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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzie Nestico


Arab spring: an interactive timeline of Middle East protests | World news | - 1 views

    Very cool, interactive timeline of the protests in the Middle East beginning with Tunisia in December 2010

Are We Over-Testing Our Students? - Santa Cruz, CA Patch - 0 views

  • Every single reporting period, I have to remind parents that this assessment is just a snapshot of their child: one hour, one day.
  • Our students are children, for goodness sakes. It troubles me that my students know the acronyms, such as STAR, CAT and MARS, for certain tests and assessments, yet they can’t remember their times-tables or the order of the planets.
  • As adults, we make silly mistakes like this all the time—yet, we’re expecting second- and third-graders to do this four times a year to show us how they’re  progressing in a certain subject.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Perhaps, reducing the amount of testing and data collection would reduce the panic for everyone—and these children can stop worrying. 
    Reminder from a teacher that a test is a simple snapshot of what a child may be able to do.

Father: Why I didn't let my son take standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - The Washin... - 0 views

  • My wife and I had Luke “opt out” of No Child Left Behind standardized testing (here in Pennsylvania known as the Pennsylvania System of School Achievement, or PSSAs).
  • Last week I did just that. I looked at the test and determined that it violated my religion. How, you might ask? That’s an entirely different blog, but I can quickly say that my religion does not allow for or tolerate the act of torture and I determined that making Luke sit for over 10 hours filling in bubble sheets would have been a form of mental and physical torture, given that we could give him no good reason as to why he needs to take this test.
  • ch a reason for opting out of the PSSA testing will negatively affect the school’s participation rate and could POTENTIALLY have a negative impact on the school’s Adequate Yearly Progress under the rules of No Child Left Behind.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The point was to give Luke some experience in how to conduct planned civil disobedience in a lawful manner.
  • This time, instead of having Luke sit through another meeting, he researched the Japanese earthquake and tsunami as a current events project.
  • I asked Luke what he thought about it all. He just smiled. I also asked him what some of his friends were saying. According to Luke, they did not believe that NCLB and PSSAs were going to be used to evaluate the school. They didn’t know about AYP and the sanctions that came with it. Luke’s friends just thought the tests, “were used to make sure our teachers are teaching us the right stuff.” My guess is that is what most parents believe. Why wouldn’t they believe it? They’ve been told for nine years that we are raising standards, holding teachers accountable, and leaving no children behind. Who wouldn’t support that?
  • That, of course, is the real problem. NCLB and the standards movement is a political bait and switch. Sold as one thing (positive) to the public and then in practice, something radically different (punitive). This is probably one of the biggest reasons I decided to do the boycott—to make my community aware and to try and enlighten them of the real issues.
  • My answer is that the government is not listening. Teachers, principals, teacher educators, child development specialists, and educational researchers have been trying to get this message out for years. No one will listen.
  • Civil disobedience is the only option left. It’s my scream in a dark cave for light. I want teachers to teach again. I want principals to lead again. I want my school to be a place of deep learning and a deeper love of teaching. I want children exposed to history, science, art, music, physical education, and current events—the same experience President Obama is providing his own children.
  • Maybe civil disobedience will be contagious. Maybe parents will join us in reclaiming our schools and demand that teachers and administrators hands be untied and allow them to do their jobs—engage students in a rich curriculum designed to promote deep learning and critical thinking.
    Another PA parent opts his child out of PSSA standardized testing as a measure of civil disobedience.  Word of caution:  This can very much hurt a school's Adequate Yearly Progress and ultimately the school may suffer.  But, what if this movement spread amongst parents?  What then?  Would the government take over the school?  Change is hard.

Unrest in the Middle East - 3 views

    List of links and resources to current events in the Middle East, primarily Eqypt.

Operation Odyssey Dawn - 0 views

    List of links/resources to developing news and current events unfolding in Libya. Good sources to compare potential media bias as coverage comes form Time, NYT, Guardian, The Telegraph, CNN, ABC News, BBC, Washington Post

School Board Member Arrested - 4 views

  • The superintendent said he is still a member on the school board.
    • Suzie Nestico
      So, what do you think...  should this person remain a member of the School Board?

Secretly Infected with Syphilis, Guatemalan Victims May Sue U.S. - Fox News Latino - 2 views

  • he lawyers will file a class-action lawsuit by the victims or their survivors,
    • Suzie Nestico
      For POD students, here is a real-world example of a class-action lawsuit utilized.

Could Atom Smasher be Used as a Time Machine? - - 6 views

  • However, if the theory proves correct, the researchers say the method could be used to send messages to the past or the future.
    • Suzie Nestico
      While this is quite interesting, it is also a bit scary at the same time.

Texas man spurned, kidnaps and assaults woman for 13 days in "horrendous" case, say cop... - 1 views

  • aggravated sexual assault after authorities say he abducted the 62-year-old woman at gunpoint, and then beat her at his home for 13 days.
    • Suzie Nestico
      Especially sad given their ages.  Just curious, Kayleen.  What drew you to this article?
    Accurate job with tagging, Kayleen!

Taxonomy vs. Folksonomy - 11 views

    Description of how to properly tag web items.
1More - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News - 0 views

    Primary source utilized in Current Events class

Twitter-It's Not Just What's For Breakfast... - 0 views

    Introduction to Twitter for my students and my school.  Includes explanatory videos and helps to show the value of Twitter for personal and social learning.

Earthquake in japan - Video Footage - 0 views

    Powerful video of earthquake and tsunami in Japan
    Absolutely, Kristen. It is very devastating, too, and unfortunate. Most people don't realize that it is in every country's best interest to do so. In this day and age, our economies are much more interdependent and like throwing a pebble into the pond, there will be some ripple effects that will surface within our own economy as a result of the Japanese events.

Earthquake in Japan - Images - 0 views

    Powerful images of the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Local H.S. teacher uses Twitter to teach students - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, We... - 1 views

    Using Twitter to facilitate class discussions
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