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P Yim

Terrorism strikes Boston Marathon as bombs kill 3, wound scores - - 1 views

  • In addition to scrutinizing images of surveillance cameras in the area, the FBI likely was issuing subpoenas for records from cell towers in the area to isolate and trace calls from around Copley Square at the time of the blasts, according to a former federal law enforcement official who now works in the intelligence community.
    • P Yim
      Digital Tool - Surveillance cameras - Cell Towers
    CNN article pre apprehension of suspect(s)
P Yim

Should Reddit Be Blamed for the Spreading of a Smear? - - 1 views

  • By 8 p.m., three hours after the F.B.I. released the suspects’ photos, angry messages began to appear on the Tripathi’s Facebook page, and at 8:15 Ravi received a phone call from a reporter at ABC News in New York, who asked if Sunil had been spotted in Boston and if Ravi had seen the F.B.I. photos of Suspect No. 2. Ravi, unclear at what she was getting at, told her there had been no word from Sunil.
    • P Yim
      3 hours for information to spread
  • The Facebook page was created with the hope that if Sunil searched for himself, he would find loving messages from his family and friends.
    • P Yim
      Facebook- Digital Tool
  • At 10:56 p.m., Stone tweeted: “I’m sure by now the @fbipressoffice is looking into this dude” and included a link to the Facebook page. Seven minutes later, she tweeted: “Seconds after I sent that tweet the page is gone off of Facebook. If you can cache it . . .” Several journalists began tweeting out guarded thoughts about Sunil’s involvement.
    • P Yim
      Twitter - Digital Tool
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • At 2:43 a.m., a Twitter user named Greg Hughes (@ghughesca), who was previously tweeting things like, “In 2013, all you need [is] a connection to the Boston police scanner and a Twitter feed to know what’s up. We don’t even need TV anymore,”
  • Seven minutes later, Kevin Galliford, a journalist for a TV station in Hartford, relayed the same information to his own followers; Galliford’s tweet was retweeted more than 1,000 times in a matter of minutes.
  • Andrew Kaczynski, a journalist at BuzzFeed, who sent out the police-scanner misinformation to his 81,000 followers
  • @YourAnonNews, a Twitter news feed connected to the hacker collective Anonymous, tweeted out Tripathi’s name to the hundreds of thousands of people
  • Roughly 300 Twitter users retweeted Malinowski’s second post on the subject, including the pop-culture blogger Perez Hilton, who sent Sunil Tripathi’s name out to more than six million followers.
  • Reddit enjoyed record-breaking traffic numbers during the Boston coverage, and the company has always considered itself “content agnostic,” meaning that as long as what’s being posted is legal, Reddit will not intervene and take it down.
  • @YourAnonNews is very likely to surpass the Twitter following of most major American newspapers. The account is followed by hundreds of journalists, myself included. For those who dream of a post-Snowden utopia where no government and corporate secrets are protected, @YourAnonNews is one of the only trustworthy news sources out there.
    NY Times article - Negative
Gage Helton

Rock Ethics Institute - K12 - 0 views

  • Moral literacy is defined as the ability to contend with complex moral problems. It involves the ability to recognize a problem as a moral one. The morally literate individual must acknowledge the multiple perspectives of individuals involved in the problems. The ability to assess both disagreements on and proposed responses to the problems is another skill of the morally literate individual. The development of these abilities involves learning and practicing a set of skills. These skills must be taught and then practiced until they become habits. The skills include sensitivity, listening, reflecting, critical thinking and moral reasoning. A moral literacy resource for educators, therefore, should provide information to assist in developing both an understanding and application of these skills and abilities.
    • Adam Myers
      A hard definition to find, but definitely a thorough one.
    • Gage Helton
      Moral literacy is defined as the ability to contend with complex moral problems.
Jackie Davidson - 0 views

    • Jackie Davidson
      Every definition is primarily the same. Massive Open Online Course. 

What is disinformation? - 0 views

    • Adam Myers
      This has one of the best definitions of Disinformation that I was able to find.
    • Jackie Davidson
      The best definition as it relates to the internet and not so much as to politics-
  • untrue communication that is purposefully spread and represented as truth to elicit some response that serves the perpetrator's purpose.
  • Disinformation
    Disinformation is a type of untrue communication that is knowingly represented as information to elicit a response that serves the perpetrator's purpose. The term contrasts with misinformation, which is also false but presented as truth because the communicator does not have the facts straight.
    Disinformation is a type of untrue communication that is knowingly represented as information to elicit a response that serves the perpetrator's purpose. The term contrasts with misinformation, which is also false but presented as truth because the communicator does not have the facts straight.

What is a Digital Immigration - 0 views

    • Adam Myers
      This is an extrememly accurate definition. They even go so far as to describe a third class of person in between an immigrant and a native. A "Digital Intermediate".
    "A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age."

What Does Digital Citizenship Mean to You? | Microsoft Security - 0 views

  • Digital citizenship is usually defined as the "norms of behavior with regard to technology use." It encompasses digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, online safety, norms, rights, culture and more. Microsoft recognizes that good digital citizenship, when you use computers, gaming consoles, or mobile devices, promotes a safer online environment for all.
    • Adam Myers
      An excellent summary of Digital Citizenship.
    • Markus Ramirez
      Wonderful way of summing it up.
  • Managing your online behavior and monitoring your reputation are important elements of good digital citizenship
  • The encouraging results suggest that American parents and teens are actively managing their online reputations—and with an eye toward good digital citizenship.
    Learn about digital citizenship and about teen and adult attitudes toward managing their online reputations.
    Learn about digital citizenship and about teen and adult attitudes toward managing their online reputations.

Shibboleth Authentication Request - 5 views

    • Jackie Davidson
      Twitter shares up-this article gave more content and information.
    • Joshua Whitley
      10 Currency-Not current, no updates, can be used in classroom setting 7 Content is credible. the story can be useful to students to educate. The information is valid.  8 Authority- Authors' names are at the top of article, no links to contact author, Authors' Occupation is visible 7 Navigation-No links relevant to topic. everything clear and readable,  10 Experience-Fulfills it's intended purpose.  very engaging to me.  0 Multimedia-no multimedia  7 Treatment- Bias toward Democrats,   6 Access-Easy to access page, no relevant links to help further investigate,    7 Miscellaneous-no per-use cost, no inquiring of private info, can be printed with no issues 
    • troy seaton
      WiTricity Corporation make devices that allows wireless charging.
  • WiTricity is also developing technology for wireless charging of electric vehicles and, later, for use in implanted medical devices like heart pumps, said Katie Hall, its chief technology officer.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The technology is based on magnetic induction -- the process used to recharge electric toothbrushes. In the toothbrush, the base has a magnetic coil that generates a magnetic field. A second coil in the toothbrush captures some of that field, inducing an electric current.But electric toothbrushes transfer power only from the primary coil to the secondary one at very close range. Move the brush a short distance from the base, and it won't charge.
  • WiTricity has signed a technology transfer and licensing agreement with MediaTek, a semiconductor company in Taiwan, to collaborate on systems for wireless charging of mobile handsets, tablet computers, game controllers and other devices, Mr. Giler said.
    • troy seaton
      Other devices that are development
    • chris mackie
      1) Content and Credibility a. Is the article accurate & thorough i. Yes, very much so. It paints a positive image on the tragedy. b. Does it answer your questions about the topic i. Yes, it focuses on information about the plane and the information surrounding its disappearance. 2) Currency a. What is the date or timestamp of the article? Has it been revised? i. This Article was updated 03/16/2014. There is no record of it being altered or revised since upload. b. Is there information that could be updated? i. No. Because this article was uploaded and published today the information is current. 3) Authority and Credibility a. Is the author identified? i. Yes, Larry McShane b. Can we see their job title or description? i. No. But it is assumed that he is a reporter for the New York Daily News c. Can you see where the article originates? i. Yes. New York Daily News, Page 5 4) Continuity and Comparability a. Will the internet site be maintained and updated? i. Yes. This site is updated often to maintain the most accurate information. b. Can you rely on this source over time to provide up-to-date information? i. Yes. It may not be bleeding edge down to the second up to date, but it is at best only a few hours old. c. Does the internet site contain complete information as found in the comparable article? i. No. Not in the article itself. It does provide options to search for additional articles and provides a way to narrow your search 5) Biases and Censorship a. Does that article seem biased in any way in its point of view? i. Yes, but not in a bad way. It was about how hope hasn't been lost in the search for the plane. b. Is there information included or not included that is found in the comparable article? i. Not currently. Because of how new the article is there isn't really any more information on it. If it included all the information available it would be come hard to read.
    • chris mackie
      1) Content and Credibility a. Is the article accurate & thorough i. This article seems to be accurate and thorough. It's well written. b. Does it answer your questions about the topic i. This article answered basic questions on my topic but to the exact information I was looking for. 2) Currency a. What is the date or timestamp of the article? Has it been revised? i. September 26th, 2013 b. Is there information that could be updated? i. Yes there was, this article focused on more on Russian oil running low and how the Kremlin was looking towards Siberian shale to replenish it and not at all about the interactions of the US in that regard. 3) Authority and Credibility a. Is the author identified? i. Yes. His name is Guy Chazan. b. Can we see their job title or description? i. No. c. Can you see where the article originates? i. Yes. It originated in the Financial Times (London, England) 4) Continuity and Comparability a. Will the internet site be maintained and updated? i. For the most part yes. It seems that it is often update but not current. b. Can you rely on this source over time to provide up-to-date information? i. No. It does update but not often enough to provide up-to-date information. c. Does the internet site contain complete information as found in the comparable article? i. Yes it does at least about the value of Russian oil. It doesn't contain anything about how people are reacting to the current foreign policy from President Obama. 5) Biases and Censorship a. Does that article seem biased in any way in its point of view? i. No. It seems unbiased and direct in its point of view. It doesn't take either side, but still relates all the information properly. b. Is there information included or not included that is found in the comparable article? i. It didn't have any information on the actions or reaction of the US or the world.
    • chris mackie
      1) Content and Credibility a. Is the article accurate & thorough i. Yes, very much so. It paints a positive image on the tragedy. b. Does it answer your questions about the topic i. Yes, it focuses on information about the plane and the information surrounding its disappearance. 2) Currency a. What is the date or timestamp of the article? Has it been revised? i. This Article was updated 03/16/2014. There is no record of it being altered or revised since upload. b. Is there information that could be updated? i. No. Because this article was uploaded and published today the information is current. 3) Authority and Credibility a. Is the author identified? i. Yes, Larry McShane b. Can we see their job title or description? i. No. But it is assumed that he is a reporter for the New York Daily News c. Can you see where the article originates? i. Yes. New York Daily News, Page 5 4) Continuity and Comparability a. Will the internet site be maintained and updated? i. Yes. This site is updated often to maintain the most accurate information. b. Can you rely on this source over time to provide up-to-date information? i. Yes. It may not be bleeding edge down to the second up to date, but it is at best only a few hours old. c. Does the internet site contain complete information as found in the comparable article? i. No. Not in the article itself. It does provide options to search for additional articles and provides a way to narrow your search 5) Biases and Censorship a. Does that article seem biased in any way in its point of view? i. Yes, but not in a bad way. It was about how hope hasn't been lost in the search for the plane. b. Is there information included or not included that is found in the comparable article? i. Not currently. Because of how new the article is there isn't really any more information on it. If it included all the information available it would be come hard to read.
    AFP - RELAXNEWS (English International Version) Two film stars, Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd, are to share the title role in the next film from "The World's End" director Edgar Wright, due 2015. After Robert Redford's stint in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," Marvel has recruited another legendary actor for an upcoming blockbuster in Michael Douglas. The 69-year-old will become the face of Henry Pym and hand over the Ant-Man moniker to Scott Lang, the new hero played by Paul Rudd. Ant-Man first appeared in print in 1962 and has become the alter ego for a number of Marvel characters; the film sees Lang succeed Pym as the electronics whizz in charge of wearing the Ant-Man mantle, able to shrink, grow, and communicate with insects. Dated for July 31, 2015, "Ant-Man" should also result in the character's addition to the supporting cast of the next Avengers film, set for mid-2018.
    Adknowledge is a leading digital marketing company working with some of the worldâs top brands. Adknowledge designs, manages and measures campaigns for companies including Audi, Starbucks, LG, Disney and LâOréal to unlock digital audiences using multiple channels: social media, mobile, apps, email, display ads and audience engagement. A proprietary database of more than 600 million internet and mobile users steers Adknowledgeâs targeting; user preferences, online behavior and unsurpassed optimization ensure surgical message precision. In addition, Adknowledge helps publishers monetize their sites and lists effectively, with great attention to contextual relevance. Since it was founded 2004, Adknowledge has grown organically and through acquisitions. This includes a 2011 purchase of Toronto-based AdParlor, one of the first Facebook Strategic Preferred Marketing Developers (sPMD). Adknowledge is based in Kansas City, Missouri; it also has North American offices in San Francisco, New York Fort Myers and Toronto. It has overseas locations in London, Paris, Munich and Shanghai with sales presence in Australia and Brazil. Today, there are approximately 300 Adknowledge employees located around the world.
James Aiello

My Lists - 0 views

shared by James Aiello on 14 Sep 13 - No Cached
Lucas Pergler

EBSCOhost: Unlocking the Power of Internet Collaboration: Adjusting Concepts So More P... - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)PDF from EBSCOhost containing content of a serious nature, authored by a professor in an Australian university. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)The author is printed under the title of the article for copyright. 5)Citations used throughout the article when needed. 6)EBSCOhost is continually updated with new articles 7)Being a school-provided resource, the results may be censored, but I do not believe it had an affect on my results. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project
    Most relevant information begins on page 7 with the "trust" issue. Collaborating with others online instead of face to face can breed mistrust because of the inherent anonymity of online interactions.
Lucas Pergler

Collaboration Security - Cisco on Cisco - Cisco Systems - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research.. 2)No author mentioned, public statement by company. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)No author posted, copyright belongs to company. 5)Information is created by company, no citation necessary. 6)Being a public statement from a well renowned company, updates will happen as relevant information changes. 7)Public company statement, so censor ship is probably only done if needed to protect company assets. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    From leading company in online collaboration tools, risk created by employees.
Lucas Pergler

Cloud storage data risks and encryption | Naked Security - 0 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1, 2)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research by a published author many times over for a website made for internet security. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)The author is printed below the title for copyright. 5)Citation is not used aside from mentioning the company who stated the information in question. 6, 7)The site is continually updated (evidence from home page) and I do not believe that my search results that lead me here or this site is censored. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
Lucas Pergler

EBSCOhost: Security Architecture of Cloud Computing. - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)PDF from EBSCOhost containing content of a serious nature, authored by a PhD. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)Author is printed under the title and has a doctorate in the related field. 5)Citation printed at the end of the article. 6)EBSCOhost is continually updated with new articles 7)Being a school-provided resource, the results may be censored, but I do not believe it had an affect on my results. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Overview of how cloud services try to maintain security.
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