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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Florence Devouard

Florence Devouard

File:Video prova il tasto modifica - Wikipedia dietro le quinte.webm - Wikimedia Commons - 1 views

    English: Video about how to edit wikipedia by Alessandro Serravalle. Italiano: L'animazione mostra simbolicamente la creazione e la crescita di una pagina di Wikipedia, ovvero il dietro le quinte che solitamente i lettori non vedono. Lo stile riprende la natura work in progress di Wikipedia, attraverso il continuo mutamento di una pagina eseguito da più persone. Viene data importanza alla funzione "modifica", fondamentale per iniziare a contribuire a Wikipedia.
Florence Devouard

Watch Dogs - 2 views

    This is test page
Florence Devouard

Third-party MediaWiki users discussion/Contacted by Mitevam - MediaWiki - 0 views

    Individuals/businesses, who use MediaWiki professionally as part of their business have been chosen.Some MediaWiki installations. Hosting companies for MediaWiki.
Florence Devouard

Ranking of videos related to WikiSkills - 5 views

video wikis
started by Florence Devouard on 03 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Florence Devouard

Teaching and learning online with wikis - 0 views

    Description of wiki set up in a university with scenario "breaking the ice"
Florence Devouard

Research, Analysis, & Education at Wikimania - 1 views

    Three talks (check out comments) 1) position of academics with regards to Wikipedia 2) case study of 8 projects of encyclopedias which failed 3) taking offline wikipedia to schools (wikipedia as an educational tool in developing countries)
Florence Devouard

how non-monetary awards and incentives do and do not work (Wikipedia) - 1 views

    Check out the first talk The first talk is "Can Social Awards Create Better Wikis?" submitted by Aaron Shaw and Benjamin Mako Hill. In this presentation, two sociologists studying online communities present findings from three studies that give us insight into when and how non-monetary awards and incentives do and do not work.
Florence Devouard

Sensibilisation à l'écriture collaborative sur Wikipédia - 0 views

    Sensibilisation à l'écriture collaborative sur Wikipédia : la question du sourçage, la réutilisation du contenu, comment participer à son échelle quand on est lycéen ? © 2011 Mission TICE - CRDP de Versailles
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