Moral literacy is defined as the ability to contend with complex moral problems. It involves the ability to recognize a problem as a moral one. The morally literate individual must acknowledge the multiple perspectives of individuals involved in the problems. The ability to assess both disagreements on and proposed responses to the problems is another skill of the morally literate individual. The development of these abilities involves learning and practicing a set of skills. These skills must be taught and then practiced until they become habits. The skills include sensitivity, listening, reflecting, critical thinking and moral reasoning. A moral literacy resource for educators, therefore, should provide information to assist in developing both an understanding and application of these skills and abilities.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Adam Myers
Rock Ethics Institute - K12 - 0 views
What is disinformation? - 0 views
What is a Digital Immigration - 0 views
What Does Digital Citizenship Mean to You? | Microsoft Security - 0 views
Digital citizenship is usually defined as the "norms of behavior with regard to technology use." It encompasses digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, online safety, norms, rights, culture and more. Microsoft recognizes that good digital citizenship, when you use computers, gaming consoles, or mobile devices, promotes a safer online environment for all.
Digital Citizenship - 1 views
"Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use."
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