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Andrew DeWitt

BBC News - It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say - 3 views

    • Erin Hamson
      Do the people develop those cells because they learn to think about their choices? Or do the cells naturally develop there and then cause the person to think about their choices?
    • Andrew DeWitt
      That's a good which came first question.  I thought the "working memory" was interesting.  It makes me think about cramming for a test.  You shove as much into your brain to work with as possible.  So, some brains are more prone to test-cramming than others.
    Cool page about decision making.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Sick PCs should be banned from the net says Microsoft - 0 views

    Applying lessons learned from society to computers. Interesting view of the internet.
Brian Earley

3D printing - 0 views

    This is a BBC site for the 3D printing that we've talked about in class from time to time. Pretty cool
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - How good software makes us stupid - 2 views

    Interesting article about how technology is making it easier for people to get by with less knowledge
    Great article! It brings up some interesting points. This is something that I have thought about a lot lately, because with a lot of technology options today we don't even have to remember information, we can simply save it and have easy access to it later...just not in our brains but on our phones, computers, etc. Also, a really great reference to some interesting research that has been done with taxi drivers.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - YouTube drive to 'crowd-read' Spain classic Don Quixote - 1 views

    A great example of how people are using the digital age to bring back classic stories from the past. Who doesn't love Don Quixote?
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Can avatars and hyper-real video conferencing replace business meetings? - 0 views

    An innovative look at possible new business tools.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Hardware hacking just for a laugh - 1 views

    More hacking for fun
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Tech Know: Hacking the everyday - 0 views

    Hackers at work
Rhett Ferrin

BBC - History - World Wars: Breaking Germany's Enigma Code - 0 views

    • Rhett Ferrin
      Ian Flemming is the creator of James Bond!!! It all makes sense now...
Kristi Koerner

BBC NEWS | Special Report | 1998 | 10/98 | World War I | Letters home: Forever sweethearts - 0 views

    Letter from the war- couples, sons to fathers, mothers to sons.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Ray Ozzie tells Microsoft to 'go beyond the PC' - 0 views

  • For the most part, we've grown to perceive of "computing" as being equated with specific familiar "artifacts" such as the "computer", the "program" that's installed on a computer, and the "files" that are stored on that computer's "desktop
  • Such thinking, he said, was becoming less and less relevant as the way people used computers and what they did changed
  • Connections rather than computers were more important
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • To prosper and stay relevant, he said, Microsoft must embrace this change and get to grips with a world that cares about "continuous services" rather than computers
    Wow, this is really relevant to a lot of things we've been talking about in class. I highlighted a good part of it.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Who'd Be a Web Scientist? - 0 views

    Could the web be worthy of its own set of scientists to study it?
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Cloud computing for business goes mainstream - 0 views

    A good article about how businesses are catching on to the idea of cloud computing.
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - The business of innovation: Steven Johnson - 0 views

  • The lone genius, beavering away in the seclusion of his lab is how most of us imagine the great moments of innovation have come into being. But is this really the whole story?
  • "[Good ideas] come from crowds, they come from networks. You know we have this clichéd idea of the lone genius having the eureka moment.
  • "And so much of that is because it's wonderfully set up for other people to build on top of other people's ideas. In many cases without asking for permission.
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  • "I think there's this abiding belief that markets drive innovation, corporations drive innovation, entrepreneurs driven by financial reward drive innovation, and while that's certainly true in many cases there's also this very rich long history of important world-changing ideas coming out of the more or less intellectual commons of the universities.
  • So what should companies be doing to foster innovation in their workforces?
  • "One of the lessons I've learned is that so many of these great innovators, Darwin is a great example of this, one shared characteristic they all seem to have is a lot of hobbies."
  • "Go for a walk; cultivate hunches; write everything down; but keep your folders messy; embrace serendipity; make generative mistakes; take on multiple hobbies, frequent coffee houses and other liquid networks; follow the links; let others build on your ideas; borrow, recycle, reinvent."
    How the progress of technology and the economy are affected by creativity. Also the importance of isolation vs collaboration
Brandon McCloskey

BBC News - Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move - 0 views

  • These days one witty Tweet, one clever blog post, one devastating video - forwarded to hundreds of friends at the click of a mouse - can snowball and kill a product or damage a company's share price.
  • It's a dramatic shift in consumer power. But what if companies could harness this power and turn it to their advantage?
  • At the most basic, these tools measure the volume of social media chatter. Researchers at Hewlett Packard showed that they can accurately predict a Hollywood movie's box office takings by counting how often it is mentioned on Twitter before it opens.
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  • One European clothing company, popular with inner city youth in the United States, admits privately that its social media team is baffled by its customers' ever changing slang, and even the online Urban Dictionary provides little help.
  • Social media is quickly becoming a customer relationship management system, as companies have "for the first time access to people's minds in real-time," says Jorn Lyseggen. The tools on offer provide companies with dashboards that show trends, hot topics, the reach of brands, customer mood and how competitors are doing.
  • Social media may be all the buzz, but in reality "only a few firms get it [and use it], it's of peripheral interest for most", says Tom Austin at technology consultancy Gartner. Few realise that using social media has become much more than customer service and reputation management.
  • many social media tools are poorly integrated into the corporate workflow
  • But there are dangers. Financial Times columnist Lucy Kellaway warns that the obsession with social networking can make management lose focus.
  • To survive the world of social media, companies have to throw away their old marketing playbook.
  • "don't push... and don't pretend you are hip"
  • "Once companies have worked out that they should do something with social media, they usually don't know how to do it,"
  • "If you want to influence the people who influence your customers, that's a very powerful game, but it's also very dangerous if you get it wrong."
  • it's not about how many friends or followers somebody has, but whether they make an impact.
  • When Virgin America recently launched new routes from California to Toronto, it used Klout to identify a small group of social media "influencers" and gave them free flights. This generated thousands of tweets, triggered press coverage and delivered more immediate impact than traditional advertising.
  • "Consumers are spending their attention on social media," he says, but firms don't know how to repay them properly. "There's no manual for that yet."
  • Social media are dynamic, and today's Twitter may be tomorrow's forgotten website. "Don't assume that what works today will work tomorrow," says Tom Austin at Gartner. "Your model has to be continually adapted."
Brandon McCloskey

BBC NEWS | Technology | Learning to love Web 2.0 - 0 views

  • Impressive services
  • Only last week Google splashed out on Writely, a web-based word processor that requires no downloads or installation and just runs in a browser window.
  • They are just the tip of an iceberg
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Maybe Web 2.0 is a transitional phase, and once we get used to interacting with online tools in a more natural way and dispense with static web, we will move to a world of true distributed computing.
  • We'll need to make sure that the successful Web 2.0 companies don't just sit on progress because it doesn't serve their business plans, like so many other computing companies have done in the past and continue to do today. If Web 2.0 is the first stage in a revolution, we need to make sure it's a permanent revolution.
Kristi Koerner

BBC - Languages - Homepage - 0 views

    Cool education tool
Danny Patterson

Town's pride in nuclear past - 0 views

    Excerpt on a city nearby a government isolated area designed to produce plutonium during the atomic age. Located in Richland, Washington and the place is Hanford.
Andrew DeWitt

YouTube - Musique Concrete - 0 views

    Jeffrey Whitlock put this video in his blog.  Its pretty awesome
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