energy. When wave and tidal power technologies reach commercial scale, they are expected to be able to provide thousands of megawatts of power to our coastal communities, dramatically green our energy portfolios and create thousands of new American jobs. In San Francisco, we've been doing our part to spur these technologies by aggressively advancing tidal and wave power pilot projects. We are 100% committed to this challenge. Wave power is not a new concept. In 1887, San Francisco Mayor Adolph Sutro recognized the power of San Francisco's waves and built a wave catch-basin to harness the ocean's power. Over the next century wave power development took a backseat to our dependence on oil, with oil platforms built along our coasts to feed our oil addiction.
Energy Net

Giant Turbine Offers 20% Efficiency Boost : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Officially grid-connected and set to work this week in Germany is a new wind tower from ATS. The novel tower construction allows very high hub heights that may increase a turbine's yield by 20% or more. With its hub height of 133 meters (436 feet), the system has an overall height of 180 meters (590 feet). "This is a great day for wind energy." said Frans Brughuis, Managing Director of the tower construction specialist Advanced Tower Systems (ATS). "Now the pilot project can demonstrate the high cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the ATS concept," The system, one of the largest wind energy systems with hybrid tower in the world, is installed at Germany's Windtest test field at Grevenbroich, near Cologne.
Energy Net

Time to try renewable energy - Business - News & Observer - 0 views

    The article "Renewable energy potential" (Work&Money, Editor's Choice, June 7) provided interesting and useful information. Now it is time to begin to use more renewable energy in North Carolina. One of our electric utility companies should develop a pilot project in one of the high-wind areas off the North Carolina coast. This energy could be used to provide some power to Elizabeth City, Manteo or any other city located on the northern part of our coast. Our electric utility companies have many intelligent engineers who could use new technology to build wind turbines that can withstand strong storms. If other states in the Northeast can build wind farms off their coasts, then North Carolina can surely do the same.

Woodworking Drill Bit Set (5pcs ) - 0 views

Four piece set includes bits for drilling pilot holes for screw sizes #5, #6,#8,#10 and #12 Special designed steel counter sleeve countersinks or counter bores pilot hole Adjustable counter sleeve ...

started by ava777 on 19 May 19 no follow-up yet
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Il n'était pas apparu en public depuis près de neuf mois. Fidel Castro, le père de la révolution cubaine de près de 90 ans, a fait taire les rumeurs sur sa mort. Il s'est exprimé jeudi sur les géné...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 14 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
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Goose Chilliwack Bomber pas cher - 0 views

Mais pas par calcul : " C'était un gars sanguin, mais sincère. À partir de là beaucoup de choses peuvent être excusées. Dès qu'on voulait le voir, il n'y avait pas de souci. On connaissait son temp...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 29 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
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sac longchamp pas cher Je - 0 views

«Je ne suis pas près d'oublier», s'est réjoui le pilote néo-zélandais.Hayden Paddon (Hyundai) : «Même avec trente secondes d'avance ce matin (dimanche matin), je me disais que cela allait être serr...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 25 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
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