In an age of mathematical, logical, and scientific thinking, storytelling is often considered appropriate only for language arts projects for young learners. However, in today's information-loaded world, storytelling is being rediscovered as an effective tool for helping us make sense of this data barrage.
Digital Storyteller is a web-based tool that offers teachers and students frictionless access
to digital images and materials that enable them to construct compelling
personal narratives. Digital Storyteller was developed as an initiative
of Primary Access.
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The premise of Storycaching is to combine the use of a GPS with an iPod where a user goes to a specific place using map coordinates, then listens to a podcast (audio on demand), usually a story, that takes into account the nature of the area where the listener is now located.
Like geocaching, a cache may be located at the site and can contain some relevant objects that add a physical dimension or symbolism to the cached story. Storycaching is designed to enhance the experience of both the storyteller and the listener. By allowing the storyteller to reference elements in the environment where the listener is located, the listener is provided a third dimension to the story, that of authentic physical feelings and sensory input. Storycaching is a concept created by Dr. Martin Horejsi at The University of Montana-Missoula.
For example, a girl walks to a distinctive place in order to listen to a story on her iPod. Using map coordinates and a GPS, she climbs part way up a hill on the edge of town. When arriving at a specific spot according to the GPS, she locates a small box containing some relics. Sitting on a rock, she holds the objects in her hand listens to a sound file on her iPod. Overlooking the valley, the power of the Native American elder's words stir her emotions as landmarks, smells, the wind, and other sounds are referenced in the story, all possible because the person telling the story knows that the listener will be in a specific place while listening to the story. Or maybe, the story was recorded years ago when the elder sat in the very spot where the young girl now sits. A connection with the story is forged in a way never before experienced alone.
Another example is where a high school student studying earth science walks through a river drainage with his teacher. But his teache
"Welcome to Myths and Legends. This site is for pupils, teachers and all those who enjoy stories and storytelling. The British Isles is rich in myths, folktales and legends. Almost every town, city and village in Britain has its own special story, be it a Celtic legend, Dark Age mystery, strange happening or fable."
"There are many great websites that provide opportunities for students to develop language skills, tell stories, and share back their knowledge in fun, creative, and meaningful ways each using a computer. There are also terrific websites and portals which have links to excellent online interactives which can be used in the classroom with an interactive whiteboard."