Thanasis Priftis on 12 Jul 19"The open money manifesto, first published in the previous edition of Kohkoku, declares that money problems can be easily fixed by using our own moneys. Any community, network, and association can have its own money simply by providing a set of accounts through which members can record their trades. Eventually, almost all communities will use their own money. It's just a question of time and a matter of design. A society that does this will eliminate the problems associated with lack of money. Imagine a world without poverty, homelessness, unemployment and exploitation - a world where there is always enough money to meet all our needs. Such a world is not only possible, but also probable. In the last Kohkoku we wrote about memes, self-replicating elements of culture, passed on by imitation. Society will transform itself as the open money meme connects with open minds, who in turn propagate the idea throughout the culture. In this way, from one to some, from some to many, from many to millions, like the imaginal cells that turn caterpillar to butterfly, transformation will happen. In this issue of the magazine we provide a simple game to explore these ideas and set the stage for further development. "