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Deep Blue Publications Group LLC: Netflix to enter Chinese market - 0 views

    Video streaming provider Netflix is reportedly negotiating with Chinese media firms in a bid to enter the country's huge market. However, it could possibly be faced with challenges like censorship along the way. According to reports, Netflix is currently in talks with several Chinese firms that hold content license in the country. Most notable among them is Wasu Media Holding, co-owned by Jack Ma of Alibaba. Shares of Netflix increased sharply after reports of its possible operations in China became public. It increased by 5%, gaining around 30% since April and passing the USD 600 threshold for the first time. Moreover, the online video streaming service got almost 5 million new customers, reaching the all-time high of 60 million subscribers -- with 20 million coming from its foreign markets. Doing business in Beijing will present a number of concerns for the company like potential censoring of certain programs and questions about streaming rights in the country. Netflix has been licensing some of its programs to Chinese companies before but is now looking to acquire global rights to its content. However, Deep Blue Publications Group LLC reported that Netflix is cautiously saying that the company's plans in China is a modest one -- just a "small service" if things work out well with their negotiations. "If we go, it will be a modest investment. Because we won't have that much content, we're going to be very cautious and feel our way along through that process, if we're able to get that license," said Netflix's Reed Hastings. Their video streaming service has recently launched in New Zealand, Australia and later Japan. Looks like Netflix is getting closer to its goal of being available in two hundred nations as it has already reached 50 at present. Perhaps it's trying to boost its international presence more than ever as domestic growth is slowing down, according to Deep Blue Publications Group LLC. Indeed, its foreign markets' growth is overtaking that of its d

Deep Blue Group Publications LLC : 4 Tips a oke okonomisk ansvarlig barn - 0 views

    Spor barnet til a dyppe i sine sparepenger kan gjore dem sporsmal hvor mye de vil at leketoy. Investering er en ideell mate a bygge rikdom for voksne. Dette emnet er vanligvis reservert for de med en jobb. Men forestill deg hvis smarte penger trening og investere utdanning kan hindre oss i a heve bortskjemt brats. Hvor mange ganger har du vært i kjopesenteret eller supermarked ser liten si å mamma eller pappa, "Jeg onsker dette" og ber om et nytt leketoy gjentatte ganger? Med de fleste foreldre arbeider fra soloppgang til skumring, med sine barn i skolen, fritidsaktiviteter og Barnepass, foreldre har en tendens til a fole deg litt skyldig, forer dem til a si "ja" altfor ofte til sine barn. Likevel, holde barn ansvarlig og gjor dem ansvarlig, lære dem for a tjene hva de ønsker og gjore dem innse det er ingen "gratis lunsj" gar en lang vei mot oppdra respektfull barn. 1. gi barnet ditt en godtgjorelse (med begrensninger). Krever at barnet deler deres godtgjorelse til fire botter: en for veldedighet, lagre, investere og utgifter. Barnet kan velge veldedighet og arsaken, og dermed får et forsprang i a lare a har empati for andre. Er det andre verdiomradet. Maten neste gang junior klynke av et nytt leketoy, foreslar at han eller hun dukkert i sine sparepenger. Du kan bli overrasket over a finne at leketoy er ikke sa viktig for dem allikevel. Tredje botte er for a investere. Det er aldri for tidlig for a lare et barn prinsippene av sammensatte. Start 7 ar gamle barn investere $250 per ar en mangfoldig lager indeksen fondet. Anta fondet gir et gjennomsnitt 8 prosent arlig arlig. 67 ar er at $250 per ar verdt $338,367. Det er rett, totalt $250 per ar investeringer ($15.000 totalt) vokser til nesten $340,000. Bruke botte er ganske klart. Hvis Amanda onsker et leketoy av maskinen foran supermarkedet, har hun penger til a betale for den. 2. rundt 11 ar, kan du starte ditt barns penger utdanning. Det er en flott bok for barn (og voksne) a fa en lyd penger utdanning,

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC: How to avoid IRS scam - 1 views

started by satoshi min aoi on 17 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Top Tips For Winning New Cl... - 1 views

    Looking for ways to attract additional clients? Here are some helpful suggestions from a variety of industry sages, including Ron Carson, founder of Omaha, Neb.-based Peak Advisor Alliance, a coaching program for financial advisors.

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Social Media Tips for Invest... - 1 views

    The rise of social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter has been unprecedented over the last couple of years. LinkedIn now has some 313 million users and in Q2 2014 its revenues rose by 47 per cent to USD534m reported the Wall Street Journal on 31 July 2014. McKinsey estimates that there is a GBP772bn opportunity for business to use social media. All of us use social media in one form or another but when it comes to applying it to the workplace, the asset management industry has remained largely apathetic. This would appear to stem from a fear of falling foul of compliance in what has become a tightly regulated market. One of the pillars of any asset manager's marketing strategy today should include social media but it's important to understand the potential roadblocks. This prompted SEI recently to publish a brief on the subject entitled "Stepping in to Social Media", in which eight tips and considerations are presented for investment managers. "I think it's true to say that all asset managers have been reluctant to get into social media. From a compliance perspective, there's a lot less control over the way information is broadcast and who you, as a firm, are communicating with," says Lori White (pictured), Marketing Regulation Counsel, SEI. "The reluctance has largely been from compliance officers as they look to get comfortable complying with existing regulation." Click here to continue reading

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Are You Saving Enough for Re... - 1 views

    Unlike Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men, we trust that you can handle the truth. No matter your age, securing a comfortable retirement is a huge concern. Folks want the whole truth about their financial outlook, but straight answers are hard to come by. Both sides of the mainstream media habitually present opinion-tainted partial facts. Case in point: the unemployment numbers announced earlier this month. One side is cheering because unemployment dropped to a six-year low, while the other side is calling it pure fraud. I found author and libertarian-about-town Wayne Root's remarks in a recent article for The Blaze particularly telling: The middle class isn't getting richer, it's getting poorer… The only people being hired are your grandparents. 230,000 of the new jobs went to those in the 55-to-69-year-old age group. In the prime working age group of 24 to 54 years old, 10,000 jobs were lost… It means grandma and grandpa are desperate and willing to take grandson's low wage job to survive until Social Security kicks in. The US workforce is now the oldest in history. And if grandpa has to work (out of desperation) until the day he dies, there will never be any decent jobs for the grandkids. Here's the part Root gets wrong: Baby boomers are not working until Social Security kicks in. They're working well past that point, because they feel they must. Smart boomers know they can't afford to wait until robust interest rates return; they're taking action to protect themselves now, lest their circumstances become truly dire.

Deep Blue Publications Group: Tips on Avoiding Accounting Bloopers - 1 views

started by crammy stand on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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