digitaltaskforce » home - 0 views
Digiteen Stories - 0 views
TeacherTube - Think Before You Post - 1 views
Cyberbullying - 0 views
Fair Use and Copyright for Teachers - 1 views
tags for Digiteen - 21 views
Hi Vicki I know that you asked us to use particular tags for the Digiteen project when saving to our group. Is there a list of them somewhere? I see that there are ones on the 'old' version of the ...
Hector Ruiz on connecting the world | Video on - 0 views
I'm not sure if this should be one of the key resources shared, but it's an inspiring idea and the comments are worth reading.
Hector Ruiz, the executive chair of AMD, wants to give Internet access to everyone. In this talk, he shares his extraordinary life story and describes AMD's 50x15 initiative that calls for connecting 50 percent of the world by 2015.
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