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karen sipe - 0 views

    many educators are using technology to engage students in project-based learning exercises that build 21st-century skills and motivate students with practical and hands-on-activities. The nonprofit Buck Institute for Education and Boise State University have put together resources to help educators plan, design, and implement such leassons. Guides and planning tools are available, as are a handful of examples of project-based teaching and learning strategies that have been successful in the classroom.
Pat Kennedy

YouTube - Coriolis Effect explanation Weather and Climate - 0 views

    Video explaining the Coriolis Effect, as well as, a hands-on activity that could help your students better understand the Coriolis Effect.
karen sipe

Science News for Kids: About Us - 0 views

    "Science News for Kids is a web site devoted to science news for children of ages 9 to 14. Our goal is to offer timely items of interest to kids, accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, Web resources, and other useful materials. Our emphasis is on making the Web site appealing by offering kids opportunities to comment on and grade the subject matter, get ideas for science projects, and try out mathematical puzzles. At the same time, we offer teachers creative ways of using science news in their classrooms."
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