it seems clear that Project-based learning (PBL) groups—I'm thinking literature circles--should be an excellent vehicle for their learning in a large classroom (next year 30+ sizes)
Discourse community
Swales (1990) found that a discourse community
has a
broadly agreed set of common public goals
mechanisms of intercommunication among its members
uses its
participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback
utilizes and
hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative utterance of its
has acquired
some specific lexis (specialized terminology, acronyms)
has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and
discoursal expertise.
Discourse communitySwales (1990) found that a discourse communityhas a broadly agreed set of common public goalshas mechanisms of intercommunication among its membersuses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedbackutilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative utterance of its aimshas acquired some specific lexis (specialized terminology, acronyms)has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise.
Glenda teaches us how to teach students to mimic one of the masters of prose-Jane Austen. Mimicry is often a great writing exercise for students who need to examine style.
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# At this point, there are pupils who usually ask, "Is this a poem? What's so poetic about it?," which leads to the discussion about the tone and style of the poem; the powerful contrast between the explosive content of the poem and its dry, objective, al
NPR documentary on the first battle in the war over textbooks--70s style. Texas is implementing round two in 2010, and we have not even attempted to deal with the advent of eBooks yet!
comprehensive resources to find and cite primary sources. our senior seminar will visit the Library of Congress next year as the beginning of the research project. Provides citation examples and guides for MLA and Chicago styles.
From Mark Rounds: Web-Ed Tools
"The art of online storytelling is all about presentation. As a non-linear storytelling engine, Projeqt gives creatives the ability to weave together stories dripping with style and personality from Flickr photos, RSS feeds, tweets, YouTube or Vimeo videos, and any media stored on their own computers.Users can craft "projeqts," whatever their purpose may be, by adding content in the form of slides. Create a slide, name it, add tags, and fill the slide with a photo, text, video or feed. Slides are published to create the web story and be can reordered via drag and drop. Users can also create a projeqt within a projeqt to serve as a story inside a story.In private beta right now... It took me a week to get my invite."
"Learning Strategies
Learning strategies refer to methods that students use to learn. This ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying or test-taking strategies. For example, the method of loci is a classic memory improvement technique; it involves making associations between facts to be remembered and particular locations. In order to remember something, you simply visualize places and the associated facts.
Some learning strategies involve changes to the design of instruction. For example, the use of questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the degree of learning (see Ausubel). Methods that attempt to increase the degree of learning that occurs have been called "mathemagenic" (Ropthkopf, 1970).
A typical study skill program is SQ3R which suggests 5 steps: (1) survey the material to be learned, (2) develop questions about the material, (3) read the material, (4) recall the key ideas, and (5) review the material.
Research on metacognition may be relevant to the study of learning strategies in so far as they are both concerned with control processes. A number of learning theories emphasize the importance of learning strategies including: double loop learning ( Argyris ), conversation theory (Pask), and lateral thinking ( DeBono ). Weinstein (1991) discusses learning strategies in the context of social interaction, an important aspect of Situated Learning Theory.
H.F. O'Neil (1978). Learning strategies. New York: Academic Press.
H.F. O'Neil & C. Spielberger (1979). Cognitive and Affective Learning Strategies. New York: Academic Press.
Rothkopf, E. (1970). The concept of mathemagenic behavior. Review of Educational Research, 40, 325-336.
Schmeck, R.R. (1986). Learning Styles and Learning Strategies. NY: Plenum.
Weinstein, C.E., Goetz, E.T., & Alexander, P.A. (1986). Learning and Study Strategies. NY: Academic Press.
Weinstein, C.S. (1991). The classroom as a social context for learning. Annual Revi
For a while the NEA experimented with “belles-lettres,” a misunderstood term that favors style over substance and did not capture the personal essence and foundation of the literature they were seeking. Eventually one of the NEA members in the meeting that day pointed out that a rebel in his English department was campaigning for the term “creative nonfiction.” That rebel was me.
literary craft in presenting nonfiction—that is, factually accurate prose about real people and events—in a compelling, vivid manner. To p
real demarcation points between fiction, which is or can be mostly imagination; traditional nonfiction (journalism and scholarship), which is mostly information; and creative nonfiction, which presents or treats information using the tools of the fiction writer while maintaining allegiance to fact.
George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London, James Baldwin’s Notes of a Native Son Ernest Hemingway’s Death in the Afternoon, and Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff are classic creative nonfiction efforts—
communicate information (reportage) in a scenic, dramatic fashion.
offers flexibility and freedom while adhering to the basic tenets of reportage. In creative nonfiction, writers can be poetic and journalistic simultaneously
inematic techniques, from scene to dialogue to description to point of view, to write about themselves and ot