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Gary Edwards

Prince: What's New - Docuemnt Publishing on Steroids with XHTML - CSS 3.0 (CDF+) - 0 views

  • Prince is a computer program that converts XML and HTML into PDF documents. Prince can read many XML formats, including XHTML and SVG. Prince formats documents according to style sheets written in CSS. Standards support HTML, CSS, SVG, MathML Web enabled Load documents, style sheets, images and fonts over HTTP Publishing features Hyphenation, crop marks, columns, page floats and footnotes Eye candy Rounded borders, small caps, CMYK and RGBA colors
Gary Edwards

Cheers for the Prince - More Cagle Championing CDF | O'Reilly XML Blog - 0 views

  • In other words, I would like to lay out my printable documents in a way that’s familiar to me, for which I have tools that can support this and that can easily be changed without having to do a search and replace through a hundred distance instances of a paragraph. In short, I want CSS, acting on XHTML, generating my printed pages as readily as it displays that content to the screen. A previous blog from Michael Day about PrinceXML reminded me that I hadn’t had a chance to play with it. My previous experiences with XHTML to PDF conversion were, to put it bluntly, terrifying, and so, as I was downloading the JAR file I wasn’t expecting a lot. When I tried it, I wasn’t disappointed … I was stunned. I had taken an article that I’d recently written for and run it through Prince. It digested the ten page article and cranked out a PDF in under a second, and the quality was better than anything I’d been able to get with a straight DocBook/FO/PDF rendering. I looked up the documentation, and found that it supported the CSS 3.0 page rendering set, as well as support for columns (including columnar rules), it could be used to print SVG content embedded or linked to the main XHTML document, and it included a nice set of extension properties for handling headers and footers, internal links, rounded borders, and the full panoply of CSS selectors including nth-child (which seemingly no one supports), content search and the whole gamut of pseudo-classes.
Gary Edwards

An Antic Disposition : Clowns, Criminals, Slanderers and the disguise of guilt - 0 views

  • "Antic Disposition" Many criminal suspects today divert guilt from themselves by attributing their actions to some sort of insanity. Prince Hamlet, of Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark, puts on a similar fake lunacy that eventually takes over Hamlet, controls him, and leads to his downfall.
  • Ophelia explains he possessed at one time a "noble mind" and was a "soldier," and a "scholar" – all the terms by which any young man at that time would like to be known (3.1.64). Now, though, Hamlet lashes out at others, speaks harshly with those to whom he is supposedly close, and even thoughtlessly kills a man.
    • Gary Edwards
  • Though Hamlet fails to disclose his reasoning behind displaying the "antic disposition," his words and actions point to a few possible motives
    • Gary Edwards
      aha! Ulterior motives!
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • though this be madness, yet there is method in 't"
  • As his madness controls more and more of his life, Hamlet treats those whom he should treat with dignity and respect as if they were trash.
    • Gary Edwards
      Jody Goldberg, Miguel de Icaza, Michael Meeks, and the two guys without a garage at the Foundation
  • Hamlet vows to slander Ophelia
    • Gary Edwards
      There you go!
  • If Hamlet had never put on the "antic disposition," he may not have gotten revenge, but the play would not have ended in tragedy – Hamlet, himself, as well as those he loved, would not have died.
    Who knew?  :)

    Hey buddy can you spare me a garage?

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