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hitesh kumar

MP Online B.ED Result - 0 views

    mponline bed - apply mp online for b.ed admissions in MP. Get mp online b.ed result and mponline b.ed counseling facility conveniently on the web portal of MP government.
Carolyn Rains

All Lesson Plans | CEP - 27 views

    Character Ed Lesson Plans
Anne Van Meter

Doing What Works - Teaching Spatial Skills - See How It Works - 0 views

    Website on teaching strategies, specifically geared towards girls in math and science, sponsored by US Dep't of Ed - website is currently a work in progress, some links don't work yet
Dean Mantz

Weblogg-ed » Pulling Networks Together - 12 views

  • John Seely Brown’s (and others) new book Pull,
  • hammering home the continued importance of face to face connections and the value of serendipity in making those connections.
  • 1. Can you identify the fifty smartest or most accomplished people who share your passions or interests, regardless of where they reside?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 2. How many of these people are currently in your professional / personal networks?
  • 3. How many of these people have you been able to engage actively in an initiative related to your shared passions or interests
  • 4. To how many of these people would you feel comfortable reaching out and mobilizing in a new initiative related to your shared passions and interests
  • 5. For these fifty people, how effectively are you using social media to increase your mutual awareness of each other’s activities?
Dean Mantz

Obama Proposes Education Technology Agency Modeled After DARPA - ScienceInsider - 9 views

    President Obama's newly proposed education agency - ARPA-ED.
cheryl capozzoli - Home - 0 views

    edstimulus site created by Steve Hargadon. A++ resource to be developed now as we move into the ed funding process. thanks Steve!!
Dean Mantz

TED-Ed's New Video Tool Allows Anyone To Create Video Lessons Online | Co.Exist: World ... - 21 views

    anyone can use this simple platform to pair any video on YouTube--not just TED Talks--with custom content.
Jennifer Dorman

Research dispels common ed-tech myths - 13 views

    Contrary to popular opinion, newer teachers aren't any more likely to use technology in their lessons than veteran teachers, and a lack of access to technology does not appear to be the main reason why teachers do not use it. Which comes first? Do teachers use technology frequently because they are trying deliberately to foster 21st-century skills? Or are 21st-century skills necessary conditions, byproducts, or logical outcomes of frequent technology use?" Another finding that could surprise some people is that a lack of access to technology doesn't appear to be the main reason why teachers don't use technology in their instruction.
Fred Delventhal

The Education Conference Calendar - 10 views

    The Conference Calendar (TCC) was first conceived by ITEG, LLC in 1999. Listing every single educational technology related conference that could be found in the US, it was eagerly taken on and supported by the T.H.E Journal. Over the next decade TCC established itself as the industry's leading website for ed tech events. Today, TCC is independently managed by one of its original producers and expanding its service into the entire education industry.
Jennifer Dorman

Top News - Tech trends every school leader should know - 0 views

    Rust identified four key trends that school district chief technology officers (CTOs) should be aware of: accountability, the changing nature of learners, the accessibility of technology, and the "internal and external demands" that are now placed on ed-tech executives.
Jennifer Dorman

Curriculum Matters - DEN in EdWeek - 0 views

    Ed Week article highlighting Hall Davidson's DEN LC Institute keynote. July 17, 2008
Clif Mims

Ed.VoiceThread - 11 views

    Secure VoiceThread network for students and teachers to collaborate and share ideas with classrooms anywhere in the world. Group conversations around images, documents, and videos Messages can be text-based (computer keyboard, phone text), audio (computer mic, telephone call, upload), or video (computer webcam, upload) Can be used to put "instruction" online.
Jackie Gerstein

20 must know features and tricks on Youtube that you simply have to know - 35 views

    When will education realize how powerful an ed tool Youtube is?
Betty Powell

electric current - 15 views

    interactive lab with electric currents in Discovery Ed
OLA Channel

[Video] Su Bosco delle Rose non piovono petali (II parte) - 3 views

    La seconda ed ultima parte della video-inchiesta sull'eolico selvaggio e speculativo nel Vulture-Alto Bradano. Siamo nei pianori della Murgia potentina, ai confini tra Lavello, Montemilone e Venosa (Potenza), nelle località Finocchiaro e Bosco delle Rose, lungo direttrici storiche di comunicazione e di tratturi della transumanza.
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