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Welcome - 136 views

Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Looking to Buy Google 5 Star Reviews? If yes, you have come to the right place! We offers Genuine and Permanent Google 5 Star Reviews that you can purchase easily and se...


James Norwood

Nearpod Allows Teachers to Push Info to iPads and Then Students Can Annotate. - 2 views

Nearpod allows teachers to push info to iPads and then students can annotate :ios support group  via @lesliefisher #iste12


started by James Norwood on 27 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

How we can join DISCOVERY EDUCATION NETWORK if we aren't from USA ? - 2 views

I want to join but I am from Romania . How I can join ? ;

https:__about.me_web20education DEN social_networking web_2.0 DISCOVERY EDUCATION NETWORK

started by LUCIAN DUMA on 02 Feb 11 no follow-up yet
David Hilton

High School History Student Network - 13 views

Most of us are aware of the power of social networking for teachers to improve their knowledge, gain ideas and make connections with other like-minded educators from around the world. I believe thi...

my history network education technology social_networking classroom learning

started by David Hilton on 20 Oct 09 no follow-up yet
James Norwood

Smart board - 22 views

smart board interactive whiteboard

started by James Norwood on 24 Sep 09 no follow-up yet
Nico Rutten

Educational Simulations - 15 views

Hello everyone, A month ago I started my PhD research on the use of computer simulations in Physics education. From my literature review so far I created a mindmap: I'm c...

educational physics computer simulation

started by Nico Rutten on 17 Sep 09 no follow-up yet
Dr. "TKA" Kulla-Abbott

Need help finding a tool that was previously shared - 16 views

Alexa Flores-Hull wrote: > Awhile back someone shared a great web 2.0 tool that allows you to upload video and images into a widget that then displays the slide shows in a "frame" that looks like a...

web 2.0 widget

seoseo pros

Search the best Reviews and Rankings of Mfa Creative writing programs at - 8 views

I came across website yesterday which is providing mfa creative writing programs reviews and ranking with most popular universities and colleges. The site has course reviews and ran...

Mfa creative writing program reviews

started by seoseo pros on 28 Jul 09 no follow-up yet
David Hilton

History Teachers Group - 14 views

Hi. We've got a group for history teachers, students and enthusiasts to share resources, bookmarks and ideas with each other. The focus is on helping history teachers and students share good-qualit...

started by David Hilton on 06 Jul 09 no follow-up yet
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