RTI Talks | RTI for Gifted Students - 9 views
learning contracts with the student focused on work that takes the students interests in to account may be helpful.
Marti Pike on 02 Aug 17Genius Hour
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From a parent's perspective (and sometimes from the child's), this can seem like we are "de-gifted" the child.
The most important thing is that you have the "data" that shows what the student needs and that you are matching this with an appropriate service.
A major shift with RTI is that there is less emphasis on the "label" and more on the provision of appropriate service.
Ideas for differentiating reading for young children can also be found at: http://www.k8accesscenter.org/training_resources/readingdifferentiation.asp http://www.appomattox.k12.va.us/acps/attachments/6_6_12_dan_mulligan_handout.pdf
, with high-end differentiation and expectations, we are able to support the development of potential in all students.
This body-of-evidence can be used to support the nomination process and formal identification when appropriate.
likely to be of particular benefit for culturally and linguistically diverse, economically disadvantaged, and twice exceptional youngsters who are currently underrepresented within gifted education.
If we provide enrichment activities for our advanced students, won't that just increase the acheivement gap?
One is focusing on remediation, however the second approach focuses on the nurturing of potential through creating expectations for excellence that permeate Tier 1 with extended opportunities for enrichment for all children who need them at Tier 2. With the focus on excellence, the rising tide will help all students reach their potential. This is the goal of education.
make sure that the screener is directly related to the curriculum that you are using and that it has a high enough ceiling to allow advance learners to show what they know.
recognizing that students who are above grade level, or advanced in their academics, also need support to thrive
This includes learning about differentiated instruction within Tier 1and creating additional opportunities for enhancements and enrichments within Tier 2.
This often means that the district views the school as a “high-needs” school and does feel that many children would qualify for gifted education services (thus no teacher allocation is warranted). If this is the case, then this is a problematic view as it perpetuates the myth that some groups of children are not likely to be “gifted”.
These five differentiation strategies are as follows: Curriculum Compacting (pre-assessment of learners to see what they know) The use of Tiered Assignments that address: Mastery, Enrichment, and Challenge Tiered Learning Centers that allow children to further explore skills and concepts Independent and Small group learning contracts that allow students to follow area of interest Questioning for Higher Level thinking to stretch the minds of each child.
first proposed as a way to help us better identify students who continue to need additional support in spite of having appropriate instructional opportunities to learn.
children with complex sets of strengths and needs require a comprehensive evaluation that includes multiple types, sources, and time periods to create the most accurate and complete understanding of their educational needs.
use the same icon to represent how we address the increasing intensity of academic and behavioral needs for all learners.
Differentiated instruction is part of a strength-based approach to Tier 1, providing enriched and challenging learning opportunities for all students. However, a comprehensive RTI approach for gifted learners will also need strong Tier 2 and 3 supports and services.
Tracking, or the fixed stratification of children into learning levels based on limited data (placing children in fixed learning groups based on a single reading score), is the opposite of RTI.
additional learning opportunities that both challenge the learner and address high interest learning topics.