The framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century.
The History 2.0 Classroom: Back to School App-pack - 35 views
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Framework for 21st Century Learning - 49 views
Download PDF version of the Framework here Please visit Route 21 for an interactive view of the framework here Download the Full Skills Definition Document he
15 Habits For Learning In The 21st Century | Edudemic - 14 views
while learning will likely always have as its foundation the ability to read, write, and think, in the fast-paced, information-rich, socialized digital world of 2012, new currencies are emerging for learners to master-new skills, concepts, and thinking habits that are crucial to a consistent ability to absorb, process, and redistribute data and original thinking as a global citizen
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