Seriously Amazing | Smithsonian - 11 views
History Engine: Tools for Collaborative Education and Research | Home - 15 views
"The History Engine is an educational tool that gives students the opportunity to learn history by doing the work-researching, writing, and publishing-of a historian. The result is an ever-growing collection of historical articles or "episodes" that paints a wide-ranging portrait of life in the United States throughout its history and that is available to scholars, teachers, and the general public in our online database." Via
Myths and Legends from E2BN - 10 views
"Welcome to Myths and Legends. This site is for pupils, teachers and all those who enjoy stories and storytelling. The British Isles is rich in myths, folktales and legends. Almost every town, city and village in Britain has its own special story, be it a Celtic legend, Dark Age mystery, strange happening or fable." Images of art, history and science for educational and commercial licensing - 13 views
Education users Professors, students and teachers are free to use it in classroom presentations and demos, dissertations and other non-commercial academic works, researches and all related not-for-profit activities. The use of our files is still bound by a license but its use is completely free as long as: (1) the downloaded image is used according to its terms and conditions; (2) is accredited as the source by a credit line or an active link to our website; and (3) it is not distributed to third parties. via
Apps in Education: Immersive History Experience on the iPad with Lesson Ideas - 5 views
Historic Map Works, Residential Genealogy ™ - 10 views
DoodleBuzz: Typographic News Explorer - 15 views
History Happens - Home - 23 views
History Happens is a collection of music videos about characters from American history. Our goal is to inform and inspire young people that an individual can make a difference--as evidenced by the many acts of courage, endurance and passion that make up the American story. These music videos can be used as a platform for all kinds of innovative, multi-disciplinary, project-based teaching/learning experiences. To learn more about our programs, please feel free to contact us by telephone or email.