The "Top 25" Web sites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover.
* Organizing and Managing
* Content Collaboration
* Curriculum Sharing
* Media Sharing
* Virtual Environments
* Social Networking and Communication
Ryan Goble, who often coaches teachers in what he calls the "mindful" use of technology, has written today's guest post on user-friendly tools that enable the creation of student projects.
A virtual classroom that combines multiple platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc...) using a teacher and student-friendly interface. It looks promising for the ELA classroom, although my concern would be the openness of the site, although it does look like privacy settings are available. Possibly best used with older high school students? is your gateway to a bounty of free online family-friendly RealeBooks ("Really Books") - striking picture books, written and designed by students, teachers, and parents from around the world with RealeWriter ("Really Writer") software so ea