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Priscilla Stadler

Digitally Fatigued, Networkers Try New Sites, but Strategize to Avoid Burnout - NYTimes... - 0 views

     choices overload
    Excellent source, Priscilla!
Priscilla Stadler

Revising Bloom's Taxonomy wrt Engineering Education « Learning & Computing Ed... - 0 views

    another revision of Bloom's taxonomy developed by engineering educators, using Mentoring as apex of the pyramid
Priscilla Stadler

When a Favorite App Dies or Goes Pro - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    see comments as well as article; this is just the beginning. Interesting comment from a school that doesn't permit faculty to use sites where s's have to sign away their privacy
Priscilla Stadler

Agile Teaching with Technology -Derek Bruff's Blog about Classroom Response Systems - 1 views

    presentation by Vanderbilt's Derek Bruff on classroom response systems
Ximena Gallardo

Online Privacy: Using the Internet Safely | Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - 0 views

  • The privacy policy and terms of service of the hosting company should always be read carefully. 
  • Major search engines have said they need to retain personal data, in part, to provide better services, to thwart security threats, to keep people from gaming search ranking results, and to combat click fraud scammers. However, major search engines often have retained this data for over a year, seemingly well beyond the time frame necessary to address these concerns. Recently, some search engines have reduced the time that they retain users' IP addresses
  • It's a good idea to avoid using the same web site for both your web-based email and as your search engine.  Web email accounts will always require some type of a login, so if you use the same site as your search engine, your searches can be connected to your email account. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Avoid downloading search engine toolbars (for example, the Google toolbar or Yahoo toolbar).
  • Read the service agreement carefully to determine exactly what is required and what will be revealed
  • Consider carefully how much information you’re willing to give and if you want your personal information linked to your comments or posts forever.  Most blogs will record your IP address, which may enable them to determine your identity.
Ximena Gallardo

Evaluating Research Blogs - 1 views

    Criteria for evaluating whole blogs (Portfolio-style)
Ximena Gallardo

Hub-and-spoke blogging with lots of students - 1 views

  • The blogroll is then split into groups
  • In practice, the groups serve several purposes. First, membership in a group give individual students a more focused and manageable reading load.
  • Second, focused groups mean that each student has a guaranteed audience.
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  • Third, dividing the class into blog groups provides ready-made groups for in-class work as well.
  • Bringing the blogs to the center of the classroom experience does a couple of things: it highlights good student work (I try to talk about everyone’s blog at least once per term), it creates the impression that the blogs really are a crucial part of the class, it’s a good way to revisit issues that went either unexplained or underexplained in the previous session, and it makes future blog posts better when blog authors believe that their work might be discussed in class.
  • I started writing “In the blogs” posts, digests of what caught my eye that day, and a brief description of why. I’d generally try to post this at least twelve hours before the class session where the posts would be discussed.
  • Near the beginning of the term, I deliberately overdid it with In the blogs, in order to give students the sense that the blogs were really significant intellectual spaces and important to the class. See, for example, digests from the beginning, the middle, and the end of the semester.
  • he purpose of the blogs in these classes is to give the students a space for reflection that they take seriously (publicness does this) but that is low-stakes enough to allow for risk-taking and experimentation. Thus my pass-fail grading: if the blog post is on time, and demonstrates even a modicum of thought, you get full credit.
  • The happy byproduct of this arrangement is that a close reading of every blog entry and comment is not necessary.
  • Early in the semester I try to read every post relatively carefully and comment on most of them – largely so that I can model the kind of thoughtful but not-too-formal commenting that I’d like the students to adopt – but as the term progresses the community generally takes care of itself pretty well.
Ximena Gallardo

A Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs - 3 views

  • in a recent graduate class on postmodernism, I required once-a-week postings that added up to 20 percent of the final grade:
  • Because these posts are online well before class meets, I am able to skim them for recurring themes or concerns, which I often use as beginning points for class discussion.
  • In my efforts to quickly and fairly evaluate blog posts, I developed a simple 5-point scale, which rates each post according to the level of critical thinking and engagement displayed in the post.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Rating Characteristics 4 Exceptional. The blog post is focused and coherently integrates examples with explanations or analysis. The post demonstrates awareness of its own limitations or implications, and it considers multiple perspectives when appropriate. The entry reflects in-depth engagement with the topic. 3 Satisfactory. The blog post is reasonably focused, and explanations or analysis are mostly based on examples or other evidence. Fewer connections are made between ideas, and though new insights are offered, they are not fully developed. The post reflects moderate engagement with the topic. 2 Underdeveloped. The blog post is mostly description or summary, without consideration of alternative perspectives, and few connections are made between ideas. The post reflects passing engagement with the topic. 1 Limited. The blog post is unfocused, or simply rehashes previous comments, and displays no evidence of student engagement with the topic. 0 No Credit. The blog post is missing or consists of one or two disconnected sentences.
  • I strive for as much transparency as possible, so it’s essential that my expectations (i.e. the rubric) are explained to the students early on, and always available for them to review later. I also let the students know what their grades are for each post, using my university’s officially sanctioned method of transmitting student grades (that is, Blackboard).
  • in order to deepen students’ understanding of their own work, I comment on every student’s blogging at least twice throughout the semester.
Ximena Gallardo

Google Web Search-Classroom Lessons and Resources - 1 views

    Our librarians might be really interested in this resource.
Ximena Gallardo

Symbaloo | Access your bookmarks anywhere - 1 views

    Good tool to compile resources.
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