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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Yahnie Miller

Yahnie Miller

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC: Tips on real estate investment for beginners - 1 views

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC Tips on real estate investment for beginners
started by Yahnie Miller on 29 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    A lot of people are considering the profits to be made from flipping houses.

    Basically, flipping houses was defined as a type of real estate investment strategy in which an investor purchases properties at a discounted price and improves them to be able to sell it at a higher price.

    However some beginners are often discouraged taking part in real estate investment. The following basic tips will help them on their voyage to discover financial freedom through real estate.

    Be determined. Similar to what the famous quote says, "Determination today leads to success tomorrow", real estate investment is not a scheme to get rich in an instant. It is a lifelong endeavor to take control of your financial future. You will certainly struggle. You are going to sacrifice money, opportunities, and time. You will make mistakes. You will fail. But successful individuals from Deep Blue Publications Group LLC are people who take those experiences and turn them into lessons to enhance their abilities.

    Study basic math. The math included in a real estate investment is not college calculus. We are talking about basic math like a fifth grader's math and it isn't difficult to learn. Income minus expenses equals cash flow, that's the kind of math you need to get good at. You could also use a basic spreadsheet or an investment property calculator to analyze a deal. The fastest way to fail on real estate is to forget that it is a number's game.

    Create a written plan. You wouldn't take a road trip without a map, so you must take your voyage through financial freedom with a map. Sat down and create a plan to get from where you are to where you wanted to be. However life gives us unexpected outcomes and doesn't follow the ideal, therefore you should value the principles from the plan you created.

    You don't need to become an expert in all things on real estate. As said earlier, some people are easily intimidated on real estate investing because of the vast information they need to understand. But the simple fact is that no one knows it all that well, you can be good at a small handful.

    Keep a clean reputation. This provides you credibility and will help individuals to become loyal to you. You must keep your word and don't ever tell a lie to a client. As you start working on real estate, you must keep intact of your reputation in this type of business.

    Interact with local investors. You must learn from like-minded people. Real estate is a well-known field so you can possibly find a group in your area that focuses on earning profits in real estate. Local investors may have a far greater grasp at what works in your community. Begin spending time with them and ask them to show you some of their properties, or educate you with things you wished to learn more about. Many investors like to show off their accomplishments, so allow them to because they can give you helpful information.

    You have to do your research. There are some investors who get so fortunate and make it big even though they are unsure of where they're going to land after jumping in with both feet on real estate. However many of the time these investors fall and fall hard. Don't be one of them. Do your research and stick to the niche or the specialization you want to invest in and learn everything you can about that subject. It doesn't matter if you're flipping properties of building them from the ground up but you should master what you're doing.

    It is okay to start small. Maybe your first investment will be your first home. Perchance you will begin with just a 50/50 partnership on a small flip. Don't worry because that is okay.

    Begin with a good bookkeeping now. Meet with an accountant as well as a lawyer after your first purchase and begin strategizing your bookkeeping, taxes, and legal holding status.

    Hire a person or company that offers property management services if necessary. When investing in real estate, be realistic about the period of time you'll be able to spend on property management. Tenant problems can definitely kill your time. If you find that you don't have time to manage it then consider following this tip.

    Don't quit your ideal job. Investing has two faces: the career side and the investment side. It can be both but it doesn't need to be both. If there is a career you liked better - ideal job, do that and invest on the other side. Find whatever job that makes you the happiest and do that but use real estate as your investment vehicle to achieve you journey to financial freedom.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Investing in You: How to hu... - 2 views

Investing in You: How to hunt bargains like a pro Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo
started by Yahnie Miller on 05 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    There are savvy shoppers. Then there are holiday crazies - expert, rabid consumers who combine coupons, compare online vs. in-store bargains via smartphone, and put us all to shame.

    Edgar Dworsky, proprietor of nonprofit consumer advocate Consumer, is among the latter.

    Here's what he does before buying anything, most especially during this season of shopping insanity, along with tips from some other parties:

    Chart price history. Start by visiting sites like,,, and, as well as Google Shopping,, and eBay. This year,  the Wall Street Journal has launched a "Christmas Sale Tracker" on 10 popular items that updates constantly. alerts shoppers when prices drop.

    "Sometimes, what seems like a good deal today really isn't a good deal vs. six months ago," Dworsky says. "Also, read negative reviews and horror stories. There are lemons out there, so do your homework online."

    Reviews can be found at sites such as,, Consumer Reports, or

    Combine savings. Let store credit cards, coupons, loyalty programs, and promo codes work for you. Try and, coupon apps you download on a phone.

    Assuming you're not creeped out by the Minority Report overtones, RetailMeNot's app tracks your physical location to send relevant deals. Walking by Old Navy or Macy's? The app senses your location and sends you a coupon.

    "There's no clipping, no carrying paper coupons around, and you can also save these coupons on your phone. RetailMeNot will alert you when the coupons expire," says Trae Bodge, a RetailMeNot blogger in Montclair, N.J. is a loyalty program for Sears and Kmart that Dworsky uses to buy appliances. "If you're renovating a house, you can rack up a lot of points buying all your appliances from Sears," he says, "and maybe get 2 percent back if you use a Sears credit card."

    Check for rebates. Just prior to buying, Dworsky checks with or to see whether those sites will pay cash back for purchases at major retailers such as Sears.

    "Prices on Kenmore appliances, for instance, are typically inflated," he explains, "so it's a great way to get extra savings."

    Take credit. For the love of money (say, fraud, security, and repair costs), don't shop with a debit card or cash. You have everything to lose by using debit cards, and cash payment doesn't offer warranty extension or returns protection.

    "Unless you are someone for whom credit is like booze and you can't control yourself using it, avoid paying cash or debit," Dworsky says.

    Some credit cards double warranties on refurbished items. ( compares extended warranties.)

    Dworsky uses a Fidelity Investments credit card with 2 percent cash back and price-protection coverage, and a Chase Freedom Visa card. Both offer warranty extensions.

    Some card issuers also generate one-time "virtual" credit card numbers, Dworsky says, which "I like to use when I'm shopping in an unfamiliar place." It's called a "shop-safe" card number, issued once and with a short-term expiration date and credit limit, to help prevent fraud.

    Online deals honored?

    Last season, Walmart did not honor lower Internet prices on some items, partially because the two divisions within America's largest retailer compete with each other, Dworsky says. Kohl's uses electronic signs in its stores that change prices every hour, complicating comparisons with online pricing.

    Traditionally, Apple offers discounts of up to 10 percent, but last year ditched the discount and instead paired products with Apple gift cards. Retailers including MacMall, Best Buy, and Walmart offered significantly better deals.

    This year, Dworsky again recommends avoiding Apple stores. "Unless you're in the market for an Apple refurb - which is a great way to save money on Apple devices - there's no reason to shop from Apple during the holidays," he says.

    Upscale retailers Lord & Taylor and Nordstrom offer a "pick up in store" option. Target and Crate & Barrel are copying that, says Wharton professor David Bell, author of Location Is (Still) Everything.

    Location determines sales more than ever, Bell says: "We think the Internet flattens out our options. But if you live next door to a drugstore, likely you're going to go downstairs for diapers there every day, rather than shop at all the time.

    "Your physical world defines your options," he says. "If you're in the Philly suburbs 30 minutes from a store, then looks good."

    Bell helps retailers Nike and Ann Taylor analyze how e-commerce does when a new store opens.

    Crate & Barrel, for instance, began offering a "buy online and pick up in the store" option, he says, that instead drove traffic into the brick-and-mortar.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Top Tips For Winning New Cl... - 1 views

    Looking for ways to attract additional clients? Here are some helpful suggestions from a variety of industry sages, including Ron Carson, founder of Omaha, Neb.-based Peak Advisor Alliance, a coaching program for financial advisors.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Tips to making sure that pro... - 1 views

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo Tips to making sure that property is a good investment
started by Yahnie Miller on 15 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Let's imagine you know what to expect when buying a home a home for the first time, but did you know that it is the little things that can make all the difference in terms of your long-term happiness with your decision? Below are our top 10 tips for making your buying experience as profitable, stress-free, and enjoyable in the long-term as possible.

    - Research Thoroughly Before You Begin Physically Looking

    As an agent, I see it all the time, a buyer-or buyers-want to jump into my car with me immediately and begin feverishly seeing dozens of condos on a Saturday afternoon.

    Why is this bad? Easy-the clients and I waste 5 hours running around like chickens with our heads cut off and the entire process-after 2-3 weekends of this-quickly becomes disorganized and stressful. This is the exact opposite of how the process should go!

    Instead, take time to do your homework before you even involve an agent and begin seeing homes. Start with online sites like Zillow, Trulia, or Redfin and check into different neighborhoods, price points, etc. so that by the time you do actually want to physically see properties and get more serious, you have a very well-defined idea of what you're actually looking to buy. Also consider attending a few open houses on your own-just be sure to let them know you're working with an agent if you've already chosen one.

    - Location, Location, Location

    This is the most famous saying in our industry when it comes to the three things that most effect buyer's purchasing decisions.

    It's wonderful that you can buy a 3,000 sq. ft. single family home for a very low price if you go out 7 miles due west of Downtown Chicago, but if no one will come and hang out with you, what was the point?

    Location is such a crucial piece of the home buying puzzle because it will have the greatest effect on your overall lifestyle.

    Do you love getting up early and walking a block to your yoga class and then having a nice protein shake from the juice bar across the street on your way back? If you do, then think long and hard before you decide to give up your ideal location for a few more interior square feet or some shiny new stainless steel appliances.

    - Don't Forget to Account for the Extra Small Costs

    When buyers are setting up their budgets, they always remember to account for things like mortgage, tax, and insurance payments, as well as any association dues (for condos or communities with common amenities). They also remember to budget for utilities like gas, cable, and electric and most even remember things like landscaping maintenance and routine maintenance.

    What most people forget about are the little extras which, when you add them up, can become not so little. A prime example- using the tip above about location- let's say you decide to move 4 blocks farther from your ideal location which isn't so far- no big deal, right? Maybe not…

    Let's say you're not much of a walker or are always in a rush-that 2-minute walk for $0 just turned into a $6 cab ride.

    Another simple example is a buyer who moves from a more affordable area to a more expensive one. Everyone accounts for the extra rent or mortgage they will pay, but few remember to account for the fact that there are no more $7/plate restaurants out your front door and that $35/plate restaurants have replaced them. Now you're faced with spending hundreds of dollars more per month to feed yourself or spending money on cabs to get to more affordable options.

    Always remember to really take the time to think about your overall budget and account for every penny that your new home will cost on a monthly basis, but also the ancillary income you will need to spend to conveniently live in that location.

    - Scope Out the Area on Your Own for a Different Perspective

    Going out with your Realtor on the weekend and seeing homes is a great start once you become more serious about your search, but if you really want to get a feel for the area you're considering buying in, you need to do more.

    Start by visiting the property and general area at 9am and 5pm so you can judge traffic volume, noise levels, and the general feel for the area. Then come back during the weekend and walk around during the middle of the day. Stop in a local restaurant and have a bite and talk to a couple small business owners in the area to get a feel for their thoughts on the neighborhood.

    The trick here is to figure out the lifestyle afforded by the area you're considering and taking the time to make sure that lifestyle will be a good fit once you're moved in.

    - Do Not Compromise on The Quality of the Professionals You Hire

    We've all heard the saying "You get what you pay for" and this couldn't be more true than in real estate.

    I get it-your girlfriend's sister's mom is a Realtor and she's going to be so so so upset if she doesn't get the business. Unfortunately, if you let people pressure you into hiring people who aren't capable of fully representing you, then you can run into problems.

    All hiring decisions- attorney, lender, Realtor, home inspector-should be based on merit and made without regard to personal relationships. If you know just so happen to be friends with a phenomenal agent with a stellar reputation who works in the area you're buying in, then that's one thing, but to blindly give out business when your hard earned money and happiness at stake is foolhardy to say the least!

    - Always Know Your Exit Strategies

    A good businessperson always knows their exit strategy up front and you should be no exception when it comes time to buying property.

    Do you have enough for a down payment so that if you needed to sell quicker than expected you could without writing a check? Can you rent the home for enough to cover your total monthly expenses as an alternative strategy if you can't sell?

    The bottom line is, you need to make a plan as if you're going to be moving half way across the world 6-12 months after you buy. If your exit strategy is sound enough to account for that critical of a life change, you know you've done your job in this respect.

    Buying a home doesn't need to be intimidating, scary, or complicated- in fact it should be just the opposite- approachable, fun, and simple. Organization, planning, and careful consideration are the dominant themes for all the tips listed above and by utilizing these simple strategies you will exponentially increase the odds that your purchase will end up a success in every way.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Investment Tips for Success - 1 views

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo Investment Tips for Success
started by Yahnie Miller on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Investing, whether it is for your retirement or a big purchase, can be a satisfying endeavor for individuals looking to build up their finances. Whether you are interested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs or any other investment vehicle, there are a few investment tips every successful investor should keep in mind. Here is what InvestorPlace recommends to experts and beginners alike.

    Making Investing Profitable

    One of the biggest ways people can help themselves succeed in their investments is by truly understanding what they are investing in. Too many people throw their money into stocks without having a basic understanding of what to expect from the market and what to watch for. Regardless of what you are investing in, you should understand the terminology, latest trends, and inner workings of things like stocks and mutual funds, because that is the only way you will be able to truly prepare yourself for successes and failures. Our financial tip to beginning investors: Take the time to research your investment or find a brokerage firm you can trust to take care of the research for you; either way, ensure that you are working with the right amount of knowledge and expertise to keep your money alive.

    One of the essential stock trading tips today is to make sure that your expenses do not exceed your expected profit. It's simple: If your gains exceed your expenses, you will profit; however, if your expenses are too high, whether due to unsound purchases or a broker's high commission fees, then you could be losing more money than you are gaining.

    Whether you interested in stock trading tips or investment tips, it pays to stay on top of the latest news and trends in the industry. Looking into the facts and figures put across by a reliable investment news source is one of the only ways to ensure that you are making the most of the opportunities available to you, as well as keeping tabs on the companies you are currently invested in. Any expert offering up a financial tip will tell you that you have to watch the latest figures like a hawk to see how companies are doing and whether or not another lucrative investment is coming your way. With this in mind, InvestorPlace offers a one-stop shop for the latest news and trends offered from an expert perspective. Check out InvestorPlace today to see what we can tell you about your current investments!
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Social Media Tips for Invest... - 1 views

    The rise of social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter has been unprecedented over the last couple of years. LinkedIn now has some 313 million users and in Q2 2014 its revenues rose by 47 per cent to USD534m reported the Wall Street Journal on 31 July 2014. McKinsey estimates that there is a GBP772bn opportunity for business to use social media. All of us use social media in one form or another but when it comes to applying it to the workplace, the asset management industry has remained largely apathetic. This would appear to stem from a fear of falling foul of compliance in what has become a tightly regulated market. One of the pillars of any asset manager's marketing strategy today should include social media but it's important to understand the potential roadblocks. This prompted SEI recently to publish a brief on the subject entitled "Stepping in to Social Media", in which eight tips and considerations are presented for investment managers. "I think it's true to say that all asset managers have been reluctant to get into social media. From a compliance perspective, there's a lot less control over the way information is broadcast and who you, as a firm, are communicating with," says Lori White (pictured), Marketing Regulation Counsel, SEI. "The reluctance has largely been from compliance officers as they look to get comfortable complying with existing regulation." Click here to continue reading
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: How Much Will You Earn On Yo... - 1 views

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo How Much Will You Earn On Your Stocks And Bonds?
started by Yahnie Miller on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Are retail investors' expectations upside down-high when conditions are bad for investing, low when conditions are good? Is there a better way to anticipate what's going to happen to your retirement savings?

    Our answers: yes and yes.

    There is ample evidence that popular expectations for investment returns are just about the opposite of what would come from a sober analysis of the fundamental data. In 2000, when the market was trading at absurdly high multiples of corporate earnings, funds holding U.S. stocks hauled in $288 billion. In 2002, when stocks were cheap, the inflow slowed to a $13 billion trickle.

    The inflow into stock funds dried up once again after the crash of 2007-09 and stayed low for most of the next five years. Now, with stock prices at abnormally high multiples of earnings, the investing masses are putting big money into stock funds.

    It's the same with junk bonds. A rational investor would be most likely to buy risky corporate debt when the reward-the yield-is highest and least likely when it is meager. The public is doing just the opposite.

    In tumultuous 2008, when junk bond prices were depressed, their yields averaged a 10% premium over safe Treasury paper. That was a good time to be buying. But retail investors were doing more selling than buying. That year junk funds saw $6 billion of net redemptions, not counting reinvestment of dividends, according to data from the Investment Company Institute.

    Six years later the prices of risky bonds have recovered, and their yields are correspondingly lower. What are investors doing? They should be selling, but they are not. In 2013, when the yield premium on average was only half that of 2008, investors poured a net $54 billion into junk funds. The money is still coming in ($10 billion in the first four months of this year).

    The pattern: If an asset class has done well recently, making its price high, fund buyers want it. If it has done poorly, making it a bargain, they want to sell.

    The phenomenon described above anecdotally has been studied statistically. Two Harvard professors, Andrei Shleifer and Robin Greenwood, published a paper last year demonstrating that investor expectations are highest when objective models would say that expected asset returns are lowest, and vice versa.

    "People react to salience," says professor Greenwood. "Recent performance is salient." That's a polite way of saying that naive investors navigate with a rearview mirror.

    You don't have to make that mistake. There are better ways to come up with a forecast of future returns than to extrapolate the recent past. We'll explore some formulas for stocks, bonds and the funds that own these things.

    Experts can differ about how to come up with an expected return from an asset. But one thing they would agree on is that recent performance is a bad indicator of future results. You shouldn't be buying an asset class because it has been going up.

    The place to start is with the yield. For a bond, it's the interest yield. For a stock, it's the earnings yield, which is the net income divided by the stock price.

    Next, investing costs have to be figured in-both the management fees and the cost impact of turning over a portfolio. If you are buying bonds, you have to allow for inflation. (Shares of stock, in contrast, are not impacted the same way because corporate earnings tend to keep up with inflation.) It's just possible that 401(k) savers don't pay much attention to these things.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: An Advisor's Guide to Peer-t... - 1 views

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: An Advisor's to Peer-to-Peer
started by Yahnie Miller on 14 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Lending between individuals has been around since the beginning of human civilization. It may be the world's second-oldest profession.

    But in the modern era, there is little person-to-person about it.; borrowers work with institutions who have all the power; terms can sometimes be oppressive.

    The Internet is leveling the playing field. Online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms are doing away with the banks that act as slow-moving, costly intermediaries, bringing pools of borrowers together with individual investors. For professional investment managers, the result is an alternative-and attractive-income asset class. (Why do I say attractive? See my personal experience and returns with one such platform below.)

    Tom Myers, a San Francisco-based principal at the wealth advisory firm Brownson, Rehmus & Foxworth, was an early adopter of P2P lending. With one of his clients on the board of Lending Club, the largest of the P2P platforms, Myers opened up a personal account. The more he looked under the hood, the more he liked what he saw as an option for some of his high-net-worth clients. Five years later, Myers now has about $75 million of client funds invested in the LC Advisors Fund, a professionally managed pool. "There's decent return for some modest risk for the kind of clientele [average investable assets of $20 million] we serve," he says.

    Chris Spence of Picayune, Miss.-based Diligentia LLC is such a champion of P2P lending that he established his investment firm partly to exploit the advantages of investing in it, as well as other nontraditional asset classes. The value proposition Diligentia offers clients is also nontraditional: Clients receive a guaranteed rate of return. Diligentia profits represent the spread between its net annualized returns and the guaranteed payments to clients. Spence's firm reserves the right to invest clients' funds in a variety of asset classes including, but not limited to, equity instruments, debt instruments, ETFs, real estate and, increasingly, P2P lending.

    Spence started using Lending Club on a personal level in 2010 and quickly became a power user. "Once I got comfortable enough with P2P lending, I took an incremental approach in bringing in Diligentia assets," he says. "I've been pleased by the net annualized returns. Both (Lending Club and Prosper) do a good job pricing their loans," he adds, and the platform's backtested results show accurate estimations of defaults.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC - 3 views

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC
started by Yahnie Miller on 15 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Madrid Q1 office investment quadruples year-on-year

    According to Savills, approximately €200 million of transactions were carried out in the Madrid office investment market during the first quarter of 2014, against a volume of €50 million recorded in Q1 2013. The international real estate advisor highlights that this figure represents almost 53% of the total office investment volume recorded in Spain in this period, which reached approximately €350 million.

    The firm attributes this partly to increased activity from international investors with its research showing that overseas buyers have increased their market share in Q1 2014 accounting for 66% of the Madrid office transaction volume in this period, against 54% in Q1 2013.

    Luis Espadas, head of capital markets at Savills Spain, comments: "The improved economic outlook has caused international investors to turn their attention to Spain, and particularly Madrid, and take advantage of low capital values, high yields and potential rental growth in the short to medium term. In fact, due to a lack of product on the market, the increased turnover in Q1 does not fully reflect the extremely high demand we are seeing. This demand is making the sales process highly competitive."

    In terms of yields, Savills records prime CBD office yields at 5.5% and predicts that going forward these may contract to 5% for prime product in prime locations.

    On the occupier side, the firm notes that total office take-up in Madrid reached approximately 105,000 sq m in the first three months of the year, representing a 35% year-on-year decrease. The research shows that this is due to a particularly strong first quarter in 2013 with several very large deals, including a 50,000 sq m letting by Vodafone. However, in terms of the number of deals Q1 2014 recorded an 8% increase and the firm predicts that going forward take up should total more than 400,000 sq m by year end, exceeding 2013 levels.

    Gema de la Fuente, head of research at Savills Spain, comments: "We expect Madrid office take-up to pick up going into Q2 14 with occupiers looking to benefit from low rental levels. These have reached the bottom of the cycle in a number of areas and tenants will want to take advantage of this before they return to growth once again."

    Savills research shows that average vacancy rates on Madrid's office market remain stable at 14%, in line with Q4 2013, and top CBD rents in the city remaining unchanged quarter-on-quarter, at €24.75 per sq/month.

    If you have not invested in the stock market investing but just now planning on doing so, you can see what it is all about, what you can derive from it and find out what it takes to make proper decisions on your own without risking any money: follow Deep Blue Publications Group LLC without having to constantly check for updates as you will be notified by email whenever new content is uploaded.

    The above article is a repost from Property Magazine.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC on Last-minute tax-filing advice - 1 views

    Today I'll answer some tax questions-but first some tips for people who can't file their returns by Tuesday. For federal taxes: If you can't file your return by Tuesday, request a six-month extension by filing Form 4868 electronically or by mail. See the form for instructions. If you file this form by April 15 and your tax return by Oct. 15, you will avoid a late-filing penalty. However, if you owe additional federal tax for 2013, you must pay it with this form by April 15 to avoid interest and possibly a late-payment penalty. You can avoid this late-payment penalty (but not interest) if at least 90 percent of your total 2013 tax liability is paid by April 15 through payroll withholding, estimated tax payments or payments made with Form 4868. If you haven't completed your return, "the best thing is to pay in about 10 percent more" than you expect to owe, says Michael Gray, a San Jose certified public accountant. For California taxes: There is no need to request an extension; you automatically get one until Oct. 15. However, as with federal taxes, you must pay at least 90 percent of what you owe by April 15 to avoid a late-payment penalty. You can make this payment online from your bank or savings account without a fee using the Franchise Tax Board's Webpay system-or with a fee by using your credit card. Or you can mail a check with Form FTB 3519. (Certain high-income taxpayers must make this payment electronically.)
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC: How to tap into your small pension... - 1 views

    There will be a short wait - a year, to be precise - before savers are finally able to dip into all of their pensions for however much they require, whenever they please. That dramatic relaxation of government rules, which ends the compulsion to turn a pension fund into small monthly payments during retirement, was the highlight of the Budget 11 days ago. The Government will now give pension providers time to adjust their systems and practices. However, many of the 320,000 people preparing to retire over the next 12 months need not delay their plans. Last Thursday a number of temporary measures were introduced that will give pensions freedom to tens of thousands of people. These new rules are particularly beneficial to those with small subsidiary pensions of less than £10,000 which were saved alongside a final salary pension. The over-60s can now cash in up to three pensions of this size, taking a quarter of each tax-free. Several other measures, detailed below, also give savers greater choice over how to use money reserved for later years. They will enable some to clear mortgage debts or fund activities or gifts to children that were previously thought to be out of financial reach. The Budget changes also represent a call to action for workers in their 50s. Many pension plans are designed specifically to be converted into an annuity when the saver retires. In addition, the City watchdog will this summer initiate an inquiry into old pension plans and other investments sold before the turn of the millennium, which could offer an escape route to those trapped in high-charging policies. However, some older policies contain perks such as guaranteed payout rates that turn each £100,000 into as much as £11,000 a year. Read full:
Yahnie Miller

The Most Important Thing to Learn From the Man In Charge of $150 Billion - 1 views

    Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC - Many individuals and investors know of the richest men in finance like Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Carl Icahn, who have a combined fortune of more than $110 billion. But there is something everyone can learn from the man who runs a hedge fund with over $150 billion, and who is worth $14 billion himself. The man Ray Dalio sits atop Bridgewater Associates, which is the Connecticut hedge fund he founded in 1975. It is now the biggest fund in the world, and manages money for pensions, university endowments, and sovereign wealth funds for countries. In all likelihood, many readers unknowingly have had their finances in one way or another tied to Dalio at one point in their life. Yet unlike many of those in corporate finance, Dalio is a naturalist and a man who was once described as "Steve Jobs with a business school degree." He enjoys meditation, and seeks to tear down the standard walls of corporate culture, which often characterize firms in the financial industry, by employing a call for an open atmosphere. Source: FOOL.COM
Yahnie Miller

Are Stocks in for Tough Sledding? - 1 views

    Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC - After posting scorching returns in 2013, stocks' flat performance in this year's first quarter seems anticlimactic. Many investors were no doubt expecting the good times to keep on rolling, while valuation-conscious types might have expected an even bigger performance drop-off. With the first quarter receding in the rearview mirror, we decided to get Morningstar readers' takes on the action. What has been the biggest surprise thus far in 2014, and (cue the crystal balls) what do they expect will happen during the rest of the year? Some investors said the first-quarter uptick in stock market volatility was indeed jarring. Others said they were surprised to see decent performance from their bond holdings so far in 2014, given the widespread pessimism that has hung over the fixed-income market for several years running. Looking forward, many posters said they don't have high hopes for stocks for the rest of the year; a frequent refrain was that a still-sluggish U.S. economy will make it difficult to justify higher stock prices when they're already on the lofty side. Read full here
Yahnie Miller

Market May Have Found a Bottom - 2 views

    NEW YORK (Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC) -- On Thursday, the market was searching for a bottom. Friday saw that bottom made. All the indexes ripped higher out of the gate. The oversold condition, mentioned Thursday, in the Nasdaq and the Russell 2000 paved the way for the move higher. The S&P 500 daily trading range is the setup for the algorithm machines and the hedge fund community. The S&P came within 10 points of its sell range on Friday and within 10 points of its buy range. Volatility on a daily basis is the theme. The DJIA was up triple digits at one point and the other indexes were also up huge. A late-day selloff paired those gains. The Nasdaq and Russell 2000 went red again before closing slightly higher. The DJIA closed at 1623.06, up 58.83 points. The S&P 500 closed up 8.57 points, at 1857.62. Even though the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 closed slightly green, those indexes were still well into oversold territory, according to certain internal indicators. We should expect a continued move higher next week in the indexes, based on these conditions. This market is not for the faint of heart. This is a trader's market, pure and simple. Just when the bears were out in force this week, calling for market tops, we are nowhere near that type of signal after Friday's market rebound. Based on internal signals, the trend remains bullish. As I have stated on different occasions, the trend is a three month or more month time frame. The S&P 500 is not close to that bearish signal. At one point Friday, the S&P 500 index came within 12 points of its all-time closing high. That is certainly not a bearish sign. Read full article: THESTREET.COM
Yahnie Miller

Iron ore futures an accurate guide - 1 views

    Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC - Fledgling Chinese iron ore futures traded by speculators and small-time industry players are giving accurate predictions of moves in the iron ore spot price, which has become increasingly important to the health of ­Australia's biggest miners and national export revenue. [See] Analysis by the The Australian shows price moves in the five-month-old Dalian Commodities Exchange iron ore futures price have become highly correlated to the overnight moves in the spot price, which Platts puts out well after market using private information [See] from hundreds of physical iron ore traders. The relationship was starkly illustrated when, overnight on March 10, the iron ore price had its biggest fall in years. That day, before the price fall was announced, Dalian futures traders -- obviously plugged into physical price moves yet to be ­revealed to the market -- sold off hard. The Dalian move contributed to a $16 billion rout on the Australian Stock Exchange, despite the official extent of the iron ore spot price move not being known. Read full article:
Yahnie Miller

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC - Tips from an expert on long-term investing - 1 views

deep blue publications group llc tips from an expert on long-term investing
started by Yahnie Miller on 15 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    I have frequently emphasized the importance of a diversified portfolio and of having a significant portion of common stocks in your portfolio, even in retirement. Although I have been retired for 18 years, I still maintain about half of my portfolio in some form of common stocks -- either the shares themselves or mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

    In a prior column, I recommended "Stocks for the Long Run" by Jeremy Siegel (McGraw-Hill) for investors who wanted to invest in common stocks. Siegel is a professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has revised and updated the book now in its 5th edition. I have reviewed the latest edition, and I believe it contains valuable information for investors who expect to continue to invest in the stock market.

    In this edition, Siegel analyzes the economies of China and India, and provides information that will provide guidance for investing in these economies. He devotes a lot of attention to global markets, discussing the nature and size of these markets and sharing his long-term projections. He also emphasizes the importance of including global investments in your portfolio.

    The most important chapter for most investors takes up the subject of structuring a portfolio for long-term growth. Siegel specifies guidelines for successful investing, which requires maintaining a long-term focus and a disciplined investment strategy. Here are some of the principles he recommends, with my commentary.

    --Keep your expectations in line with history: Over the last two centuries, stocks have returned between 6 and 7 percent after inflation, including re-invested dividends. Furthermore, stocks have sold at an average price/earnings (P/E) ratio of about 15. In the future, he points out, there may be reasons that the stock market may rise to a higher P/E ratio than 15, such as lower transaction costs and lower bond returns. A good rule to remember when you are projecting the future is "the rule of 72." If you divide 72 by the expected total return, the result is the number of years for your investment to double in value. Thus, an 8 percent return will double your investment in nine years.

    --Stock returns are much more stable in the long run than in the short run: Investments in stocks will help you compensate for future inflation; bond investments will not. There will be years in which the overall stock market will be negative. That should not prevent you from maintaining a significant portion of stocks in your portfolio following a fall in stock prices. Investors who bailed out of stocks completely following the stock market fall in 2008 found it very difficult to get back in the stock market, and as a result they missed excellent returns in the last few years.

    --Invest the largest percentage of your stock portfolio in low-cost stock index funds. This may be one of the best recommendations, especially for investors who don't have a huge portfolio. In this way, even if you have a small portfolio, you have the same diversification as a large investor in the same fund. A good example of this principle in action is the track record of a broad-based fund such as Vanguard's Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares (which I have invested in for many years) which returned approximately 30 percent in 2013.

    --Invest at least one-third of your equity portfolio in international stocks, specifically those not based in the United States. Siegel cautions investors not to overweigh your portfolio in high growth countries whose P/E ratio exceeds 20.

    --Tilt your portfolio toward value stocks by buying passive indexed portfolios of value stocks. Siegel points out that value stocks, which have lower P/E ratios and higher dividend yields have had better results and lower risk than growth stocks. I agree completely. I have consistently invested in this type of index fund, and the results have been very good.

    --Establish firm rules to keep your portfolio on track. Siegel devotes a chapter to discussing the common psychological pitfalls that cause poor market performance. It is too tempting to buy when everyone is bullish and sell when everyone is bearish.

    Worried that the stock market is due for a correction? Siegel offers the following guidance for 2014: "This bull market is not over, although gains won't be as large as 2013. Stock returns likely to average 6 percent to 7 percent over the next three to five years."


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Deep Blue Publications Group LLC - How emerging markets sell-off will hit FTSE 100 shares - 1 views

deep blue publications group llc how emerging markets sell-off will hit FTSE 100 shares
started by Yahnie Miller on 14 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Investors fearful about the impact of the emerging-markets crisis on their portfolio may be shocked to discover they have more exposure to a meltdown than they think.

    Blue-chip companies listed on the FTSE 100 have poured into China and other emerging markets in recent years in a bid to grab the exciting growth opportunities on offer. As the sentiment toward those regions sours, these companies' shares are being hit.

    If you have an emerging markets fund, you have a pretty good idea what your exposure is. But plenty of big-name British companies and funds are also in the firing line, given that FTSE 100 companies now generate 33pc of their profits from emerging markets.

    Companies on the American S&P 500 Index, by comparison, generate only 5pc of their revenues from emerging markets.

    This leaves investors with FTSE 100 stocks, index-tracking and actively managed funds with a much higher exposure than they may think.

    Last week, investors in spirits company Diageo were feeling punch-drunk after its share price fell more than 6pc in just two days, on slowing sales in China and Nigeria. As a result, Goldman Sachs dropped Diageo from its "buy" list and downgraded it to neutral.

    Profits at Unilever, which makes a vast range of goods from PG Tips to Peperami, have been hit by slower demand and weaker currencies in Brazil, India, Russia and Indonesia. A fall in local currencies means the sales made there result in fewer pounds being bought back for British shareholders.

    HSBC and Standard Chartered, two FTSE-listed stocks with hefty exposure to Hong Kong and mainland China, have also struggled. The crisis came to head this week with investors withdrawing billions of dollars from emerging-market funds in the biggest sell-off since August 2011.

    Markets have been hit by fears of a China slowdown, and the US Federal Reserve's decision to scale down "quantitative easing" (QE). Instead of flowing into emerging markets, money is being attracted back on the hope of improving rates in America. Brazil, India, Turkey and South Africa have raised rates to protect their currencies.

    The FTSE 100 has shed £93bn of value since January 21, with much of those losses down to emerging markets, said Elaine Coverley, head of equity research at wealth manager Brewin Dolphin. "Emerging-market headwinds show few signs of dropping. We have been bearish for some time and continue to be so, although we don't see the current correction turning into a full-blown crisis."

    Some FTSE 100 stocks could be hit hard, she said. "Global brewer SABMiller is one of the most exposed stocks of all because it generates a mighty 85pc of its sales from Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

    "I'm a bit more bullish about Diageo [which makes 50pc from emerging markets]. Falling sales in China and Thailand have been offset by a 5pc rise at its US spirits division, which is the largest part of its business."

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Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, Tips on building your portfolio when investing - 1 views

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC Tips on building your portfolio when investing
started by Yahnie Miller on 13 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, Tips on building your portfolio when investing

    Like every investor, you want to choose investments that will provide the growth and income you need to meet your financial goals. To do that, it's important to understand yourself as an investor. That's because a portfolio that's right for someone else may not be best for you. The factors that make a difference are stated below.

    Your risk tolerance

    Both your age and your time frame for meeting specific financial goals play a role in determining your risk tolerance. If you're young and have a long time to meet your goals, you may have a higher risk tolerance than someone who is nearing retirement and is counting on investment income to live on for two or three decades.

    But other factors may also affect your tolerance for investment risk. Your personality, personal experiences, and current financial circumstances also come into play. For instance, if you're a single parent, are responsible for the care of a sick or elderly relative, or have lived through a period of economic upheaval such as a major recession, you may be a more risk-averse, or conservative, investor. On the other hand, if you have a promising career, a generous salary, and little in the way of financial responsibilities, then you may be more comfortable in assuming greater investment risk.

    Above all, you need to feel comfortable with the risk you're taking. If changes in the value of your portfolio keep you tossing and turning at night, or your instinct is to sell your investments every time the market drops, then you may want to consider shifting to a more moderate investment mix, with a greater emphasis on predictable, income-producing investments, such as bonds.

    Or, if you're a risk taker by nature and have at least 15 years to meet your goals, then you may be comfortable allocating most of your assets to a diversified portfolio of stock, stock funds and certain fixed-income investments that have the potential to provide the strongest returns over the long run.

    Keep in mind that investment risk doesn't mean staking your life savings on highly speculative investments like a new company that a friend is starting. (The only money you'd want to put in investments like that is money you can afford to lose.) But it does mean getting used to the fact that virtually all investments that have the potential to provide substantial returns will drop in value at one time or another-sometimes significantly.

    Using asset allocation

    When you allocate your assets, you decide-usually on a percentage basis-what portion of your total portfolio to invest in different asset classes, usually stock, bonds, and cash or cash equivalents. You can make these investments either directly by purchasing individual securities or indirectly by choosing funds that invest in those securities.

    As you build a more extensive portfolio, you may also include other asset classes, such as real estate, which can also help to spread out your investment risk and so moderate it.

    Asset allocation is a useful tool in managing systematic risk because different categories of investments respond to changing economic and political conditions in different ways. By including different asset classes in your portfolio, you increase the probability that some of your investments will provide satisfactory returns even if others are flat or losing value. Put another way, you're reducing the risk of major losses that can result from over-emphasizing a single asset class, however resilient you might expect that class to be.

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Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, Personal Finance: Valentine's Day: Hearts, flowers, c... - 1 views

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC Personal Finance: Valentine's Day: Hearts flowers chocolates ... credit scores?
started by Yahnie Miller on 12 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller
    Valentine's Day is all about hearts, flowers, chocolate, maybe some bling. What it's typically not about: credit cards, credit scores and anything as crass as cash.

    Except lately. Whether it's because recession-rattled consumers are still focused on their bottom lines or whether personal finance experts are trying to capitalize on Valentine-y sentiments, there's been lots of attention recently on romance and money.

    "Love and money cannot be separated," said Gail Cunningham, spokeswoman for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling in Washington, D.C . Because money is "intertwined with just about everything we do, it can impact a relationship - even before it gets off the ground."

    With Feb. 14 just days away, we thought it'd be romantically responsible to share a few gems:

    Money heart-to-hearts

    Too many couples never talk seriously about their finances. Financial experts say that's a major mistake, whether it's a new romance or a years-long marriage.

    "It really is an act of love to share your finances with your significant other," said NFCC's Cunningham. "The more you're on the same page (financially), the less trouble you'll have down the road."

    Without a clear financial picture, the first time you go together to rent an apartment, buy a car or take out a home loan, it could be potentially embarrassing - and costly. If one partner has an iffy credit history, it likely will mean much higher interest rates or even having a loan denied.

    Schedule a time for a serious talk in a casual setting, suggests Cunningham.

    For new couples, it could be looking together at income (yes, bring out the pay stubs, she says), existing debt (credit cards, car loans, etc.), investments and even credit reports. Being honest about your financial past and current situation can put a relationship on a healthy financial footing.

    For established couples, it might be having a talk about retirement readiness, how to share financial tasks more equally, understanding the family investments or checking beneficiaries on life insurance and bank accounts. Or review your goals for some of life's big-ticket items, like a new house, kids' college or special vacation.

    For tips on what questions to ask and how to initiate a money talk with your romantic partner, check out sites as diverse as investing's, dating's and lifestyle's

    Avoid 'financial infidelity'

    Money squabbles are often cited as a major cause of marital tension and divorce.

    Last week, in its annual Couples Retirement Study, Boston-based Fidelity Investments said 51 percent of U.S. couples admit that they "frequently or occasionally" fight about money.

    Especially for couples just starting out, being reluctant to share your financial history can be a sign of potential trouble.

    "It's a form of financial infidelity to hide negative financial information from someone you're considering having a serious relationship with," said Cunningham. "If someone is unwilling, it sends a red flag."

    Insure the bling

    Valentine's Day is the second most popular day for marriage proposals, according to a survey last December. (The most popular? Christmas Eve.)

    For those putting a ring on it, there's one aspect that's frequently forgotten: insurance. An engagement and wedding ring are often the first sizable investment a couple makes together. But you don't want to leave it uninsured in case it's lost, stolen or damaged. (And the same goes for fine jewelry, a perennially popular Valentine's Day gift.)

    "Jewelry is one of the most common insurance claims that pop up," said Tully Lehman, spokesman for the Insurance Information Institute in Walnut Creek.

    Be prepared against loss: Keep your store receipt showing what you paid. If it's an heirloom piece, have it appraised. Keep the paperwork in an insurance file, so you can easily file a claim if the ring is chipped, lost or stolen.

    If you're a renter, look into low-cost renters' insurance, which covers the contents of your apartment or rental property.

    Be sure to check your insurance policy limits. Most standard homeowners' policies will cover against theft for individual items up to $1,000 or $2,000. If your ring or other pieces are worth more, you'll need to look at purchasing a separate "endorsement," sort of a mini-policy that covers higher-priced pieces or can protect against chipped or lost stones. A "floater" premium on your existing policy will protect you beyond theft, such as when you leave jewelry in a hotel room or accidentally drop an earring down the sink.

    "You may already have enough insurance coverage and don't know it. But it always pays to check," said Lehman.

    Flirting via credit card?

    Pulling out your credit card on a first date could affect your love life, says NerdWallet, a San Francisco-based personal finance website.

    While flashing an American Express card might be expected to impress, it's not always so, according to NerdWallet's recent online survey of 500 never-married adults, ages 25-59.

    Given a list of 13 credit cards, respondents were asked which they'd find most "impressive" when a date pulled it out to pay for dinner. Not surprisingly, an American Express Platinum and a Visa Black card ranked second and third, scoring roughly 28 percent each. But the most popular choice? A "local credit union" credit card, which was favored by 39 percent.

    "That surprised us," said Jelena Ewart, a NerdWallet credit/debit card analyst. While the flashier cards might mean a date is a big-spending, high-income, globe-trotting professional, that's not always appealing. While admittedly a "khaki-pants" kind of choice, a local credit union card might indicate your date has a "well-researched, responsible, well-thought-out" approach to money, Ewart said.

    Given the findings, "We were pleasantly surprised that people were in touch with financial responsibility," said Ewart. "It's quite heartwarming."

    Not so charming on that first date is having your credit card declined by a restaurant or merchant. Half of all singles - and 63 percent of women - said they are "somewhat" or "much less likely" to go out again with someone whose credit card is rejected. No explanation needed.

    Is a credit score sexy?

    In some cases, especially among women, it appears so.

    In NerdWallet's survey, 40 percent of singles say they are "somewhat more likely" or "much more likely" to date someone with excellent credit, defined as a FICO score of 750 or above. And single women apparently value a high score more than men, roughly 52 percent to 29 percent. The survey also found that 9 percent of 30-to-44-year-olds - the highest of any age group - admitted to "snooping" into their dating partner's credit history.

    There's actually an online dating site,, that lets singles plug in their credit score to find a compatible match. Finding someone with a credit score above 750 means "Take him/her home to mom," according to the site.

    The emphasis on creditworthiness is especially strong among 20-somethings, according to Ewart. "This age group came of age during the recession," she says. "They were coming out of college or getting jobs at a time when creditworthiness was really important. Their older peers may have entered adulthood when it didn't matter as much."

    Love is cheap

    Perhaps the easiest piece of money-and-Valentine's advice: It doesn't have to cost a fortune to be heartfelt.

    For instance, want to send your sweetheart a message that's a mashup of cash 'n' cupid?, a financial literacy website aimed at 18-to-24-year-olds, offers a series of free Valentine's e-cards to send your significant other. Dubbed "a financial twist on the traditional cheesy Valentine's card, the e-cards bear such messages as: "Love makes the world go round, but money pays for the ride." "Let's spend more time and less money together." "You had me at no debt."

    For other ideas, sites like,, and even or are bursting with low-cost ways to say "I love you." Here are a few:

    1. Tell your partner why you love him/her, in words or on paper.

    2. Create a handmade card (or lots of little notes sprinkled throughout the day).

    3. Make something (breakfast in bed, a CD of favorite tunes, a framed photo).

    4. Make peace. (Resolve a nagging disagreement: Write down your promise, wrap it up, deliver with a flourish.)

    5. Give your time. (Offer him/her a night out with friends, or time off from household chores, which you pick up in return.)

    6. Surprise 'em. (Pick a new destination for a hike or drive; return to a favorite place.)

    7. Just listen. (Give your partner your undivided attention and really listen.)

    8. Create a memorable meal. (Whether it's bundling up for a cold-weather picnic outdoors or a candlelight spread of hors d'oeuvres at home, simple can be sweet.)

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Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, 9 Tips on Getting Rich From the Greatest Showman of A... - 1 views

Deep Blue Publications Group LLC 9 Tips on Getting Rich From the Greatest Showman of All Time
started by Yahnie Miller on 11 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Yahnie Miller

    P.T. Barnum knew how to make money. By the middle of the 19th century, the master showman had become America's second millionaire, and his estate was valued at over $10,000,000 prior to his death in 1891.

    Fortunately for us, Barnum - who is still remembered today for his "greatest show on earth" -- shared his secrets for getting rich. In the short work "The Art of Money Getting" published in 1880, he laid out his rules for creating wealth. After reading them, I was struck by how applicable they remain today. Here are nine golden rules for making money, according to Barnum.

    1. Spend less than you earn. Barnum writes that the key to wealth is quite simple: "it consists simply in spending less than we earn." Despite the simplicity of this maxim, he notes, "more cases of failure arise from mistakes on this point than almost any other."

    The problem is that we need to be focused on both our expenditures and our income. Barnum shares an instructive story about a woman who cut her expenses by refusing to burn candles in the evening. She may have saved five or ten dollars by doing so, but she lost out on the knowledge she would have gained by reading during those hours. That benefit would have outweighed "a ton of candles." The bottom line for Barnum is that "true economy consists in always making the income exceed the out-go."

    2. Take care of your health. Good health is the foundation of success in life and is also the basis of happiness, according to Barnum. Without good health, a person is very unlikely to accumulate a fortune - he'll have "no ambition; no incentive; no force." He recommends avoiding alcohol and tobacco, while also making other healthy choices when possible.

    Barnum was ahead of his time on this important issue. Health is a key component of personal finance. A University of Michigan health and retirement study in 2002 supports that view: it found that the mean household wealth of married couples reporting excellent health was approximately three times that of married couples reporting poor health (an average of $500,000 compared with $164,000). Living a healthier life is one of the easiest steps we can take on the road to building our wealth.

    3. Persevere. To illustrate this rule, Barnum shares a line from Davy Crockett, "This thing remember: when I am dead: Be sure you are right, then go ahead."

    Everyone must actively cultivate a sense of "go-aheaditiveness," according to Barnum, and must not become overwhelmed by the "horrors" or "blues." He found during his business career that many men gave up right before they would have reached their goal. Everyone will encounter difficulties and challenges - it's how you respond that determines whether you'll succeed or not.

    4. Be cautious and bold. This one appears to be a paradox, but it is not, writes Barnum. He believes "you must exercise caution in laying out your plans, but be bold in carrying them out." A man who is all caution won't take on the risks necessary for success, while a man who is "all boldness, is merely reckless, and must eventually fail."

    This rule is particularly relevant for the investing world. The very act of investing in stocks is a risky endeavor, as anyone who lived through the recent financial crisis of 2008-2009 knows all too well. And yet, stocks have delivered great returns for investors over the long term, and have been a tremendous way for ordinary people to create wealth for their families.

    5. Use the best tools. Barnum believes that workers must always have the very best tools to do their work. As a businessman, he feels there is no tool he should be, "so particular about as living tools." When looking for employees, therefore, one "should be careful to get the best."

    Barnum observes that good employees get more and more valuable each year, and that retaining them should be a priority. Recognizing the importance of your human assets - which Costco (NASDAQ: COST ) and Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX ) , for example, certainly do in today's marketplace - is an often overlooked strategy for creating long-term value.

    6. Be focused. Barnum urges the aspiring entrepreneur to focus on "one kind of business only, and stick to it faithfully until you succeed, or until your experience shows that you should abandon it."

    This rule is related to persistence in that sometimes we have to keep at just one thing until we're successful. Barnum warns that "many a fortune has slipped through a man's fingers because he was engaged in too many occupations at a time." As Steve Jobs realized, focus sometimes means "saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are."

    7. Advertise your business. Barnum was a remarkable pioneer in the field of advertising. For one of his promotions, he was able to transform a five-year-old dwarf named Charles Sherwood Stratton into "General Tom Thumb, Man in Miniature." Tom Thumb eventually became a gigantic hit in Europe, and was received by Queen Victoria and numerous other crowned heads-of-state.

    Barnum believed strongly that you had to let the public know if you have something that will please potential customers. Without promotion, you will receive no return, even if the item in question is potentially quite valuable. When it came to advertising, Barnum was always willing to invest heavily upfront whenever he knew he had something people would enjoy. Nowadays, each of us should be willing to invest in ourselves or our business whenever we believe doing so will deliver larger rewards down the road.

    8. Be polite and kind to your customers. P.T. Barnum actually never said "there's a sucker born every minute." Instead, he had great respect for his customers. He writes, "the man who gives the greatest amount of goods of a corresponding quality for the least sum (still reserving for himself a profit) will generally succeed in the long run."

    He didn't think you could get away with not providing quality and value to customers, saying "people don't like to pay and get kicked also." Instead of thinking his customers were suckers, he thought they were deserving of respect and tolerance, since the customer is the man "who pays, while we receive."

    9. Preserve your integrity. Barnum concludes his work by saying to all men and women, "make money honestly." He sincerely believed that the desire for wealth is laudable as long as the "possessor of it accepts its responsibilities, and uses it as a friend to humanity."

    This final rule, in relation to Barnum's career, requires some context. In a lot of his promotions, he was known to bend the truth somewhat, so "integrity" might not have been the first word that came to the mind of his contemporaries. For example, he once exhibited an African-American woman who was supposedly 161 years old, and was formerly George Washington's nurse. When challenged about the truth of this promotion, he replied, "the story seemed plausible."

    Despite Barnum's occasional "humbug," Brenda Wineapple, author of Ecstatic Nation: Confidence, Crisis, and Compromise, 1848-1877, points out that he had a keen sense of civic duty, and truly wanted to educate and delight his customers. In the end, Barnum believed that "money-getters" were benefactors for mankind. In his particular case, I think he was right.

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