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Thanasis Priftis

Council conclusions on the role of early childhood education and primary education in f... - 4 views

    "Encourage teacher education institutions, ECEC professionals' training institutions and in-service training providers to adapt their programmes with a view to accommodating new learning tools and developing appropriate pedagogies aimed at fostering creativity and innovation from an early age. 2. Encourage education providers or the relevant authorities, as appropriate, to equip schools and ECEC facilities to a suitable level in order to nurture creative and innovative capacities. 3. Encourage the providers of initial and continuous professional development programmes for both teachers and ECEC professionals to give consideration to effective methods for fostering curiosity, experimentation, creative and critical thinking and cultural understanding - for instance through art, music and theatre - and to explore the potential of creative partnerships. 4. Promote the development of formal, non-formal and informal learning activities for children which are aimed at fostering creativity and innovation, whilst also recognising the important role of parents and families."

Technologie de rupture - Wikipédia - 3 views

    "est une innovation technologique qui porte sur un produit ou un service et qui finit par remplacer une technologie dominante sur un marché"
    "est une innovation technologique qui porte sur un produit ou un service et qui finit par remplacer une technologie dominante sur un marché"
Thanasis Priftis

Plateformes en Communs - 0 views

    "Plateformes en Communs est un projet de la Coop des Communs. Nous regroupons des personnes venant de cultures différentes (Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Économie collaborative, Communs) qui souhaitent créer des alliances et des convergences entre ces mondes. Nous pensons qu'une nouvelle génération de plateformes collaboratives émergent et nous accompagnons leur structuration et les innovations sociales qu'elles portent : nouvelles gouvernances plus inclusives pour leurs communautés, partage de la valeur, innovations organisationnelles..."
yves boisselier

Young Digital Makers - Bearing Consulting - 0 views

    As reported by Nesta, an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life: As technology shapes our world, young people need to be able to shape it too. As skills and work become increasingly technologically mediated, the need for digital skills is paramount with some calculating a potential £2 billion loss to the UK economy from unfilled roles requiring such skills. After several years working with organisations supporting digital making, and with creating with technology set to go mainstream through a forthcoming BBC campaign, this report takes stock of what is happening. Key Findings: 82 per cent of young people say they are interested in digital making. However, half of young people make things with digital technology less than once a week or never. Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of digital making. 89 per cent think it is a worthwhile activity for their children. 73 per cent encourage their children to make things with technology. We identified 130,800 opportunities to experience digital making provided by the organisations surveyed. This is a long way from providing for the interest shown by 82 per cent of our survey, which represents a possible 8.2 million school age children and young people in the UK. Digital making is powered not just by money, but also by volunteers. Two thirds of the organisations identified said they relied on volunteers to do their work. Only half of teachers who teach ICT or computing report being confident in teaching the curriculum.

Clayton M. Christensen - Wikipedia - 0 views

    "He is best known for his study of innovation in commercial enterprises"

Rupture technologique - Définition - 0 views

    "Conception, développement et introduction d'une innovation technologique radicale, c'est-à-dire d'une technologie profondément différente des technologies dominantes précédentes (Tushman & Anderson, 1986)"

Paul Baran - URFIST Info - 1 views

    "[Paul Baran], ancien ingénieur de la RAND Corporation, méconnu du grand public et des internautes, est pourtant l'un des pionniers d'Internet, et il restera comme l'un des inventeurs (avec Kleinrock et les Anglais Davies et Scantelbury) d'une innovation majeure, qui aura révolutionné le monde des télécommunications puis plus tard bouleversé le monde entier : la transmission par paquets, à la base du fonctionnement d'Internet."

Stéphane Riot - vidéo en franÇais - 0 views

    Stéphane Riot  parle de ses inspiratios et ses rêves sur l'innovation de business model et la co-révolution
Thanasis Priftis - #WeAreNotWaiting to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes - 0 views

    "The Open Artificial Pancreas System project (#OpenAPS) is an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic Artificial Pancreas System (APS) technology widely available to more quickly improve and save as many lives as possible and reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes. OpenAPS means basic overnight closed loop APS technology is more widely available to anyone with compatible medical devices who is willing to build their own system. We believe that we can make safe and effective APS technology available more quickly, to more people, rather than just waiting for current APS efforts to complete clinical trials and be FDA-approved and commercialized through traditional processes. And in the process, we believe we can engage the untapped potential of dozens or possibly hundreds of patient innovators and independent researchers and also make APS technology available to hundreds or thousands of people willing to participate as subjects in clinical trials."
Thanasis Priftis

Munich commits to "Public Money? Public Code!" - 0 views

    "The FSFE welcomes the "Public Money? Public Code!" policy by the new Munich government. After the last government of SPD and CSU had distanced itself from the prior progressive Free Software strategy this is now a positive signal again. Public administrations following the principle of "Public Money? Public Code!" can benefit from collaboration with other public bodies, independence from single vendors, potential tax savings, increased innovation, and a better basis for IT security.", says Matthias Kirschner, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe."
Thanasis Priftis

The Digital Services Act: ensuring a safe and accountable online environment | European... - 0 views

    Frances Haugen: the EU has a 'once-in-a-generation opportunity' to regulate Facebook
    The new rules are proportionate, foster innovation, growth and competitiveness, and facilitate the scaling up of smaller platforms, SMEs and start-ups. The responsibilities of users, platforms, and public authorities are rebalanced according to European values, placing citizens at the centre. The rules Better protect consumers and their fundamental rights online Establish a powerful transparency and a clear accountability framework for online platforms Foster innovation, growth and competitiveness within the single market

Nouvelles technologies - Wikipédia - 0 views

    Les NTIC regroupent les innovations réalisées en matière de volume de stockage et de rapidité du traitement de l' information ainsi que son transport grâce au numérique et aux nouveaux moyens de télécommunication ( fibre optique, câble, satellites, techniques sans fil). Leur impact s'étend sur de multiples domaines, notamment sur notre mode de vie et notre économie.

Transfert de connaissances - 0 views

    Le transfert de connaissances, dans les domaines du développement et de l'apprentissage de l'organisation, est le problème pratique de la transmission de données d'une partie de l'organisation à une autre (ou aux autres) partie(s). Comme la gestion des connaissances, le transfert de connaissances cherche à organiser, créer, capturer ou distribuer des connaissances et assurer leur disponibilité pour les futurs utilisateurs.

Label - Wikipédia - 0 views

    les labels attribués après une notation, permettant aux ESN ( dont les startup), d'obtenir une distinction par rapport à ses concurrents : French Tech, Label TRUXT, Label STARTRUXT, Label ENR, Label CNIL

L'eLearning, un soutien pédagogique - 2 views

    Site institutionnel de l'Université de Liège. Seule université publique complète de la Communauté française de Belgique, l'Université de Liège est pluraliste, poursuivant un objectif d'excellence dans les missions qui sont les siennes : former, chercher, innover. Elle est membre de l Académie universitaire Wallonie-Europe, avec la Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux, intégrée désormais à l'ULg.

Innovation par les Business Model - video en franÇais - 2 views

    Présentation de Yves Pigneur, professeur HEC et co-auteur du bestseller "Business Model Generation". Comment rêver votre futur en jouant et dessinant son modèle d'affaires ?

Neutralité du net : la Commission vante une "approche équilibrée" - 0 views

    Le commissaire européen en charge du numérique Günther Oettinger, qui avait envoyé des signaux négatifs dès son audition d'intronisation par les parlementaires, ne fait rien pour rassurer sur le sort qu'il compte donner à la neutralité du net dans la législation de l'Union européenne.
Thanasis Priftis

Innovation Excellence | Crowdsourcing Economies with Collaboration - 0 views

    "According to Venture Capital (VC) database CB Insights, the total amount of venture capital financing hit $29.2 billion across 3354 deals in 2013. What's interesting is the number of overall VC deals has remained relatively flat over the past three years, as have the total investments (holding Q1 of 2012 as an outlier)"
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