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Barbara Combes

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - 2 views

    This article from Edudemic features an extensive list of some of the most awesome technological tools you can find for teaching and learning. There's lots to explore here, so have fun!
Barbara Combes

5 Free Apps for Classrooms with a Single iPad - 3 views

    Often times, 1:1 tablet programs aren't financially feasible. However, classroom teachers can still utilize a tablet creatively and work on essential standards of the Common Core. Monica Burns highlights free apps for learning and promotes collaboration in the process through small group work.
James Jarick

The Device Conundrum - 1:1 vs BYOD - 4 views

    Great Blog by US Principal discussing the pros and cons of 1:1 and BYOD.
Barbara Combes

Why the AP hack is likely to happen again - 2 views

    An embarrassing Twitter hack caused a plunge in the markets and revealed the weakness in our reliance on technology. AAP It has been a bad couple of weeks for social media and Twitter in particular.
Michelle C

Meet the First Digital Generation. Now Get Ready to Play by Their Rules | Wired Magazin... - 2 views

    For Wired's 20th anniversary, we investigate the first generation born into a world that has never not known digital life. If you want to understand the past two decades, they are perhaps the perfect subjects. The drumbeat of disruption and technological advance is their natural rhythm.
Barbara Combes

Is Social Media Bad For Your Phone? [Infographic] - 1 views

    This infographic comes from liGo and gives us a stunning amount of information about our mobile habits with social media. Prepare to make some interesting discoveries here that range from the technical through to the financial, and even include the emotional.
Michelle C

What parents (and teachers) need to know about Instagram - 8 views

    For the tweens and from observations at a few K-6 schools, Instagram seems to have become the new Facebook. This is a simple, easy-to read article about what exactly Instagram is all about.
Michelle C

Social Media Rules - Tip Sheet - 9 views

    This is a terrific sheet that could be brought to parents attention to support them in their quest to help their children become social media savvy.
Rob Jacklin

The Internet is your permanent record « Character Educator Blog - CHARACTER C... - 9 views

    "The Internet is your permanent record" The joke in classrooms used to be that your bad behavior would become part of your Permanent Record. There was no such thing in the old days, but there is now, and it's called the Internet.
Barbara Combes

Technology and libraries - 2 views

The general public is relying on the free services offered by libraries more than ever before. Lepi, K. (2013). How technology is shaping the future of libraries. Edudemic. Retrieved from http://ed...

digital citizenship social media socialnetworking

started by Barbara Combes on 13 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
Judy O'Connell

Transparency is the New Black - 9 views

    Gwyneth Jones and your digital actions, and online presence....make it worthwhile!
Judy O'Connell

We owe it to our kids! - 6 views

    Presentation to Middle School, and introducing Digital Citizenship.
Judy O'Connell

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | ... - 0 views

    "Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets."
Judy O'Connell

Policies for Staff use of Social Media and Social Networks - eLearning Blog Dont Waste ... - 5 views

    "Does your employer / Institution have a policy for the accepted use, by staff, for how they can use Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, SlideShare, YouTube, WordPress, etc)? Is it limited to how you can use it for work, or in work, or does it cover your usage outside of work and how you talk/post about what you do at work? Are you allowed to use images/logo of your employer/Institution in your work?"
Benita Van Der Wel

Look Up - YouTube - 4 views

    A really interesting video encouaging reflection about balancing your onine and offline time Very well presented. Great conversation starter for students and staff development.
Judy O'Connell

Togetherville - The Safe Social Network For Kids - 0 views

    In Togetherville, children learn much more than computer skills. They learn how to use technology to connect with the important people in their lives - safely. And those important people show them how to act responsibly online. Whether a parent, aunt, grandparent or family friend, take this role seriously and participate in the online neighborhoods of kids in your life
Judy O'Connell

Friend Me?: School policy may address friending students online - 2 views

    "A friend request shows up on your Facebook page from a student in your library club. Do you confirm or ignore it? When a student is involved, this ordinarily straightforward decision can be trickier than you think depending on your school district's board policy. "
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