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Sarah Hayley

Online publication Deep Blue Group Planning Guide: Osaka skyscraper tests Tokyo dominance - 1 views

    Japan's tallest building will open Friday in Osaka, as Asia's third-biggest metropolitan economy aims to lure tourists and stem businesses from moving to Tokyo. Kintetsu Corp., one of the main rail operators in western Japan, spent 130 billion yen ($1.3 billion) and four years constructing the 984-foot Abeno Harukas skyscraper, according to the Osaka-based company. It will surpass the 296-meter Landmark Tower in Yokohama, about 20 miles south of central Tokyo. For more topic:
NadineMille Smithe

Deep Blue Group LLC: Thousands hit Tokyo streets in anti-nuke protest - 1 views

    As the third anniversary of the Fukushima disaster nears, tens of thousands rallied in the country's capital Sunday to protest against the nuclear industry and speak out against the government's plans to resume nuke energy production to power the economy. "I felt it's important that we continue to raise our voice whenever possible," Yasuro Kawai, a 66-year-old businessman from Chiba prefecture, east of Tokyo, told AFP. "Today, there is no electricity flowing in Japan that is made at nuclear plants. If we continue this zero nuclear status and if we make efforts to promote renewable energy and invest in energy saving technology, I think it's possible to live without nuclear," Kawai added. For more topic:
crammy stand

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC USA Madrid Tokyo Singapore: 5 Finan... - 1 views

When you are single, you're possibly too busy living the life instead of thinking about serious things like savings or investing because anything related to finance and money doesn't hold much weig...

5 Financial Tips for Singles Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC USA Madrid Tokyo Singapore

started by crammy stand on 19 May 15 no follow-up yet
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Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC USA Madrid Tokyo Singapore: Tips fo... - 1 views

Tips for financial assistance of incoming college freshmen Many incoming and returning students still needs to consider about thousands of dollars they and their families will have to pay. It is ...

Tips for financial assistance of incoming college freshmen Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC USA Madrid Tokyo Singapore

started by ow3n1s5a on 23 May 15 no follow-up yet
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Wallen Red

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Are You Saving Enough for Re... - 1 views

    Unlike Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men, we trust that you can handle the truth. No matter your age, securing a comfortable retirement is a huge concern. Folks want the whole truth about their financial outlook, but straight answers are hard to come by. Both sides of the mainstream media habitually present opinion-tainted partial facts. Case in point: the unemployment numbers announced earlier this month. One side is cheering because unemployment dropped to a six-year low, while the other side is calling it pure fraud. I found author and libertarian-about-town Wayne Root's remarks in a recent article for The Blaze particularly telling: The middle class isn't getting richer, it's getting poorer… The only people being hired are your grandparents. 230,000 of the new jobs went to those in the 55-to-69-year-old age group. In the prime working age group of 24 to 54 years old, 10,000 jobs were lost… It means grandma and grandpa are desperate and willing to take grandson's low wage job to survive until Social Security kicks in. The US workforce is now the oldest in history. And if grandpa has to work (out of desperation) until the day he dies, there will never be any decent jobs for the grandkids. Here's the part Root gets wrong: Baby boomers are not working until Social Security kicks in. They're working well past that point, because they feel they must. Smart boomers know they can't afford to wait until robust interest rates return; they're taking action to protect themselves now, lest their circumstances become truly dire.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Top Tips For Winning New Cl... - 1 views

    Looking for ways to attract additional clients? Here are some helpful suggestions from a variety of industry sages, including Ron Carson, founder of Omaha, Neb.-based Peak Advisor Alliance, a coaching program for financial advisors.
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: An Advisor's Guide to Peer-t... - 1 views

Lending between individuals has been around since the beginning of human civilization. It may be the world's second-oldest profession. But in the modern era, there is little person-to-person about...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: An Advisor's to Peer-to-Peer

started by Yahnie Miller on 14 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: How Much Will You Earn On Yo... - 1 views

Are retail investors' expectations upside down-high when conditions are bad for investing, low when conditions are good? Is there a better way to anticipate what's going to happen to your retiremen...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo How Much Will You Earn On Your Stocks And Bonds?

started by Yahnie Miller on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

In China, Local Leaders Defy Beijing on Reforms - Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Pu... - 1 views

China's top leaders continue to struggle to get local and provincial governments to implement economic reforms. China's government appears to be struggling to get local governments to implement its...

In China Local Leaders Defy Beijing on Reforms Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo

started by lulukoch19 on 14 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

How can China sell off its government-owned companies? - Investing Guide at Deep Blue G... - 1 views

(China Economic Review) State-owned enterprises, or SOEs, have made a remarkable contribution to the growth and development of the Chinese economy over the past 30 years. They have provided a stab...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo How can China sell off its government-owned companies

started by ma8eve8fox on 12 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Review Foreign Investment Policy in Defence: Assocham - Investing Guide at Deep Blue Gr... - 3 views

In April, the government has said that companies engaged in defence manufacturing will not be allowed to further increase foreign portfolio investment beyond August last year level. Industry b...

Review Foreign Investment Policy in Defence Assocham Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo

started by lulukoch19 on 11 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Further Reforms and Investment Needed to Safeguard Jobs and Recovery in Europe - Invest... - 1 views

A failure to implement fundamental reforms associated with encouraging competitiveness is putting job creation and Europe's long-term economic strategy at risk, finds The Europe 2020 Competitivenes...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo Further Reforms and Investment Needed to Safeguard Jobs Recovery in Europe

started by conrad1ke on 13 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo: Tips to making sure that pro... - 1 views

Let's imagine you know what to expect when buying a home a home for the first time, but did you know that it is the little things that can make all the difference in terms of your long-term happine...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo Tips to making sure that property is a good investment

started by Yahnie Miller on 15 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Yahnie Miller

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo - Investment Tips for Success - 1 views

Investing, whether it is for your retirement or a big purchase, can be a satisfying endeavor for individuals looking to build up their finances. Whether you are interested in stocks, bonds, mutual ...

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications LLC Tokyo Investment Tips for Success

started by Yahnie Miller on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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