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'We have the evidence ... Why aren't we providing evidence-based care?'; Mental illness... - 0 views

  • The Globe and Mail Sat May 23 2015
  • It's 4:30 on a Friday afternoon at her Sherbrooke, Que., clinic and Marie Hayes takes a deep breath before opening the door to her final patient of the day, who has arrived without an appointment. The 32-year-old mother immediately lists her complaints: She feels dizzy. She has abdominal pain. "It is always physical and always catastrophic," Dr. Hayes will later tell me. In the exam room, she runs through the standard checkup, pressing on the patient's abdomen, recording her symptoms, just as she has done almost every week for months. "There's something wrong with me," the patient says, with a look of panic. Dr. Hayes tries to reassure her, to no avail. In any case, the doctor has already reached her diagnosis: severe anxiety. Dr. Hayes prescribed medication during a previous visit, but the woman stopped taking it after two days because it made her nauseated and dizzy. She needs structured psychotherapy - a licensed therapist trained to bring her anxiety under control. But the wait list for public care is about a year, says Dr. Hayes, and the patient can't afford the cost of private sessions.
  • Meanwhile, the woman is paying a steep personal price: At home, she says, she spends most days in bed. She is managing to care for her two young children - for now - but her husband also suffers from anxiety, and the situation is far from ideal. Dr. Hayes does her best, spending a full hour trying to calm her down, and the woman is less agitated when she leaves. But the doctor knows she will be back next week. And that their meeting will go much the same as it did today. In its broad strokes, this is a scene that repeats itself in thousands of doctors' offices every day, right across the country. It is part and parcel of a system that denies patients the best scientific-based care, and comes with a massive price tag, to the economy, families and the health care system. Canadian physicians bill provincial governments $1-billion a year for "counselling and psychotherapy" - one third of which goes to family doctors - a service many of them acknowledge they are not best suited to provide, and that doesn't come close to covering patient need. Meanwhile, psychologists and social workers are largely left out of the publicly funded health-care system, their expertise available only to Canadians with the resources to pay for them.
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  • Imagine if a Canadian diagnosed with cancer were told she could receive chemotherapy paid for by the health-care system, but would have to cough up the cash herself if she needed radiation. Or that she could have a few weeks of treatment, and then be sent home even if she needed more. That would never fly. If doctors, say, find a tumour in a patient's colon, the government kicks in and offers the mainstream treatment that is most effective. But for many Canadians diagnosed with a mental illness, the prescription is very different. The treatment they receive, and how much of it they get, will largely be decided not on evidence-based best practices but on their employment benefits and income level: Those who can afford it pay for it privately. Those who cannot are stuck on long wait lists, or have to fall back on prescription medications. Or get no help at all. But according to a large and growing body of research, psychotherapy is not simply a nice-to-have option; it should be a front-line treatment, particularly for the two most costly mental illnesses in Canada: anxiety and depression - which also constitute more than 80 per cent of all psychiatric diagnoses.
  • Why aren't we providing evidence-based care?" .. The case for psychotherapy Research has found that psychotherapy is as effective as medication - and in some cases works better. It also often does a better job of preventing or forestalling relapse, reducing doctor's appointments and emergency-room visits, and making it more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Therapy works, researchers say, because it engages the mind of the patient, requires active participation in treatment, and specifically targets the social and stress-related factors that contribute to poor mental health. There are a variety of therapies, but the evidence is strongest for cognitive behavioural therapy - an approach that focuses on changing negative thinking - in large part because CBT, which is timelimited and very structured, lends itself to clinical trials. (Similar support exists for interpersonal therapy, and it is emerging for mindfulness, with researchers trying to find out what works best for which disorders.) Research into the efficacy of therapy is increasing, but there is less of it overall than for drugs - as therapy doesn't have the advantage of well-heeled Big Pharma benefactors. In 2013, a team of European researchers collated the results of 67 studies comparing drugs to therapy; after adjusting for dropouts, there was no significant difference between the most often-used drugs - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - and psychotherapy.
  • The issue is not one against the other," says Montreal psychiatrist Alain Lesage, director of research at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. "I am a physician; whatever works, I am good. We know that when patients prefer one to another, they do better if they have choice." Several studies have backed up that notion. Many patients are reluctant to take medication for fear of side effects and the possibility of difficult withdrawal; research shows that more than half of patients receiving medication stop taking it after six months. A small collection of recent studies has found that therapy can cause changes in the brain similar to those brought about by medication. In people with depression, for instance, the amygdala (located deep within the brain, it processes basic memories and controls our instinctive fight-or-flight reaction) works in overdrive, while the prefrontal cortex (which regulates rational thought) is sluggish. Research shows that antidepressants calm the amygdala; therapy does the same, though to a lesser extent.
  • But psychotherapy also appears to tune up the prefrontal cortex more than does medication. This is why, researchers believe, therapy works especially well in preventing relapse - an important benefit, since extending the time between acute episodes of illnesses prevents them from becoming chronic and more debilitating. The theory, then, is that psychotherapy does a better job of helping patients consciously cope with their unconscious responses to stress.
  • According to treatment guidelines by leading international professional and scientific organizations - including Canada's own expert panel, the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments - psychotherapy should be considered as a first option in treatment, alone or in combination with medication. And it is "highly recommended" in maintaining recovery in the long term. Britain's independent, research-guided scientific body, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, has concluded that therapy should be tried before drugs in mild to moderate cases of depression and anxiety - a finding that led to the creation of a $760million public system, which now handles therapy referrals for nearly one million people a year.
  • In 2012, Canada's Mental Health Commission estimated that only about one in three adults and one in four children are receiving support and treatment when they need it. Ironically, anti-stigma campaigns designed to help people understand mental illness may only make those statistics worse. In Toronto, for instance, putting up posters in subway stations in 2010 had the unexpected effect of spiking the volume of walk-ins at nearby emergency rooms by as much as 45 per cent in 12 months. Dr. Kurdyak treated many of them at CAMH. The system, he says, "has been conveniently ignoring this unmet need. It functions as if two-thirds of the people suffering won't get help." What would happen if the healthcare system outright "ignored" two-third of tumour diagnoses?
  • Essentially, argues Dr. Lesage, adding therapy into the health-care system is like putting a new, highly effective drug on the table for doctors. "Think about it," he says. "We have a new antidepressant. It works as well as many others, and it may even have some advantages - it works better for remission - with fewer side effects. The patients may prefer it. And [in the long run] it doesn't cost more than what we have. How can it not be covered?" ..
  • A heavy price This isn't just a medical issue; it's an economic one. Mental illness accounts for roughly 50 per cent of family doctors' time, and more hospital-bed days than cancer. Nearly four million Canadians have a mood disorder: more than all cases of diabetes (2.2 million) and heart disease (1.4 million) combined.
  • Mental illness - and depression, in particular - is the leading cause of disability, accounting for 30 per cent of workplace-insurance claims, and 70 per cent of total compensation costs. In 2012, an Ontario study calculated that the burden of mental illness and addiction was 1.5 times that of all cancers, and more than seven times the cost of all infectious diseases. Mental illness is so debilitating because, unlike physical ailments, it often takes root in adolescence and peaks among Canadians in their 20s and 30s, just as they are heading into higher education, or building careers and families. Untreated, symptoms reverberate through all aspects of life, routinely trapping people in poverty and homelessness. More than one-third of Ontario residents receiving social assistance have a mental illness. The cost to society is clearly immense.
  • Yet, when family doctors were asked why they didn't refer more patients to therapy in a 2008 Canadian survey, the main reason they gave was cost. For many Canadians, private therapy is a luxury, especially if families are already wrestling with the economic fallout from mental illness. Costs vary across provinces, but psychologists in private practice may charge more than $200 an hour in major centres. And it's not just the uninsured who are affected.
  • Although about 60 per cent of Canadians have some form of private insurance, the amount available for therapy may cover only a handful of sessions. Those with the best benefits are more likely to be higherincome workers with stable employment. Federal public servants, notably, have one of the best plans in the country - their benefits were doubled in 2014 to $2,000 annually for psychotherapy. Many of those who can pay for therapy are doing so: A 2013 consultant's study commissioned by the Canadian Psychological Association found that $950-million is spent annually on private-practice psychologists by Canadians, insurance companies and workers compensation boards. The CPA estimates t
  • hat 30 per cent of private patients pay out-ofpocket themselves. When the afflicted don't seek help, the cost isn't restricted to their own pocketbook. People with mental-health problems are significantly more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, and to become physically sick, further increasing health-care costs. A 2014 study by Oxford University researchers found that having a mental illness reduced life expectancy by 10 to 20 years, roughly the same as did smoking and obesity. A 2008 Statistics Canada study linked depression to new-onset heart disease in the general population. A 2014 U.S. study found that women under the age of 55 are twice as likely to suffer or die from a heart attack, or require heart surgery, if they have moderate to severe depression. The result: clogged-up doctors' offices, ERs, and operating rooms. And an inexorable burden for the patients' families forced to fill the gaps in caregiving - or carry on when they lose a loved one.
  • Canada's investment does not match that burden. Only about 7 per cent of health-care spending goes to mental health. Even recent increases pale when compared to other countries: According to a study by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Canada increased per-capita funding by $5.22 in 2011. The British government, meanwhile, kicked in an extra 12 times that amount per citizen, and Australia added nearly 20 times as much as we did. Falling off a cliff, again and again
  • In Winnipeg, Dr. Stanley Szajkowski watched for months as his patient, a woman in her 80s, slowly declined. Her husband had died and she was spiralling into a severe depression. At every appointment, she looked thinner, more dishevelled. She wasn't sleeping, she admitted, often through tears. Sometimes she thought of suicide. She lived alone, with no family nearby, and no resources of her own to pay for therapy. "You do what you can," says Dr. Szajkowksi. "You provide some support and encouragement." He did his best, but he always had other patients waiting.
  • These are the patients that family doctors juggle, the ones who eat up appointment time, and never seem to get better, the ones caught on waiting lists. Sometimes, they have already been bounced in and out of the system, received little help, and have become wary of trying again. A 40-something mother recovering from breast cancer, suffering from chronic depression post-treatment, debilitated by fear her cancer will return. A university student, struggling with anxiety, who hasn't been to class for three weeks and may soon be kicked out of school. A teenager with bulimia removed from an eatingdisorder program because she couldn't follow the rules. They are the ones dangling on waiting lists in the public system for what often amounts to a handful of talk-therapy sessions, who don't have the money to pay for private therapy, or have too little coverage to get the full course of appointments they need.
  • Patients refer to it as falling repeatedly off a cliff. And they can only manage the climb back up so many times. Family doctors interviewed for this story admitted that they are often "handholding" patients with nowhere else to go. "I am making them feel cared for, I am providing a supportive ear that they may not get anywhere else," says Dr. Batya Grundland, a physician who has been in family practice at Toronto's Women's College Hospital for almost a decade. "But do I think I am moving them forward with regard to their illness, and helping them cope better? I am going to say rarely." More senior doctors have told her that once in a while "a light bulb goes off" for the patients, but often only after many years. That's not an efficient use of health dollars, she points out - not when there are trained therapists who could do the job better. However, she says, "in some cases, I may be the only person they have."
  • Family doctors aren't the only ones struggling to find therapy for their patients. "I do a hundred consultations a year," says clinical psychiatrist Joel Paris, a professor at McGill University and research associate at the Montreal Jewish General, "and one of the most common situations is that the patient has tried a few anti-depressants, they have not responded very well, and from their story it is obvious they would benefit from psychotherapy. But where do they go? We have community clinics here in Montreal with six-to-12-month waiting lists even for brief therapy." A fractured, inefficient system
  • "You fall into the role that is handed to you," says Antoine Gagnon, a family doctor in Osgoode, on the outskirts of Ottawa. He tries to set aside 20-minute appointments before lunch or at the end of the day to provide "active listening" to his patients with anxiety and depression. Many of them are farmers or self-employed, without any private coverage for therapy. "Five of those minutes are spent talking about the weather," he says, "and then maybe you get into the meat of the problem, but the reality is we don't have the appropriate amount of time to give to therapy, even to listen, really." Often, he watches his patients' symptoms worsen over several months, until they meet the threshold of a clinical diagnosis. "The whole system could save on productivity and money if people were actually able to get the treatment they needed."
  • One result can be overloaded family doctors minimizing mental-health problems. "If you have nothing to offer someone," asks Dr. Anderson, "how much are you going to dig around to find out what is going on?" Some doctors also admit that the lack of resources can lead to physicians cherry-picking patients who don't have mental illness. And yet family physicians alone bill about $361million a year for counselling or psychotherapy in Canada - 5.6 million visits of roughly 30 minutes each. This is a broad category, and not always specifically related to mental health (some of it includes drug counselling, and a certain amount of coaching is a necessary part of the patient-doctor relationship). When it is psychotherapy, however, doctors admit it's often more supportive listening than actual therapy.
  • Except for a small fraction of GPs who specialize in psychotherapy, few family doctors have the training - or the time - to provide structured therapy. Saadia Hameed, a GP in a family-health team in London, Ont., has been researching access to psychotherapy for an advanced degree. Many of the doctors she has interviewed had trouble even producing a clear definition of therapy. One told her, "If a patient cries, than it's psychotherapy." Another described it as "listening to their woes." A 2007 survey of 163 family doctors in Ontario found that almost four out of five had not received training in cognitive behavioural therapy, and knew little about it. "Do family doctors really need to do that much psychotherapy," Dr. Hameed asks, "when there are other people trained - and better trained - to do it?"
  • What further frustrates treatment for physicians and patients is lack of access to specialists within the system. Across the country, family doctors describe the difficulty of reaching a psychiatrist to consult on a diagnosis or followup with their patients. In a telling 2011 study, published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, researchers conducted a real-world experiment to see how easily a GP could locate a psychiatrist willing to see a patient with depression. Researchers called 297 psychiatrists in Vancouver, and reached 230. Of the 70 who said they would consider taking referrals, 64 required extensive written documentation, and could not give a wait-time estimate. Only six were willing to take the patient "immediately," but even then, their wait times ranged from four to 55 days. Psychiatrists are in increasingly short supply in Canada, and there's strong evidence that we're not making the best use of these highly trained specialists. They can - and often do - provide fee-for-service psychotherapy in a private setting, which limits their ability to meet the huge demand to consult with family doctors and treat the most severe cases.
  • A recent Ontario study by a team at CAMH found that while waiting lists exist in both urban and rural centres, the practices of psychiatrists in those locations tend to look very different. Among full-time psychiatrists in Toronto, 10 per cent saw fewer than 40 patients, and 40 per cent saw fewer than 100 - on average, their practices were half the size of psychiatrists in smaller centres. The patients for those urban psychiatrists with the smallest practices were also more likely to fall in the highest income bracket, and less likely to have been previously hospitalized for a mental illness than those in the smaller centres.
  • And those therapy sessions are being billed with no monitoring from a health-care system already scrimping on dollars, yet spending a lot on this care: On average, psychiatrists earn $216,000 a year. There is nothing to stop psychiatrists from seeing the same patients for years, and no system to ensure the patients with the greatest need get priority. In Australia, Britain and the United States, by contrast, billing for psychiatrists has been adjusted to encourage them to reduce psychotherapy sessions and serve more as consultants, particularly for the most severe cases, as other specialists do.
  • As the Canadian system exists now, says Benoit Mulsant, the physician-in-chief at CAMH and also a psychiatrist, the doctors in his specialty "can do whatever they please. If I wanted, I could have a roster of actor patients who tell me entertaining stories, and I would be paid the same as someone who is treating homeless people. ... By treating the rich and famous, there is zero risk of being punched in the face by a patient." Left out in all this, by and large, are other professionals who can provide therapy. It doesn't help that the rules are often murky around who can call themselves psychotherapists. While psychologists and social workers are licensed under their professional associations, in some provinces a person can call himself a marriage counsellor or music therapist with no one demanding they be certified. In 2007, Ontario passed a law to regulate psychotherapists, requiring them to register with a provincial college that would set standards and handle complaints. Currently, however, the law is in limbo, although the government has said it will finally bring it into force by December. The brain keeps many secrets
  • Science, however, has yet to find depression's equivalent of insulin. Despite being scanned, poked and stimulated over and over and over again, the brain keeps its secrets. The "chemical imbalance" theory is now viewed as simplistic at best. It may not do much for patients, either: A 2014 study published in the journal Behaviour Research and Therapy suggested that, rather than reassuring them, focusing on the biological explanation for depression actually made patients feel more pessimistic and lacking in control. SSRIs work by increasing the amount of serotonin, a chemical that helps deliver messages within the brain and is known to influence mood. But researchers aren't sure why the drugs help some patients and fail with others. "Basically, it's like we have a bucket of water and we pour it over the patient's head," says Dr. Georg Northoff, the University of Ottawa's Michael Smith chair of Neurosciences and Mental Health. "But you want a drug that injects the water in a very specific brain regions or brain system, which we don't have."
  • Critics of therapy have argued that it's basically "good listening" - comparable to having a sympathetic friend across the kitchen table - and that in the real world of mercurial patients and practitioners of varying abilities, a pill just works better. That's true in many cases, especially when the symptoms are severe and the patients is suicidal: a fast-acting medication is safer, and may even be necessary before starting talk therapy. The staunchest advocates of therapy do not suggest it should be the first course of treatment for psychosis, or debilitating chronic depression, or mania - although, in those cases, there is evidence that psychotherapy and medication work well in tandem. (A 2011 meta-analysis found that patients with severe depression who received a combination approach had higher recovery rates and were less likely to drop out of treatment.) But drugs also don't work as well as the manufacturers would like us to think. Roughly one-third of patients given a drug will see no benefit (although they often respond to a second or third medication). In randomly controlled trials, drugs often perform only marginally better than sugar pills.
  • Yet it's talk therapy that the public often views most skeptically. "Until you go to a therapist, or a member of your family has a serious psychological problem, people are unsympathetic [about therapy]," says Dr. Paris, the Montreal psychiatrist. "They are very skeptical, and they don't believe the research. It's amazing, because pharmaceutical trials will get approval for a drug on the basis of two clinical trials that they paid for. And we have 100 clinical trials and no one believes us."
  • Dr. Ajantha Jayabarathan, an assistant professor at Dalhousie University's medical school, spent her early years as a family doctor in Spryfield, N.S., trying to manage an overload of mental-health cases. Most of her patients had little insurance; there was one reduced-cost counselling service in town, but the waiting lists were long. In 2000, her group practice became a test site for a shared-care project, which gave the doctors access to a mental-health team, including weekly in-person consultations with a psychiatrist. "It was transformative," she says. "We looked after everything in-house.
  • Over time, Dr. Jayabarathan says, she learned how to properly assess mental illness in patients, and how to use medication more effectively. "I just made it my business to teach myself what to do." It's the kind of workaround GPs are increasingly experimenting with, waiting for the system to catch up. Who would pay - and how?
  • The case for expanding publicly funded access to therapy is gaining traction in Canada. In 2012, the health commissioner of Quebec recommended therapy be covered by the province; it is now being studied by Quebec's science-based health body (INESSS), which is expected to report back next year. A new Quebec-based organization of doctors, researchers and mental-health advocates called the Coalition for Access to Psychotherapy (CAP) is lobbying the government.
  • In Manitoba, the Liberal Party - albeit well behind in the polls - has made the public funding of psychologists one of its campaign platforms for the province's spring 2016 election. In Saskatchewan, the government commissioned, and has since endorsed, a mental-health action plan that includes providing online therapy - though politicians have given themselves 10 years to accomplish it. Michael Kirby, the former head of the Canadian Mental Health Commission, has been advocating for eight annual sessions of therapy to be covered for children and youth in need.
  • There are significant hurdles: Which practitioners would provide therapy, and how would they be paid? What therapies would be covered, and for how long? Complicating every aspect of major mentalhealth change in Canada is the question of who should shoulder the cost: the provinces or Ottawa. In a written statement in response to questions from The Globe and Mail, federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose lobbed the issue back at her provincial counterparts, pointing out that the Canada Health Act does not "preclude provinces and territories from extending public coverage to other services or providers such as psychologists."
  • But these issues aren't insurmountable, as other countries have demonstrated. Britain, for instance, has trained thousands of university graduates to become therapists in its new public program, following research showing that, as long they have the proper skills, people don't need PhDs to be effective therapists. Australia, which has created a pay-for-service system, also makes wide use of online support to cost-effectively reach remote communities.
  • So how would Canada pay for access to such therapy? It wouldn't be cheap, in the short term. The savings would come from what Canadians would not have to spend in the long term: in additional medical and drug costs, emergency-room visits and hospital stays, and in unnecessary disability payments, to say nothing of better long-term health outcomes for patients given good care earlier. Some of the figures being tossed around sound staggering. Rolling out a version of Britain's centre-based program across Canada would cost $950-million. Michael Kirby's plan would amount to $1,000 annually per patient. A 2013 report commissioned by the Canadian Psychological Association calculated that, based on predicted need, and assuming no coverage from private health-care plans, providing an average of six sessions of therapy a year would cost an estimated $2.8-billion annually.
  • But any of those figures would still be a fraction of the roughly $210-billion that Canada spends annually on health care. Figuring out how to make the system most costeffective is, according to sources, currently delaying the INESSS report to the Quebec government. "You need to facilitate the government," says Helen- Maria Vasiliadis, a professor of community health at the University of Sherbrooke. "You can't be going to policymakers and showing them billions and billions of dollars. People start having heart attacks. With evidence in hand, we have to present possible solutions."
  • An insurance-based plan is the proposal that has emerged from the Quebec-based CAP group, which sent its proposal to Quebec's health minister last month. In its design, the system would work much like Quebec's public drug plan - Quebeckers not covered through work plans would contribute to a provincial insurance program for therapy. That would be similar to the system that Germany has used for decades. One step forward, one step back
  • Last year, the Sherbrooke clinic where Marie Hayes works received provincial funding for a part-time psychologist and a full-time social worker. With a roster of 25,000 patients, the clinic team laid out clear guidelines for the psychologist, who would consult on cases and screen patients, and be limited to a mere four sessions of actual counselling with any one patient. "We wanted to be careful she didn't become a waiting list - like everything in the system," says Dr. Hayes. The social worker helps guide patients into services such as housing and addiction counselling. They have also offered group sessions for depression management at the clinic. As stretched as those new professionals are in such a large practice, Dr. Hayes says the addition of that mental-health team is improving the care she can provide patients. Recently, for instance, the 32- year-old mother with anxiety attended sessions with the psychologist. "She is making progress," says Dr. Hayes, "slowly."
  • At Women's College Hospital in Toronto, Dr. Grundland is not so lucky. Asked to describe a difficult case, the family-practice physician mentions a patient suffering from depression after a lifechanging accident. Every month, doctor and patient would repeat the same conversation they'd already had more than a dozen times - and make little real headway. Her patient, says Dr. Grundland, needs a trained therapist: someone she can see regularly, to help her move past her frustration, counsel her about addiction, and ease the burden on her family.
  • But there's no extra money in the patient's budget for a psychologist. "I do my best," Dr. Grundland says, "but it's not my area of expertise." Meanwhile, the patient isn't getting better, and in the time that it takes to make it through one appointment with her, Dr. Grundland could see three other people with problems she was actually trained to treat. "But," says Dr. Grundland, "she has nowhere else to go." Erin Anderssen is a feature writer at The Globe and Mail. OPEN MINDS How to build a better mental health care system
  • The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has purchased advertisements to accompany this series. While CAMH professionals are quoted in this story, the organization had no involvement in the creation or production of this, or any other story in the series. $20.7-billion The cost, according to a 2012 Conference Board of Canada report, of lost productivity each year due to mental illness. What else does $20-billion represent?
  • $20B: Canadian spending on national defence, 2012-13 $20B: Market valuation of Airbnb, 2015 $21B: Kitchener-CambridgeWaterloo region's GDP, 2009 $21B: Amount food manufacturing contributed to the economy, 2012
Govind Rao

MERS warning sent out to health workers - Infomart - 0 views

  • The Toronto Sun Fri May 23 2014
  • A Canadian health agency is urging health care workers to remember the SARS pandemic in dealing with MERS. Infection Prevention and Control Canada said it is important for health care workers to make sure they avoid infection considering there are two cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) in the U.S. "All health care facilities must remind frontline staff again of the importance of personal protective equipment when caring for a febrile, coughing patient," a statement from the group says. "Constant adherence to good infection prevention and control practices is crucial to prevent transmission of infection to patients, health care workers, and to visitors." Since April 2012 there have been more than 650 human cases of MERS, with a 30% fatality rate. If there are probable or confirmed cases of MERS in this country, the Public Health Agency of Canada requires them to reported within 24 hours. So far none have been reported.
Govind Rao

Schedule - 0 views

  • Objectives: - To provide an overview of the current situation, WHO strategy, and ongoing activities to respond to the EVD outbreak in West Africa - To introduce WHO interim infection prevention and control guidance for care of patients with EVD in health care settings - To discuss challenges and controversies in prevention and control of EVD Sponsored by the World Health Organization First Global Patient Safety Challenge - Clean Care is Safer Care ( DateSeptember 16, 2014
Govind Rao

Nunavut suicide inquest: the tragedy of an 11-year-old's death - 0 views

  • CMAJ October 20, 2015 vol. 187 no. 15 First published September 21, 2015, doi: 10.1503/cmaj.109-5161
  • Laura Eggertson
  • At the age of 11, Rex Uttak had already experienced an unbearable amount of trauma and loss when he took his life in the remote Arctic Circle community of Naujaat (formerly Repulse Bay), Nunavut, in August 2013. Eight and a half months earlier, Rex’s older sister, Tracy Uttak, was murdered in Igloolik, Nun. Rex had already lost his older brother, Bernie, to suicide. For Rex, suicide was a solution to pain that had been modelled all too well in his family and his community.
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  • It was also a trauma his family would face again, a coroner’s inquest into the 45 suicides in Nunavut in 2013 was told when the inquest began Sept. 14. Three months after Rex’s death, yet another brother — 15-year-old Peter — killed himself. Rex was living with as many as 23 family members in his grandmother’s four-bedroom house in Naujaat, a community of about 1000 people. The family shared eight beds and one bathroom while they waited for subsidized housing.
  • The evening before he died, Rex played with his cousins and stayed overnight at their home. His aunt and uncle found him and tried to revive him. His family reported not knowing the immediate triggers for Rex’s decision to hang himself. “I don’t know what was wrong with him,” Martha Uttak, Rex’s mother, testified. “He was my baby and he hugged me all the time.”
  • Five years ago, four partner organizations came together and released a suicide prevention strategy that was visionary and evidence-based in its design. The Government of Nunavut, the Embrace Life Council, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.’s goal was to reduce the territory’s suicide rate to one commensurate with, or lower than, the rest of the country.
  • But as the inquest heard, Rex was living with many of the risk factors for suicide that researchers have identified, including repeated exposure to the suicide of others. From 1999 until 2014, Nunavummiut took their lives at a rate of 111.4/100 000 population — nearly 10 times the rate of other Canadians, which stands at 11.4/100 000 according to the most recent Statistics Canada data (2000–2011).
  • The widespread unresolved grief surfaced again when testimony from Shuvinai Mike, a senior government official who was called to talk about her department’s involvement in cultural activities, devolved into a description of the impact of her own daughter’s suicide. When someone kills oneself, the news spreads rapidly, often via social media, throughout this vast territory of only 36 000 people. Parents live with the constant fear that one of their children will be next
  • The inquest, which ran Sept. 14 to 25 and included testimony from about 30 witnesses, touched on many underlying issues: poverty, high rates of child sexual and physical abuse, housing shortages, unemployment, educational deficiencies, food insecurity and historical trauma that are the reality for too many Inuit families. It is also exposed the deep divisions among the territorial government and organizations coping with the population-wide damage that suicide inflicts.
  • Nunavut coroner Padma Suramala, a registered nurse who presides over death investigations in Canada’s newest territory, called the inquest to examine the rate of suicide that has seemingly left no one here untouched. “Nunavummiut are soaked in unresolved grief,” testified Jack Hicks, an expert witness at the inquiry and Nunavut’s former suicide prevention advisor. Hicks helped with a landmark follow-back study interviewing the families and friends of 120 people who committed suicide in Nunavut from 2003–2006 and 120 control subjects.
  • A year later, in 2011, the territory released and began to implement an action plan with specific goals, assigned responsibilities and time frames in eight different areas. Those areas, including early childhood education and school curriculum programs, gatekeeper prevention training, and mental health and addiction supports, are intended to address the root causes or risk factors that trigger suicide. The need for a strategy is undeniable. Between 1999 and 2014, 436 Inuit completed suicide. Like Rex, 22 of them were children between the ages of 10 and 14.
  • Before the implementation plan was tabled in the legislature, however, the territorial government stripped out the column stipulating the financial resources required to implement each item, Hicks testified at the inquiry. None of the other partners was consulted. Not only did the Government of Nunavut never allocate a specific pocket of resources, it never asked the federal government for money to tackle this critical public health issue. As a result, “we’ve had to cobble together funding from various sources,” Natan Obed, Nunavut Tunngavik’s director of social and cultural development, testified.
  • Nunavut has made progress on implementing pieces of the strategy, according to an independent evaluation. The government’s lack of capacity, poor communication with the other partners and inadequate resources have retarded success, the evaluation states. Nunavut has not yet achieved its overall vision for decreasing suicide rates, denormalizing suicide and keeping children — like Rex — safe.
Govind Rao

Violence Prevention Guidelines | Canadian Union of Public Employees - 0 views

  • Oct 9, 2015
  • Workplace violence is a serious everyday health and safety issue for many workers in Canada, including CUPE members. Violence doesn’t “just happen.” It’s not “just part of the job.” Rather it’s a workplace hazard with specific causes. By better understanding the root causes of violence in the workplace we can more effectively prevent violence and protect workers. No matter what the cause of violence in the workplace, it is a requirement of employers to provide a healthy and safe workplace that is free from violence in all its forms.
Doug Allan

Hospitals protected from revealing contracts; Advocates seek to lift veil on taxpayer f... - 0 views

  • etails of Ontario hospital contracts with consultants, cafeteria operators, cleaning staff or baby formula suppliers remain secret even though hospitals became subject to Freedom of Information Act provisions at the start of 2012.
  • But exemptions in the act protect hospitals' economic interests and their ability to be competitive, so private third-party contracts (funded by taxpayer dollars) remain inaccessible.
  • Advocates of public sector accountability say the secrecy surrounding those contracts must change. "Hospitals have privatized a range of services from food services to IT contracts to construction contracts," said Natalie Mehra, director of the Ontario Health Coalition, a public health care advocacy group. "In various areas there are claims that contracts have gone to friends of the CEO, to third parties that don't have an arm's-length relationship with the board or its executives. "The things we need to know are: how much money, to whom exactly, for what services and what are the terms they are getting for those deals."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In response to the 2011 C. difficile outbreak in the Niagara Health System, Mehra said they are "trying to find out the details of the cleaning contracts and whether the private companies were allowed to dramatically reduce the number of cleaners. "These are things that intrinsically affect patient care."
    Despite changes to FOI laws -- commercial confidentiality prevents access to hospital contracts for privatized services
Irene Jansen

Health ministers look to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • Ontario, for instance, is pumping money into providing more home care. Manitoba is looking toward preventive medicine. Saskatchewan is reviewing ways to improve long-term care. Nova Scotia has a system where paramedics treat some ailments in long-term care facilities to avoid tying up hospital beds.
    • Irene Jansen
      For truth re. Ontario home care, see: as Wall's vision of "improving LTC" in Saskatchewan involves expanding retirement homes (largely private for-profit, lesser-regulated).
  • Mr. Ghiz said they could use more help from Ottawa.“Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas – we're open
    • Irene Jansen
      "Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas - we're open". This is not a battle cry.
  • finding ways to keep seniors out of hospital. Ontario, for instance, is pumping money into providing more home care. Manitoba is looking toward preventive medicine. Saskatchewan is reviewing ways to improve long-term care. Nova Scotia has a system where paramedics treat some ailments in long-term care facilities to avoid tying up hospital beds.
    • Irene Jansen
      For the truth on Ontario home care, see Wall's vision of "improving LTC" in Saskatchewan involves expanding retirement homes (lesser-regulated, largely for-profit).
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • The greatest cost pressure on the system, however, may be the demographic shift and the steady rise in the number of senior citizens requiring chronic care.
  • The provinces will look to expand a collective drug-purchasing plan, set new guidelines to cut the number of unnecessary medical procedures and improve home care for senior citizens. These strategies were on the table Friday as provincial health ministers hunkered down in Toronto for two meetings on overhauling the nation's universal health-care system and wrestling down its cost.
  • The second, chaired by Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews, focused on dealing with the nation's aging population.
  • The provinces are also looking at ways to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests and surgeries such as MRIs, knee replacements and cataract removals. After consulting with health-care professionals, they hope to draw up a series of voluntary guidelines, to be presented this summer, on when such procedures are necessary and when they can be skipped.
  • The provinces will look to expand a collective drug-purchasing plan, set new guidelines to cut the number of unnecessary medical procedures and improve home care for senior citizens. These strategies were on the table Friday as provincial health ministers hunkered down in Toronto for two meetings on overhauling the nation's universal health-care system and wrestling down its cost.
  • The first session was part of the Health Care Innovation Working Group
  • The first session was part of the Health Care Innovation Working Group
  • The second, chaired by Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews, focused on dealing with the nation's aging population.
  • Last year, the working group produced a deal that saw the provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, team up to purchase six generic drugs in bulk, which resulted in savings of $100-million annually.They want to take a similar approach to buying name-brand medicines. Mr. Ghiz estimated such a plan could save $25-million to $100-million more.
  • Last year, the working group produced a deal that saw the provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, team up to purchase six generic drugs in bulk
  • They want to take a similar approach to buying name-brand medicines. Mr. Ghiz estimated such a plan could save $25-million to $100-million more.
  • The provinces are also looking at ways to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests and surgeries such as MRIs, knee replacements and cataract removals. After consulting with health-care professionals, they hope to draw up a series of voluntary guidelines, to be presented this summer, on when such procedures are necessary and when they can be skipped.
  • The greatest cost pressure on the system, however, may be the demographic shift and the steady rise in the number of senior citizens requiring chronic care.
  • finding ways to keep seniors out of hospital.
  • For all the provinces' innovations, however, Mr. Ghiz said they could use more help from Ottawa.
  • “Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas – we're open
Irene Jansen

Implementation of Affordable Care Act Provisions to Improve Nursing Home Transparency, ... - 0 views

  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the first comprehensive legislation since the Nursing Home Reform Act, part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA ’87), to expand quality of care-related requirements for nursing homes that participate in Medicare and Medicaid and improve federal and state oversight and enforcement.
  • the ACA incorporates the Nursing Home Transparency and Improvement Act of 2009, introduced because complex ownership, management, and financing structures were inhibiting regulators’ ability to hold providers accountable for compliance with federal requirements. The ACA also incorporates the Elder Justice Act and the Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act, which include provisions to protect long-term care recipients from abuse and other crimes.
  • This issue paper describes the new ACA requirements, explains the background for their inclusion in the law, and outlines the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS’s) progress in implementing them to date.
Doug Allan

Dirty hospital rooms a top concern for Canadians - Health - CBC News - 2 views

  • "They couldn't keep up with the amount of time she had to go to the washroom [so] she'd have an accident,"
  • Nearly a third of respondents, who included patients, health-care workers and relatives and friends of patients, said hospital rooms and bathrooms were not kept clean. Stories shared by res
  • Stories shared by res
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Karl Rinas, 61, who was treated for a bleeding ulcer at a Leamington, Ont., hospital last February, says he ended up wiping down the bathroom himself after his complaints about the dried liquid waste he found on the floor and toilet seat failed to get a reaction, but he worried about older, less mobile patients.
  • Despite all her efforts, Martin says she has no doubt that the antibiotic-resistant superbug Clostridium difficile infection her mother contracted soon after surgery was related to the hospital's level of cleanliness.
  • "I know everybody nowadays has to work more with less, but to me, a hospital should be absolutely clean," she said.
  • Of the respondents who wrote into the fifth estate's survey about being harmed in hospital, most said the harm was a hospital-acquired infection such as MRSA and C. difficile.
  • Unlike in the food industry, there are no standardized inspections for cleanliness in hospitals.
  • A World Health Organization report that compared Canada's infection data with that of 12 other wealthy countries found that Canada had the second-highest prevalence (11.6 per cent) of hospital-acquired infections after New Zealand — much higher than that of Germany (3.6 per cent) or France (4.4 per cent).
  • Is outsourcing to blame?Those who work in hospitals have pointed to the increased outsourcing of housekeeping in recent years as one reason behind the decline in hospital cleanliness that patients and hospital workers have observed
  • "There's no question there's been an impact on the quality of cleaning, and you can see that throughout the years as various hospitals have struggled with very high-profile superbug outbreaks," said Margi Blamey, spokesperson for the Hospital Employees' Union (HEU), which represents 41,000 hospital cleaning and support staff in B.C.
  • But health authorities in other countries are moving away from private cleaning services. Four years ago, Scotland reversed its decision to allow outsourcing of cleaning and catering services because it felt private contractors were not doing a good enough job keeping the spread of infections in check.
  • Blamey says as long as housekeeping is done on a for-profit basis, employers will reduce the number of staff and cut corners on staff training and cleaning supplies.
  • The Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program is the closest thing to a federal overview that Canada has, but it relies on voluntary reporting by only 54 hospitals in 10 provinces, most of them teaching facilities, which, according to infection control experts, generally have higher infection rates than other acute care hospitals because they tend to see more seriously ill patients.
  • Michael Gardam, who oversees infection prevention and control at the three hospitals that are part of Toronto's University Health Network, agrees that hospitals have fewer resources for housekeeping these days and have to concentrate cleaning on areas that are most likely to transmit bacteria — primarily the surfaces that multiple patients touch.
  • "I probably get more emails about dust bunnies in the stairwells than anything else in the hospital, and yet, we've done that for a reason. You're not going to catch anything from a stairwell, but you're going to catch it from your bed rails," Gardam said.
  • About two-thirds of hospital-acquired infections are preventable, Gardam said, but making a direct link between cleanliness and infection is not as straightforward as it might seem. Some hospital-acquired infections such as ventilator-associated pneumonia or central line-associated bloodstream infections have little to do with the hospital environment and can be controlled through proper protocols around equipment use. But a superbug like C. difficile is a lot trickier because it is hard to pinpoint its source.
  • Increasing cleaning staff on nights and weekends could also help. A typical medium-sized B.C. hospital that contracts out cleaning services has 24 cleaners by day but only four at night, says Blamey, and workers are often not backfilled when ill or on vacation.
  • "Bacteria don't care what time it is," said Gardam.
  • The infection expert says it doesn’t matter whether a private or public entity oversees cleaning; both have had problems with cleanliness. The bottom line is that hospitals generally undervalue the importance of cleaning staff, Gardam said.
  • "People don't really think of them as part of the team, but if you think about how infections are spread in hospitals, they're actually an incredibly important part of the team that goes far beyond just the cosmetic appearance of the room."
    CBC story discusses importance of hospital cleaning, and debates demerits of contracting out. 
Irene Jansen

Drug-resistant infections could pose 'apocalyptic scenario', medical experts warn - the... - 0 views

  • Britain’s chief medical officer
  • warned a U.K. parliamentary committee about the dangers of antibiotic drug resistance, a threat so dire she wants it added to Britain’s register of civil emergencies — alongside other dangers such as terrorist threats, pandemic influenza and natural disasters
  • she has previously called it a threat as serious to mankind as global warming
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • earlier this month, the World Economic Forum included antibiotic drug resistance in its Global Risks 2013 report, calling it “arguably the greatest risk of hubris to human health.”
  • The existing market model simply doesn’t work, McGeer said. Pharmaceutical companies profit more from drugs used to treat chronic diseases, not antibiotics that patients use for just a few days, she said.
  • prevention will have to be a cornerstone. “The most effective way of not using antibiotics is to not have the infection in the first place,” McGeer said.
Heather Farrow

Governments and Canadian Blood Services must act to prevent another tainted-blood crisi... - 0 views

  • The National Union supports BloodWatch, a national advocacy organization, in its call for federal and all provincial and territorial governments to prohibit paid blood and plasma donations. Ottawa (10 May 2016) — To protect Canadians, the federal and all provincial and territorial governments must join the provinces of Quebec and Ontario in prohibiting for-profit corporations that pay for blood and plasma donations, says the 360,000-member National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). 
Heather Farrow

Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks in protecting health care worker... - 0 views

  • CMAJ May 17, 2016 vol. 188 no. 8 First published March 7, 2016, doi: 10.1503/cmaj.150835
  • Background: Conflicting recommendations exist related to which facial protection should be used by health care workers to prevent transmission of acute respiratory infections, including pandemic influenza. We performed a systematic review of both clinical and surrogate exposure data comparing N95 respirators and surgical masks for the prevention of transmissible acute respiratory infections.
Heather Farrow

5 reasons why private surgeries won't shorten waits in the public system : Policy Note - 0 views

  • Sep 7, 2016
  • By Seth Klein and Andrew Leyland
  • After years of delay, Dr. Brian Day’s case against the BC Government is now being heard in BC Supreme Court. Day and his private for-profit Cambie Surgery Centre are challenging the parts of the BC Medicare Protection Act that prevent doctors and private clinics from directly billing patients for medically necessary procedures; in other words, the provincial legislation that protects our public health care system by making it illegal to create a parallel private, for-profit system. Day claims these limitations are un-constitutional because they prevent patients from leap-frogging waits in the public health system.
Cheryl Stadnichuk

Financing Health and Education for All by Jeffrey D. Sachs - Project Syndicate - 0 views

  • NEW YORK – In 2015, around 5.9 million children under the age of five, almost all in developing countries, died from easily preventable or treatable causes. And up to 200 million young children and adolescents do not attend primary or secondary school, owing to poverty, including 110 million through the lower-secondary level, according to a recent estimate. In both cases, massive suffering could be ended with a modest amount of global funding.
  • In fact, the world has made a half-hearted effort. Deaths of young children have fallen to slightly under half the 12.7 million recorded in 1990, thanks to additional global funding for disease control, channeled through new institutions such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
  • The reason that child deaths fell to 5.9 million, rather to near zero, is that the world gave only about half the funding necessary. While most countries can cover their health needs with their own budgets, the poorest countries cannot. They need about $50 billion per year of global help to close the financing gap. Current global aid for health runs at about $25 billion per year. While these numbers are only approximate, we need roughly an additional $25 billion per year to help prevent up to six million deaths per year. It’s hard to imagine a better bargain.
Cheryl Stadnichuk

Ontario pledges $222-million to improve First Nations health care - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • Ontario has pledged to spend $222 million over three years to improve health care for First Nations, especially in the north where aboriginal leaders declared a state of emergency because of a growing number of suicides.The Liberal government also promised to contribute $104.5 million annually — after the initial three years — to the First Nations Health Action Plan, which will focus on primary care, public health, senior’s care, hospital services and crisis support.
  • in April because of an increasing number of suicides and suicide attempts, especially by young people.“We have learned from the recent health emergency declarations that communities need support in times of crisis and need to know that they can count on the provincial government,” Health Minister Eric Hoskins said Wednesday.“So we will establish dedicated funding, expanding supports including trauma response teams, suicide prevention training, positive community programming for youth, and we will fund more mental health workers in schools.”
  • The James Bay community of Attawapiskat declared a state of emergency
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  • Canada ranked No. 8 last year on the United Nations human development index, but the same indicators would place indigenous people in Canada at about 63, added Hoskins.“These inequities can no longer be ignored,” he said. “It’s not up to First Nations to right the wrongs of colonization. Government must invest in meaningful and lasting solutions so communities can heal and have hope.”
  • The Ontario plan will increase physician services for 28 communities across the Sioux Lookout region in the north by up to 28 per cent, and establish up to 10 new or expanded primary care teams that will include traditional healing.There will also be cultural competency training for front-line health-care providers and administrators who work with First Nations communities, more public health nurses and a dedicated medical officer of health.The government says it will also increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables for about 47,400 indigenous children, and expand diabetes prevention and management in northern and remote communities.
Heather Farrow

Governments and Canadian Blood Services must act to prevent another tainted-blood crisi... - 0 views

  • The National Union supports BloodWatch, a national advocacy organization, in its call for federal and all provincial and territorial governments to prohibit paid blood and plasma donations. Ottawa (10 May 2016) — To protect Canadians, the federal and all provincial and territorial governments must join the provinces of Quebec and Ontario in prohibiting for-profit corporations that pay for blood and plasma donations, says the 360,000-member National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). 
Irene Jansen

Ontario nursing home task force flooded with ideas for change - - 1 views

  • A long-term care task force created after a Star investigation into nursing home abuse has been swamped with complaints — and ideas for change.
  • The Long-Term Care Task Force on Resident Care and Safety
  • is expected to give Health Minister Deb Matthews its report recommending tangible change by the end of April.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • focus on the culture of secrecy found in homes that refuse to acknowledge problems exist
  • Submissions are accepted through its website at until March 19.
  • Canada-wide problems with the financial and physical abuse of the elderly was the focus of a federal government announcement Thursday morning when Justice Minister Rob Nicholson proposed changes to the Criminal Code that would require judges to consider the age of the victim during sentencing.
  • But Judith Wahl, a lawyer with the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly said judges can already to take into account the age of the victim during sentencing.
  • The proposed legislation, she said, does little to actually prevent the harm facing seniors — sometimes from their own families. In many cases, the elderly would benefit more from affordable housing or home care to save them relatives who “influence” them to hand over money.
  • Prevention is key, agreed Doris Grinspun, chief executive officer of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
  • “Our elders need security and dignity,” said Sharleen Stewart of the Service Employees International Union. “With a growing political focus on seniors, the time has probably come for a national seniors’ strategy.”
Irene Jansen

ENA Aims to Prevent Violence Against Nurses May 2011 - 0 views

    Imagine if every time you came to work, there was a pretty good chance you would face a threat of physical violence or verbal assault? This is an everyday experience for emergency department nurses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 46% of all
Irene Jansen

INM and CHSRF Conference Montreal Nov 2 and 3 2011 - 0 views

    The Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM), CIRANO and the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF) are organizing a conference entitled Health, Everyone's Concern on November 2 and 3, 2011, in Montreal. The goal is to raise awareness in Quebec society, not only about the urgency of acting to ensure the sustainability of the health system, but also about the choices available in doing so. Specialists will examine the following topics: diagnosis and key challenges in health care, health promotion and disease prevention, the sustainability of the public healthcare system, and service organization and governance mechanisms.
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