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remi levy

LInkedIn Infographic - Portrait of a LinkedIn user | misc - Power Formula for LinkedIn - 0 views

    "LInkedIn Infographic - Portrait of a LinkedIn user "
Thanasis Priftis

In An Internet Minute - 2013 VS 2014 [Infographic] - Tech Spartan - 0 views

    "The internet is a wonderful thing, a thing of knowledge and power but also a thing of beauty and inspiration. We are all a part of the internet in one way or another, whether that is via our emails or our social media accounts. But what do we all actually do on the internet? It's an interesting question which we here at Tech Spartan aim to answer in this infographic looking at what happens in an internet minute, comparing last year (2013) to this years latests statistics. Did you know that there are now 11.6% more internet users now than 1 whole year ago? "
yves boisselier

The Flipped Classroom - 1 views

    Go to school, listen to your teacher lecture, go home, do your homework. For centuries, this has been the way that school's been done. But now, a new model of teaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head. Under the flipped classroom model, students watch lectures at home, online. Class time is reserved for collaborative activities that help reinforce concepts and increase engagement. The present infographic on the Flipped Classroom has been published by it is mainly focused on the US market, but it translates a a deep coming change in the education sector and in the communication sector as well within the society. At MAC-Team, we have already been developing successful pilot approaches of the Flipped Classroom in 2013 in the WikiSkills project. Active and collaborative learning can go one step further where the students/learners have an active learning/teaching role, and where the teachers and the other stakeholders (educational governance, companies ...) also get involved and contribute in a new relationship model.
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