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Some Interesting Health Facts You Must Know. - 0 views

1. When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 2. The human head is one-quarter of our total length at birth but on...

health quiz facts

started by puzznbuzzus on 15 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Dean Mantz

6 Virtual Tours Of The Human Body For Free Interactive Anatomy Lessons - 31 views

    Here are 6 virtual tours of the Human Body. I have written a blog post review of the 1st option- Google Lab's Body Browser.
Dean Mantz

BioDigital Human: Explore the Body in 3D! - 43 views

    This virtual interactive 3D figure of the human body blows away Google's creation.  It is a must see!
Dean Mantz

Human Anatomy Model, Anatomy Chart, Anatomical Chart | InnerBody - 21 views

    Interactive guide to the human inner body.
Dean Mantz

NMAH | Artificial Anatomy | Body Parts - 20 views

    Interactive anatomy of human body via Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Dean Mantz

Yucky Gross and Cool Body - 24 views

    Interactive site providing games and information regarding stuff human bodies create.
Dean Mantz

Zygote Body - 12 views

    Interactive Human Body in 3D.

What is Adrenal Insufficiency? - CRB Tech - 0 views

    What is Adrenal Insufficiency? Too much blood potassium in the human body can bring about a situation known as hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia

Ya Salamu Ya Allah 1000 times || Covid-19 safety || 99 names of Allah || Asma ul Husna ... - 0 views

    1. Wear Mask 2. Get a Covid-19 vaccine 3. Listen Ya Salamu Ya Allah 1000 times daily - OR - 4. Recite Ya Salamu Ya Allah 1000 times daily 5. Be safe & Healthy Voice: Haider Ali Siddiqui There are countless names of ALLAH but 99 names are famous among the peoples of the world. In 99 names, every name has a unique effect on the life of any people who read or listen it 1000 times. For example Who repeats Ya ALLAH at least 1000 times, his heart will be free from doubts. If any body suffering from some incurable disease repeats Ya Allah many times, then prays to Allah for recovery, he will recover from the disease. As it is "1000 Times" uploaded a lot of videos with the every names of Allah with the benefits for human being. You are advised to listen specific video one time daily until you will achieve your goal.
Dean Mantz

Children's Museum - Bones Exhibit - 0 views

    Interactive games and lessons about your body structure.

Thermal Imaging Camera |Thermal camera price Dubai Abu Dhabi - 0 views

    Thermal Detection systems can often be set up at border crossings, such as airports, and sea ports, and in public places, such as shopping centers and hospitals, to check people for a high fever which can sometimes be an indicator of serious illnesses such as Ebola, SARS or more recently COVID-19. thermal camera, thermal imaging camera, fever detection camera uae, thermal camera dubai thermal camera abudhabi, thermal camera saudi, thermal camera kwait, thermal camera sharjah, thermal camera ajman, thermal camera and fever detection For More info Call & Whatsapp :971 508144086 Email
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