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Sean McHugh

New tech 'addictions' are mostly just old moral panic - 0 views

  • Not everybody in the medical community is on board with such an assessment
  • a group of more than two dozen doctors and researchers sent an open letter to the WHO in 2016, arguing that formalizing the disorder lacked scientific merit and could cause real harm to patients.
  • the current operationalization leans too heavily on substance use and gambling criteria, and the lack of consensus on symptomatology and assessment of problematic gaming
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  • Addiction is not a good term to be using with video games, because I would say unlike substance problems there is no substance that we're ingesting that directly affects your brain chemistry," Colder Carras told Engadget. "It makes more sense to talk about problematic video gaming.
  • The study found that the strongest agreement between participants' rankings and IGD characterizations were functional impairment, continued use despite problems, unsuccessful attempts to stop and the loss of interest in other hobbies
  • These games aren't necessarily causing the problems; it might just as well be the other way around. People are not functioning, they suffer from social anxiety, they're lonely, and they flee into the games because it's an excellent coping mechanism.
  • However, the official investigation report points out that the only game he played regularly was Dance Dance Revolution.
  • If anything, the current body of evidence suggests that gaming might actually reduce the rate of violent behavior rather than instigate it.
  • Luckily, moral panics don't last far beyond the lives of those who are outraged by them
  • The group of people who believe in the dangerousness of whatever they put on media eventually dies off," Ferguson remarked. "And then people stop talking about it, and they move on to whatever the next new thing is that older adults don't use and don't like."
  • newly defined diagnoses of Internet Gaming Disorder or Selfitis may be rooted in a modern-day moral panic. "It looks like from the data that some people probably do overdo gaming like they overdo a lot of other things -- like food or exercise or work or religion. There are even papers on dance addiction, of all things," Ferguson said. "But that seems to be more of a symptom of other underlying mental illness rather than a mental illness by itself
Sean McHugh

We are not addicted to smartphones, we are addicted to social interaction - 0 views

  • A new study of dysfunctional use of smart technology finds that the most addictive smartphone functions all share a common theme: they tap into the human desire to connect with other people
  • it is our desire for human interaction that is addictive—and there are fairly simple solutions to deal with this
  • Could smartphone addiction be hyper-social, not anti-social
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  • the desire to watch and monitor others—but also to be seen and monitored by others—runs deep in our evolutionary past
  • the most addictive smartphone functions all shared a common theme: they tap into the human desire to connect with other people.
Sean McHugh

Panicked about Kids' Addiction to Tech? - NewCo Shift - 0 views

  • Verbalize what you’re doing with your phone
  • They also get their cues about technology from people around them. A child would need to be alone in the woods to miss that people love their phones. From the time that they’re born, people are shoving phones in their faces to take pictures, turning to their phones to escape, and obsessively talking on their phones while ignoring them.
  • Once you begin saying out loud every time you look at technology, you also realize how much you’re looking at technology.
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  • most people are aware of when something that they’re doing isn’t healthy. They may not be able to stop. Or they may not want to stop. Untangling that is part of the challenge
  • parenting is about helping children navigate the world and support them to develop agency in a healthy manner
  • That requires communication and energy, not a new technology to police boundaries for you
Sean McHugh

Is There a Healthy Way for Students to Use Social Media? | Greater Good Magazine - 0 views

  • we might be overlooking the “educational and psychological benefits of using social media sites,” such as developing critical thinking and perspective-taking skills
  • parents and educators have been led to demonize what could simply be an evolving means of social connection
  • a constant stream of interruptions
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  • we are probably all struggling to balance what our devices make possible with what they seem to impose on our attention spans and the rest of our health. Yet, for children, this difficulty is more acute because their bodies and brains are still developing.
  • heighten awareness of our multi-generational love of screens and encourage kids and parents to face it together.
  • None of us know the full extent of how our digital dependence is affecting us, or how it will affect the youngest generations growing up today. The least we can do is look up every now and then to ask each other how we’re doing, and how we can do better
  • they’re not alone in this struggle to practice what they preach
Sean McHugh

Does playing violent video games cause aggression? A longitudinal intervention study | ... - 0 views

  • the present study is the first to investigate the effects of long-term violent video gameplay
  • Our participants played the violent video game Grand Theft Auto V, the non-violent video game The Sims 3 or no game at all for 2 months on a daily basis. No significant changes were observed, neither when comparing the group playing a violent video game to a group playing a non-violent game, nor to a passive control group.
  • the question that society is actually interested in is not: “Are people more aggressive after having played violent video games for a few minutes? And are these people more aggressive minutes after gameplay ended?”, but rather “What are the effects of frequent, habitual violent video game playing? And for how long do these effects persist (not in the range of minutes but rather weeks and months)?”
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  • Both training groups were instructed to play the game for at least 30 min a day
  • players are rewarded for their use of violence as a means to advance in the game
  • so that gamers could in principle decide not to commit violent acts
  • The participants in the violent video game group played on average 35 h and the non-violent video game group 32 h spread out across the 8 weeks
  • Since effects observed only for a few minutes after short sessions of video gaming are not representative of what society at large is actually interested in, namely how habitual violent video gameplay affects behaviour on a more long-term basis, studies employing longer training intervals are highly relevant
  • the present results provide strong evidence against the frequently debated negative effects of playing violent video games.
Sean McHugh

Most Adults Spend More Time on Their Digital Devices Than They Think - Scientific American - 0 views

  • parents spend an average of nine hours and 22 minutes every day in front of various screens—including smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions. Of those, nearly eight hours are for personal use, not work
  • we do not even realize how much time we spend when we heed the siren call of our devices
  • if parents use screen time for shared activities with a child—watching a movie or playing an educational game together, for example—it can enhance the child's learning
Sean McHugh

Teachers have been let down by a decade of inaction on digital technologies - 0 views

  • A general lack of preparedness for digital technology in England has left many children without the tools they need to access and benefit from remote learning.
  • the coalition government of 2010 brought in policies that increasingly neglected the role of digital technologies in education. It began with the closure of the British Educational and Communications Technology Agency in 2011.
  • However, all reference to the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning were removed from the 2010 Teacher Standards which trainees need to demonstrate to gain Qualified Teacher Status in England
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  • different attitudes towards or ways of using digital technology, can have an impact on the effectiveness of teaching and learning. But many trainee teachers are left to develop this understanding by chance.
  • Teachers need to be supported by policy and research to help them develop expert knowledge on the use of digital technologies
  • a lack of detailed explanations provided to teachers “as to how, or why, using tablets within certain activities can improve learning”.
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