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Thanasis Priftis

Council conclusions on the role of early childhood education and primary education in f... - 4 views

    "Encourage teacher education institutions, ECEC professionals' training institutions and in-service training providers to adapt their programmes with a view to accommodating new learning tools and developing appropriate pedagogies aimed at fostering creativity and innovation from an early age. 2. Encourage education providers or the relevant authorities, as appropriate, to equip schools and ECEC facilities to a suitable level in order to nurture creative and innovative capacities. 3. Encourage the providers of initial and continuous professional development programmes for both teachers and ECEC professionals to give consideration to effective methods for fostering curiosity, experimentation, creative and critical thinking and cultural understanding - for instance through art, music and theatre - and to explore the potential of creative partnerships. 4. Promote the development of formal, non-formal and informal learning activities for children which are aimed at fostering creativity and innovation, whilst also recognising the important role of parents and families."
Thanasis Priftis

A Cowaboo story on "copyfraud" - 2 views

    Un copyfraud est une fausse déclaration de possession de droit d'auteur faite dans le but d'acquérir le contrôle d'une œuvre quelconque. La définition a été proposée en 2006 par Jason Mazzone, un professeur associé en droit à la Brooklyn Law School. Related bookmarks: - Twitter, le micro-plagiat et la physique quantique du copyright - Fêter le patrimoine, mais laisser disparaître le domaine public ? | :: S.I.Lex :: - L'inverse du piratage, c'est le copyfraud, et on n'en parle pas | Hotel Wikipedia | Rue89 Les blogs cest-le-copyfraud-et-personne-nen-parle Related articles: - Copyfraud More stories: - When it comes to censorship, WordPress has your back Automattic, WordPress's parent company, has a new transparency report that shows that they've bounced 43% of their 2015 copyright censorship demands for being frivolous or invalid.
yves boisselier

Young Digital Makers - Bearing Consulting - 0 views

    As reported by Nesta, an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life: As technology shapes our world, young people need to be able to shape it too. As skills and work become increasingly technologically mediated, the need for digital skills is paramount with some calculating a potential £2 billion loss to the UK economy from unfilled roles requiring such skills. After several years working with organisations supporting digital making, and with creating with technology set to go mainstream through a forthcoming BBC campaign, this report takes stock of what is happening. Key Findings: 82 per cent of young people say they are interested in digital making. However, half of young people make things with digital technology less than once a week or never. Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of digital making. 89 per cent think it is a worthwhile activity for their children. 73 per cent encourage their children to make things with technology. We identified 130,800 opportunities to experience digital making provided by the organisations surveyed. This is a long way from providing for the interest shown by 82 per cent of our survey, which represents a possible 8.2 million school age children and young people in the UK. Digital making is powered not just by money, but also by volunteers. Two thirds of the organisations identified said they relied on volunteers to do their work. Only half of teachers who teach ICT or computing report being confident in teaching the curriculum.
Thanasis Priftis

The mystery of the digital natives' existence: Questioning the validity of the Prenskia... - 0 views

    "Net Generation (Tapscott, 2009, 1998; Oblinger and Oblinger, 2005), Generation Y (Zhao and Liu, 2008; Halse and Mallinson, 2009), Millennials (Howe and Strauss, 2000), Homo Zappiens (Veen, 2003) and i-Generation (Rosen, 2010). The labels used to describe the generation of young people and their relation with technology are numerous. Over the past few years, one of the notions, which might have had more echoes among parents, teachers, and policy-makers is those of "digital natives" introduced in 2001 by Mark Prensky. The metaphor has had enduring influence on how the educational system perceives students and technology. Most scholars do not like it, for various reasons. Among other problems, the term implies that technological abilities are innate rather than taught and learned. The aim of this contribution is not to join the existing debate about the existence of digital native but to examine if there is any empirical evidence to support the use of that metaphor in the first place, questioning its usefulness to depict particular generations of young people"

Émancipation - Wikipédia - 0 views

    Émancipation en éthologie : transition au cours de laquelle un jeune sédentaire qui dépend entièrement de ses parents pour la nourriture et la protection, devient indépendant et peut se déplacer seul.

Dade School - 2 views

Visit www3.dadeschools for comprehensive access to Miami-Dade County Public Schools' resources, including academic information, student services, and enrollment details. This portal serves as a vit...

started by philljones22 on 26 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
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