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karen sipe

JustTheWord - 0 views

    JustTheWord is a completely new kind of aid to help you with writing English and choosing just the word. If English is your first language, JustTheWord can help you express that elusive idea with le mot juste. If you're learning English, JustTheWord can justify your choice of words or suggest improvements - and JustTheWord knows about some common errors made by speakers of your mother tongue. When we write, we search our knowledge of words in two ways. We choose between words that mean similar things. A thesaurus gives us access to this sort of knowledge. But our choice constrains and is constrained by the other words in the sentence. We know, or need to know, which word combinations sound natural. A dictionary gives us access to some of this sort of knowledge. Based on the latest advances in statistical linguistics, and exploiting Sharp's patented analysis technology, JustTheWord combines the advantages of thesaurus and dictionary, and enhances the usefulness of both. By analysing a huge amount of English text, we've built up a highly detailed knowledge base of the word combinations whose mastery is at the heart of fluent English.
karen sipe

Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus - 0 views

    Online free graphical dictionary and thesaurus.
karen sipe

Welcome to A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2011 by Jenny Eather | Online Dictionary | Math ... - 0 views

    This is a math dictionary for kids. It makes learning math terms visual for students.
karen sipe

Snappy Words - Full View - 0 views

    It's an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.
    I like this site. You put a word into the random slot and you get a mindmap of all the related words and meanings.
karen sipe

Lexipedia - Where words have meaning - 0 views

    Lexipedia is an online visual semantic network with dictionary and thesaurus reference functionality
karen sipe

lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre! - 0 views

    Lingro provides an on-line environment that allows anyone learning a language to quickly look up and learn the vocabulary most important to them. You place a web address within this site and all the words on that web page will become clickable.
    This site would be really helpful for those students who are struggling readers and often don't know the meanings of words they are reading.
karen sipe

Redefine the dictionary - wordia - 0 views

    Brings words to life through the use of video. FREE
    I have shared this before but I am sharing again because I think it would be a good one to share with students.
karen sipe

Cool math .com - Math games, lessons and more.  An amusement park of math and... - 0 views

    Site all about math. It provides resources for teacher, parents and students. The site includes math games, math lessons, math practice, math dictionary and I also used a graphing function from this site.
    Lots of easy to use resources on this site for math.
karen sipe

Word Spy - 0 views

    Explains new words and phrases with new entries added regularly, plus archives of previous entries.
    Interesting. I didn't realize there were so many new words.
karen sipe

Find Similar or Opposite words at - 0 views

    Wordhippo is a great vocabulary web tool that lets you easily provide antonyms and synonyms to your words.
    This would be a good site to have available to students on a moodle or wiki as a student resource. It would be very helpful when students are writing and want to vary their words.
karen sipe

Confusing Words - 0 views

    Confusing Words Website. It has a collection of 3210 words that are often confusing to readers and writers. This is what would be called an orphaned site, but the creator, while not updating it, has left it up because many people still find it usefull.
karen sipe

Free Teacher Tools - 0 views

    This site lists, by categories, a variety of FREE teacher tools.
    tons of free teacher resources by categories
karen sipe - Learn Words - English Dictionary - 0 views

  • is the quickest way to improve your vocabulary. This site will help you tom aster the words that are essential to academic and business success.
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