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Govind Rao

Rally draws hundreds; Province called upon to free up money for hospitals - Infomart - 0 views

  • North Bay Nugget Tue Dec 1 2015
  • The size of your wallet should not determine the quality of health care you receive. That was the message delivered to close to 1,000 protesters calling for the provincial government to free up more money for hospitals in Northern Ontario - particularly the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
  • "In North Bay, and across Northern Ontario, we are seeing the most severe cuts," said Linda Silas, president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. The rally drew supporters from across the province to protest cuts across the province. This year, the North Bay Regional Health Centre announced it is cutting almost 160 positions and closing more than 30 beds in an attempt to stave off a flood of red ink. "Here you are looking at 100 layoffs every year" if the province does not end a freeze on healthcare spending, Silas said.
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  • Silas was one of a number of speakers who called on the government of Premier Kathleen Wynne to increase spending on health care in the province. North Bay, they said, is particularly hard hit because it is a P3 (public-private partnership) hospital - and because it brought three hospitals - two general and one psychiatric - under one roof. "It is time to raise the alarm," said Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition.
  • "This is devastating to the community, so let's raise the alarm." Mehra said people should not make the mistake of "believing that these hospital services are being replaced in so-called community care. You do not replace medical and surgical beds in community care. It's just not community care. It is acute hospital care services that are being cut. "You do not replace emergency room nurses. You do not replace cleaners in community care. Let's not buy into the nonsense that is just window dressing to cuts, cuts and more cuts to local services that are needed by the community." Michael Taylor, one of the organizers of the rally, said the cuts in North Bay are "the worst and deepest". .. that affect departments throughout the whole hospital.
  • Jamie Nyman was part of a large contingent from Sudbury to travel to North Bay Monday. "This is a very important issue," he said. "The government is cutting services and patient care is declining." Sudbury, he pointed out, has also seen many cuts.
  • "It's leaving us with too much workload," he said. "We are seeing a lot of workload issues because of cuts." Debbie McCrank from Kirkland Lake, the local co-ordinator for the Ontario Nurses Association, said the cuts are "going to impact all the North." She is responsible for the area from Kirkland Lake to North Bay, including Mattawa and West Nipissing.
  • "It's obvious the cuts in Northern Ontario have become excessive, and especially in North Bay," he said. "We are taking big hits in this. Hospital cuts hurt everybody. "Wynne has got to get the message. Northern Ontario is suffering more than any other area." Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, speaking at Queen's Park, called on the provincial government to address the funding crisis at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
  • "It comes down to cheaper care versus quality care," she said. "The province is driven by the budget, not by the concern for quality health care." Another supporter was Mike Labelle, a locked-out employee at Ontario Northland. "I'm here to support all the nurses and everyone on down," he said. "Health care has really deteriorated here, and it's time the government wakes up."
  • Labelle said the mass of protesters "is the heart of the hospital." About 100 Ontario Northland employees, he said, turned up for the rally. Canadian Union of Public Employees president Mark Hancock said the province's health care cuts amount to an attack on the local hospital and the community.
  • The funding freeze means hundreds of staffand beds across Northern Ontario," he said, pointing to placards waved by hospital workers from Timmins, New Liskeard and Sudbury pointing out the effects of cuts at those facilities. Hancock said health care needs a 5.8 per cent annual increase just to meet rising costs, but the freeze means hospitals are getting zero per cent. In real terms, he said, that works out to a 20 per cent cut over the life of the spending freeze.
  • Also speaking was North Bay Mayor Al McDonald, who said the situation at the hospital is a major concern in the city. In addition to proper health care for all members of the community, he said, the jobs being cut at the hospital are good-paying jobs, and "if you want to build the city, you need your hospital to provide the same level of care as they have in southern Ontario." Nearby, Stan Zima was waving a large Canadian flag on a 10-foot flagpole.
  • The North Bay Regional Health Centre, she said, is "a major treatment centre," but the province's cuts are putting that designation at risk, and putting extra pressure on all hospitals in the North. "It's just having a huge impact," McCrank said of the health funding cuts.
  • Health-care professionals and patients alike in my riding are concerned that the quality of care we're getting in Nipissing is in jeopardy. And it's creating turmoil in the community," Fedeli said, asking the government to restore "proper ongoing funding" to the facility.
  • Pj Wilson, The Nugget / Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, addresses a crowd of close to 1,000 people at Lee Park, Monday. Supporters from across the province were in North Bay to pressure the Kathleen Wynne government into providing more funding for hospitals across the province. • Pj Wilson, The Nugget / Close to 1,000 people called for the provincial government to increase funding to Northern Ontario hospitals and, in particular North Bay Regional Health Centre, at a rally at Lee Park, Monday. Busloads of supporters came from as far as Toronto, Hamilton and Stratford to support North Bay.
Heather Farrow

Pharmacare won't come soon: minister; Warns CMA meeting in Vancouver that indigenous he... - 0 views

  • Vancouver Sun Wed Aug 24 2016
  • "Most seniors prefer care in the comfort of their home and not in hospitals." Doctors of B.C. president Dr. Alan Ruddiman told Philpott that the "harsh reality" is that certain provinces like B.C. are struggling to meet the health-care needs of aging populations, so the CMA is advocating in favour of federal demographic-based "top ups." But Philpott wouldn't reveal where negotiations will go on that point and said there are 14 health ministers, including herself, who have to hammer out an agreement.
  • "National pharmacare, you know if you've seen my mandate letter (from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau), does have to do with the cost of drugs and there's impressive work we can do in the next few years to drive down costs," she said. Philpott suggested the government will, for now, focus on bulk buying, price regulations and negotiations with pharmaceutical companies, rather than a full program covering the costs of drugs for those who can't afford them. While Philpott, a doctor, said she "gets" how a pharmacare program would be beneficial, but there are other problems like "horrendous and unacceptable gaps in care for indigenous people and we need frank conversation about where our priorities should be."
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  • Philpott said one of the misconceptions about the future of health care is that demographics - a silver tsunami related to an aging population - is going to bankrupt government coffers. While she acknowledged that seven per cent of $1,000-a-day hospital beds are taken up by seniors and 14 per cent of beds are occupied by patients who should be in alternate levels of care, Philpott threw cold water on the "doom and gloom" forecasts that an aging population means "massive infusions of cash" are needed to sustain public health care. Sticking to the federal government's commitment to inject another $3 million over four years into home care, she noted it's not only cost effective but preferred by patients and their families.
  • Federal health minister Jane Philpott said Tuesday a national pharmacare program is likely years away because of more pressing priorities like primary care, improved health for indigenous people, better care for those with mental illness, and more home care for seniors. "I do not want to promise anything I don't know I can deliver on," she told about 600 delegates and observers at the annual Canadian Medical Association meeting in Vancouver.
  • The reality is I don't know how this is going to end up. A lot of this will come down to basic principles of fairness." While Canada spends more per capita than many other countries, Philpott said she's concerned about international rating systems that show Canada gets poorer outcomes compared to countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. During a press scrum, a journalist noted that all those other countries have parallel public/private systems. But Philpott insisted the federal government is only interested in how those other countries deliver care within the publicly funded realm. "Our government is firmly committed to upholding the Canada Health Act. That act has principles around accessibility and universality and it means Canadians have access to care based on need, not on ability to pay," she said. "You cannot have a growing, thriving middle class unless you have a publicly funded universal health care system."
  • Philpott attempted to dissuade doctors of the notion that the federal role is merely to transfer money to the provinces ($36 billion this year), maintaining that the government and "this minister of health" is determined to be engaged in health system transformation. The provinces have begun the slow process of negotiations with the federal government on a renewal of the Canada Health Accord to be signed sometime next year. But some health ministers have complained that the feds have given no indication about how much money they can expect. It's been more than a decade since the provinces and the federal government negotiated transfer payments and Philpott said that while the last round led to improvements like shorter waiting times in some surgical areas, "it did not buy change. So we should use this opportunity to trigger innovation."
  • Philpott said real change will incorporate digital health records and the banishment of anachronisms like fax machines. Patients should be seamlessly connected, in real time, to their health care providers, hospital, home care, pharmacy and lab. "What is it going to take to get there? Pragmatism, persistence and partnership. Changes require courage and practicality." Doctors gave her enthusiastic applause for stating that low socioeconomic status represents one of the greatest barriers to good health and "that is why this government believes that the economy and jobs and a stronger middle class will reduce social inequity." She said in 2016, the federal government has earmarked $8.4 billion in spending on social and economic conditions for indigenous communities. Earlier Tuesday, on the second day of the three-day annual meeting, doctors passed numerous motions that will now go to their board for further discussion before becoming official policy.
  • Delegates passed a motion introduced by Ontario doctor Stephen Singh of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians that aims to distinguish between palliative care ("neither to hasten or postpone death") and medical assistance in dying. Most palliative care doctors don't want to serve as gatekeepers to doctor-assisted dying, but they do want to consult with patients who have life-limiting illnesses in order to help mitigate their suffering.
Heather Farrow

Make senior care a priority; New health accord - Infomart - 0 views

  • Toronto Star Sat Aug 27 2016
  • Canadian health care faces a rare opportunity - and a daunting challenge. Officials at the federal and provincial level are quietly working toward a new national accord with potential to reshape medicare in this country. If properly done, the process will produce a stronger, more efficient health-care system better serving the needs of both the sick and the healthy. Expect the opposite if turf wars prevail; if inadequate funding leaves vital parts of the system starved of cash and if established interests use this opportunity to give themselves a raise instead of investing in better patient care.
  • With negotiations expected to last for several more months, the outcome of this process remains far from clear. But provincial and territorial officials are, at least, talking with a Liberal government in Ottawa elected on a pledge to negotiate a new health pact. That, in itself, marks a welcome change from years of intransigence under former prime minister Stephen Harper. Under his misguided leadership, the federal level disavowed any responsibility for shaping the health-care system. When an earlier $41-billion health accord, negotiated by Paul Martin's Liberals, expired in 2014, Harper refused to do the hard work of negotiating a new deal.
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  • Instead, he simply continued existing transfers of money, with annual increases of 6 per cent, to be followed by a reduction, to about 3 per cent, as of 2017. That formula was issued unilaterally, without consulting the provinces. And transfers came with no strings attached, meaning the federal government effectively abandoned leadership in the realm of Canadian health care. It's vital for Ottawa to oversee the evolution of medicare. That's the best way to set shared national priorities and establish universal standards suited to Canadians' 21st-century needs.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears to understand this, with his party campaigning on a pledge to "provide the collaborative federal leadership that has been missing during the Harper decade." Key to this is negotiating a new health accord, including a long-term agreement on funding. Now comes the hard part: actually hammering out a deal. The only immediate commitment made by the Liberals was an investment of $3 billion, over four years, "to deliver more and better home care services for all Canadians." But there was no mention of that in the federal budget this spring, a document notable for its lack of attention to expanding Canada's health-care system.
  • Health Minister Jane Philpott explained that promised changes to home care are part of ongoing talks toward a health accord. Fair enough. But it's essential for the federal contribution, in any new deal, to go beyond just this. Ottawa's health-care transfers to the provinces and territories totalled $34 billion last year, about 22 per cent of public spending in this area. At one time it was a 50-50 split. And Canada's provincial premiers, as recently as July, have urged the federal government to cover at least 25 per cent. That seems reasonable to expect from a new accord, especially given growing pressure on Canada's health-care system from an expanding, and rapidly aging, population.
  • One worthwhile change, forcefully advocated by the Canadian Medical Association earlier his week, would be for Ottawa to deliver additional health-care funding through a special "top-up" based on each province's population of seniors. Health transfers are currently issued on a per-capita basis, failing to take into account far heavier costs associated with caring for the aged. This gives provinces with a younger population, such as Alberta, a break while failing to adequately compensate those with more old people, including British Columbia and Ontario.
  • The Conference Board of Canada made a compelling case for a demographic top-up in a report last fall, calculating that it would cost Ottawa about $8.6 billion over five years. Currently, "there are large discrepancies across the country when it comes to the health-care services available to seniors, particularly in pharmacare, home care, long-term care and palliative care," warn authors of the report. "As Canada's population continues to age, this situation is likely to worsen."
  • One goal of a national accord is to eliminate, or at least ease, such discrepancies. To that end, it would make a great deal of sense to introduce some form of demographic top-up. This represents just one opportunity inherent in negotiating a new health accord. It remains to be seen if it will actually be delivered. © 2016 Torstar Corporation
Govind Rao

Photo project gives human face to health care; Initiative aims to use portraits, storie... - 0 views

  • Toronto Star Sat Jul 18 2015
  • Andreas Laupacis is the first to admit he is a policy wonk. The doctor, who co-directs a 500-employee research institute and chairs a provincial agency that strives to improve health quality, is also the first to admit there are gaping schisms between health policy-makers like himself and those working and being cared for on the front lines. So he has conceived of a novel way to bridge the gaps: a photojournalism project that tells it like it is from within each of those silos. Faces of Health Care, unveiled Thursday, is modelled after Humans of New York, the wildly popular blog by photographer Brandon Stanton, which documents images and stories of regular folk in the Big Apple. Laupacis' project features portraits and short narratives, collected from the bedside, front lines and back offices.
  • "I am increasingly convinced that patient and health-care worker stories about the good, bad and the complex in health care are important, especially for those of us making policy. We can become a bit distant from the impact of our policies on the people we serve," he says. One profile features Kieran Quinn, an internal-medicine resident at the University of Toronto. Quinn describes how one of his most challenging cases involved caring for a young woman with advanced cancer.
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  • Her husband refused to accept that she was close to death and battled with hospital staff to keep her alive with a breathing machine and feeding tube. "Looking back, I don't like the fact that we were treating the woman this way, but I also don't like that we were battling her husband," Quinn related to Faces of Health Care. "He'll probably remember her death as a battle with the health-care system to provide care. In some ways I feel like we failed him - he's the one who is living; he'll carry that with him the rest of his life," Quinn adds. Laupacis has held some of the most senior positions in Ontario's health system.
  • He is currently executive director of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital, board chair of Health Quality Ontario and a board member of Cancer Care Ontario. He holds a Canada Research Chair in Health Policy and Citizen Engagement and formerly served as president of the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
  • Trained as a medical internist, he continues to see patients as a palliative care specialist. The photojournalism project has grown from his belief that the health system would be better if there was more informed public input. "I think these stories are great learning tools for those of us who practise health care, and many of them are just darn interesting to almost anyone," he says.
  • "Our hope is that it will bring a human face to the articles about health care that we write on the site," he adds. Faces of Health Care is put together by a team of writers and photographers and is part of the online health policy magazine, another Laupacis creation. Because it is not a typical health-care project, there are no typical health-care grants to fund it. So Laupacis is also launching a crowd-funding campaign in hopes of raising $50,000 to see the project through its first year.
Govind Rao

Continuing care faces major challenges; NDP measures are a good start, but more action ... - 0 views

  • Edmonton Journal Wed Nov 25 2015
  • Early in its mandate, our new NDP government made three major announcements which will address short-term needs within the continuing care system. However, more is needed to ensure the needs of Albertans can be met. We owe it to our seniors and all vulnerable Albertans to understand and prepare for the challenges ahead. The government's first commitment was to create 2,000 new long-term care spaces. The second was the confirmation on Oct. 29 of 25 ASLI (Alberta Supportive Living Initiative) projects across the province, which will ultimately add approximately 2,000 beds within the continuing care spectrum. Third, the budget added much-needed money for expansion of home care.
  • Residents, their families and those who provide supportive living, long-term care and home care welcome these initiatives. The expansion of home care and addition of spaces were needed and will likely reduce the number of chronic care patients occupying acute-care hospital beds. That's the good news.
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  • This is a telling list because these concerns are primarily driven by funding and continuing care is falling behind. Current rates of funding are actually below what was received in 2011, after inflation and cost increases are factored in. For the past three years, funding increases for continuing care have been zero, between zero and two per cent, and zero. At the same time, overall healthcare funding has increased at six per cent a year.
  • The bad news is that after years of inattention and chronic underfunding, significant issues still need to be addressed. We need a broad public discussion about our expectations and priorities to ensure we get future continuing care right: These are community decisions that ought not to be left entirely to our health bureaucrats, able though they are. As we enter this discussion, we should focus on the real issues and not waste time on red herrings. For example, recent research by the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) has confirmed that quality of care is not affected by whether the provider is private, non-profit, faithbased or public, or whether the staffare unionized. There is plenty of evidence that all types of providers are responsible, committed and caring. On the other hand, the report identified five concerns of families and residents: the need for more staff; timely help and supervision for basic needs; cleaner and bettermaintained facilities; access to related services; and quality, varied and nutritious food.
  • Just as schools need teachers, funding for spaces has to come with funding for care. In Alberta, continuing care is funded at 19 per cent below the national average. In comparison, acute health care in Alberta gets 33-percent more than the national average. Under these conditions, the HQCA conclusion that there has been "no significant change" in quality of continuing care is a credit to the commitment of our care providers.
  • It's not just the quantity of funding that needs to be addressed. Our current patchwork system of funding, program models and regulations needs to be revisited. Changes are needed - not to reduce standards, but to allow the system to be more client-and resident-centred, giving providers the flexibility to innovate and respond to the changing needs of clients and residents, and to reflect changes in the scope of practice of our health-care professionals. We need to ask ourselves whether a 30-yearold model of care is acceptable for our loved ones. The NDP government has taken some initial steps toward getting things back on track, but there is urgency to tackling these issues as quickly as possible. The number of Albertans needing home care, supportive living or long-term care is going to increase significantly. Will we be ready? Continuing care providers want to work with the government and all Albertans to build the best possible system. The Alberta Continuing Care Association looks forward to working with government as it takes its next steps to strengthen care and supports.
  • Tammy Leach is CEO of the Alberta Continuing Care Association.
Govind Rao

Funds should be better invested in Canada's public health care system - Infomart - 0 views

  • Campbell River Mirror Tue Sep 15 2015
  • It is extremely concerning that our provincial government is contracting up to 55,000 surgeries to a private surgery clinic Re: Deal with private contractor could reduce surgery wait times - J.R. Rardon. The above noted article was in the Aug. 26, Campbell River Mirror. Reading the headline I have to ask "but at what cost?"
  • It is extremely concerning that our provincial government is contracting up to 55,000 surgeries to a private, for profit, surgery clinic which is yet to be built. If this company is locating in Victoria they must have received assurance for long term commitments to enable them to locate there permanently. Surgical Centres Ltd. is "based" in Calgary, they have two private, for profit, surgery clinics in Calgary, two in B.C., two in Saskatchewan. Are the owners American?
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  • Dr. Brendon Carr (president and CEO of Island Health) when asked at the Island Health Board meeting here in June stated that there will be a premium in cost for the surgeries at the private clinic. We know private, for profit, health care is more expensive. He said they have the information and would provide it, but when I wrote and asked what the difference in cost for the taxpayers between surgeries in public or private, for profit, operating rooms, Mr. Peters declined to answer the question.
  • Our provincial government is seeking to change the BC Health Act to permit patient stays of up to three nights in private, for profit, surgery clinics so their plan into the future is to embrace private, for profit, surgery clinics. In the provincial government's own report it states the reason why our public hospital operating rooms sit idle quite often is due to lack of funding. The government and Island Health think it is okay to contract out these surgeries because the surgeries are still being publicly funded but our taxpayer dollars will be spending more for the profit margin.
  • I pointed out to Dr. Carr that we have a shortage of doctors in Canada and he agreed. He said it would be the same doctors doing the surgeries in the private, for profit, surgery clinics. I asked how they can usurp our doctors into the private system without straining our public system more. He just said they will be watching it. That doesn't bode well for our public operating rooms. I fear that our provincial government is seriously undermining our position in defending the Dr. Brian Day court case on behalf of all British Columbians. At the very least it looks like a huge conflict of interest when they are seeking to contract an enormous number of surgeries to private clinics.
  • Our provincial and federal governments seem determined to starve the public health care system in favour of private, for profit, health care. They have let the surgery wait lists increase substantially. Our federal government refused to renegotiate the Canada Health Accord and brought in a new funding formula. They are telling us they are "increasing"  funding of the transfer payments to the provinces by three per cent, tied to the cost of living. Currently they are paying six per cent annually so this actually is a massive cut to the provinces for public health care in the amount of $36 billion over the next 10 years. With the federal government's cuts to health care funding, the share of federal CHT cash payments in provincial-territorial health spending will decrease substantially from 20.4 per cent in 2010-11 to less than 12 per cent over the next 25 years. This, according to the Parliamentary Budget Office, will bring the level of federal cash support for health care to historical lows. National Medicare was implemented across Canada by provinces and territories on the understanding that the federal government would contribute roughly 50 percent of the spending on Medicare.
  • Canadians are vehemently opposed to private health care whether it is using our public tax dollars or not. Canadians should not have to suffer and wait a long time for surgery. Funds would be far better invested in the public health care system which is being starved by our governments. It is very difficult for Canadians to see our medicare in serious jeopardy. The Canadian Medical Assoc., Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Canadian Health Coalition, Council of Canadians, B.C. Health Coalition, HEU, CUPE, Citizens for Quality Health Care and many others are united to protect, strengthen and expand our public health care. Please check out their websites and get more information. Please vote in the next two elections and vote for health care for the benefit of all Canadians. Lois Jarvis Citizens for Quality Health Care Campbell River
Govind Rao

'Health taxes' just a cash grab in disguise - Infomart - 0 views

  • The Kirkland Lake Northern News Wed Apr 8 2015
  • Q When is a tax in Canada not for health care? Almost never. When do governments resort to special health taxes? When they're running for budget cover. Why do we put up with it?
  • Because governments know they can get away with cowardly cash grabs dressed up for health care, even if they bear no resemblance to health care's true costs and may not even be used to help pay for it. Better to shake down taxpayers in the name of the one program sacrosanct to them, than to outright raise regular taxes or do the dirty work of cutting spending. Ontarians should know this better than most -- they were hit with a massive tax increase, the largest in their history, when the Liberals brought in a personal health tax of up to $900 in 2004 when they were trying to climb out of a budget hole inherited from the previous Tory government. Dalton McGuinty, premier at the time, had only months earlier vowed during an election not to increase taxes. A decade on, with McGuinty long gone, Liberal-ruled Ontario is still in hock up to its eyeballs, with no prospect of whipping its books into shape until at least two years from now. Now, with the collapse in oil prices that have greased its treasury, Alberta is hitting up taxpayers with a special health tax of up to $1,000 on those with taxable incomes above $50,000 a year. Ironically, just four years after Ontario imposed its health tax, then-buoyant Alberta -- oil was trading at $118 a barrel, more than double today's price -- waved a magic wand and made health insurance charges go away. Neither province calls its health charge a tax, of course. That would be too honest.
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  • In tax-hating Alberta, which has no sales tax, it's called a "health-care contribution levy." Ontarians know it as a "health-care premium," an odd choice of words since their OHIP premiums were already paid through a health payroll tax that an earlier Liberal government, sensing opportunity at the polls, saddled entirely onto employers after years of companies and employees sharing the tab. But semantics aren't the only problem with these political taxes. Worse, they create the idea for those who don't know better that healthcare budgets are balanced or largely covered off with the fees, which -- bottom line -- amount to about what you'd pay for a late-night hospital ER visit if you had no coverage. In fact, these hidden taxes generate only pennies on the health-care dollar.
  • Ontario is spending $50 billion on health care this year, or 38% of its total budget. Its two nominal health taxes, the personal and payroll, will bring in $8.9 billion. That's 18 cents on every health-care dollar. Health spending in Ontario is so high, it takes every dollar of personal income tax and sales tax the province collects to cover the tab, with about $1 billion left over. And that's in a province that has managed to rein in runaway growth in health spending. In Alberta, where spending will actually fall by nearly 1% this year, health care will consume almost 40% of its 2015 budget. And that new "health-care contribution levy"? It will bring in a mere $400 million in a $19-billion healthcare system that costs more than Alberta rakes in from personal, corporate income tax and resource revenue combined. Canadians spend an estimated $215 billion a year on health care. About 30% of that is out of their own pockets or private insurance. Governments pay the rest. The total is more than the federal government's annual take from all personal and corporate income taxes. Apologies to Alberta and Ontario, but all taxes are for health care.
Heather Farrow

Indigenous health: Time for top-down change? - 0 views

  • CMAJ August 9, 2016 vol. 188 no. 11 First published July 4, 2016, doi: 10.1503/cmaj.109-5295
  • Lauren Vogel
  • A year after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to action, public health experts say indigenous health won’t improve without major system change. Last June, the commission issued a comprehensive treatment plan for healing the trauma inflicted on indigenous communities under Canada’s residential schools system — but not much has happened. Eight of the commission’s 94 recommendations directly addressed health care. So what’s the hold up on high-level change?
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  • That question dominated the recent Public Health 2016 conference in Toronto. Speakers described persistent inequity and inaction across the health system, from research to medical training to hospital care. “The common response is to deny that the problem lies in the structures,” said Charlotte Loppie, director of the Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-led Engagement at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
  • She argued that it’s a mistake to see “colonization” as something that happened in the past. “It’s about the control that some people have over other people, which obviously continues today in the health policies and programs that are developed and expanded on indigenous communities, rather than with those communities.”
  • Research Loppie spoke at a panel hosted by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), which faced criticism in February for awarding less than 1% of funding to Aboriginal health projects in its first major competition since restructuring. “We know we have to work to get this right and get this better and I think we’re learning as we go,” said Nancy Edwards, scientific director of the Institute of Population and Public Health at CIHR.
  • According to Edwards, Aboriginal health is now a “standing item” at science council meetings, which bring together CIHR top brass every four to six weeks. There has also been “a lot of consultation” with indigenous researchers and communities. There isn’t a single barrier standing in the way. “It’s not that simple,” she said.
  • Speakers at the Canadian Public Health Association’s annual conference urged structural change to improve indigenous health.
  • Loppie said she considers Edwards an ally, but noted that CIHR has “a long way to go” to correct the disadvantage to Aboriginal health research under the new funding structure. “Change is a difficult point,” particularly at the most senior levels of administration, she said.
  • Medical education Australia’s experience integrating indi genous health education into medical training shows how change at that level can help transform a system. Australia’s version of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommended compulsory courses for all health professionals in 1989. But this didn’t become reality for doctors until 2006, when the Australian Medical Council set standards that the indigenous health training schools must provide.
  • With accreditation on the line, change was rapid and meaningful, said Janie Smith, a professor of innovations in medical education at Bond University in Australia. “If you don’t meet the standards, you can’t run your program, so it’s very powerful.” Bond’s medical program overhauled its case-based curriculum to include indigenous examples to teach core concepts. Students also complete a two-day cultural immersion workshop in first year and a remote clinical placement in fifth year.
  • “It’s a really important principle that this is the normal program and it’s funded out of the normal budget,” Smith said. Integration in core curriculum teaches students that cultural sensitivity is fundamental to being a good doctor, like understanding anatomy. It also protects indigenous health education from “toe cutters” when budgets are tight. Although Canadian medical schools are expanding their indigenous health content, some educators noted that it’s still peripheral to core training.
  • Lloy Wylie teaches medical students as an assistant professor of public health at Western University in London, Ontario. She recalled one indigenous health session that only a third of students attended. “When it’s voluntary, only the people who don’t need the training show up.”
  • Hospital care Wylie said she encountered the same indifference among some medical colleagues at Victoria Hospital in London, Ont., where she is appointed to the psychiatry department. “There are still some very unsettling things that I see going on in our hospital system.” She shared stories of “huge jurisdictional gaps” between the hospital and reserve, of patients with cancer denied adequate pain medication because of assumptions about addiction, and of health workers “woefully unaware” of indigenous culture and services.
  • People in the hospital weren’t even aware of the Aboriginal patient liaison that was in the hospital,” Wylie said. There are some recent bright spots; for example, British Columbia and Ontario are boosting cultural sensitivity training for health workers. But Wylie noted that the same workers “go back to institutions that are very culturally unsafe, so we need to look at changing those institutions as a whole.”
  • Brock Pitawanakwat, an assistant professor of indigenous studies at the University of Sudbury in Ontario, cited the importance of creating space for traditional healing alongside clinical care. In some cases, it’s a physical space: Health Sciences North in Sudbury has an on-site medicine lodge that provides traditional ceremonies and medicines.
  • These services are as much about healing mistrust as any physical remedy, Pitawanakwat said. “Going into a hospital after attending a residential school, there’s still that negative emotion,” he explained. “If you look at these buildings in archival photos, they’re almost identical.”
  • Wylie suggested that the fee-for-service model could also be changed to support physicians building better relationships with patients. “Anything we do to make our hospitals more welcoming places for Aboriginal people will be good for everybody,” she said. “Right now, they’re really alienating for everybody.”
Irene Jansen

Prince Edward Island: News Release (The Department of Health Begins Work on a Province-... - 0 views

  • June 17, 2009
  • Model of Care Design Team
  • the Model of Care Design Team will look at clarifying the roles of Island health care providers and support staff, and improving the interactions between these roles so that all members of the health care team are empowered to work to their full potential
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  • “We know that our most valuable health resources are the people working within the health care system. The Model of Care Project will ensure that the effort they put forth produces optimal results across the system,” said Minister of Health, Doug Currie. “We need to find ways to operate as a team and to create opportunities to leverage the collective skills and talent of our team.”
  • Model of Care Design Team members come from across the province and represent a wide range of health care skills and perspectives, including physicians, nurses, support staff and associations.
  • will empower health care providers to work collaboratively to the full potential of their abilities and training
  • detailed planning will take place over the summer for the implementation of the redesigned model.
  • The Model of Care Project, referred to officially as the Collaborative Care Team Project, is looking into the ways in which health care providers and support staff can operate as a team.
  • The model will ensure that the most appropriate member of the health care team can provide the most appropriate service at the most appropriate time and place.
  • The 2008 review of the health system reveals that the existing care delivery system is limiting the capacity of these care providers to work to the fullest extent of their abilities.
  • National research and best practices show that Model of Care strategies are being used to reduce health system barriers by creating and supporting interdisciplinary, collaborative care delivery environments.
    June 17 2009 gov't release announcing introduction of provincial model of care
Heather Farrow

Paramedicine expands to rural communities in B.C. - Infomart - 0 views

  • Williams Lake Tribune Wed Apr 27 2016
  • Alexis Creek, Anahim Lake, Bella Bella and Bella Coola have been named as remote B.C. communities that will welcome community paramedicine. Alexis Creek, Anahim Lake, Bella Bella and Bella Coola have been named as some of the 73 rural and remote B.C. communities that will welcome community paramedicine, a program that offers residents enhanced health services from paramedics. Health Minister Terry Lake made the announcement Wednesday.
  • "The Community Paramedicine Initiative is a key component of our plan to improve access to primary health-care services in rural B.C.," Lake said. "By building upon the skills and background of paramedics, we are empowering them to expand access to care for people who live in rural and remote communities, helping patients get the care they need closer to home." The program is just one way the Province is working to enhance the delivery of primary care services to British Columbians. The services provided may include checking blood pressure, assisting with diabetic care, helping to identify fall hazards, medication assessment, post-injury or illness evaluation, and assisting with respiratory conditions.
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  • Under this program, paramedics will provide basic health-care services, within their scope of practice, in partnership with local health-care providers. The enhanced role is not intended to replace care provided by health professionals such as nurses, but rather to complement and support the work these important professionals do each day, delivered in non-urgent settings, in patients' homes or in the community. "As a former BC Ambulance paramedic, I understand the potential benefits of community paramedicine," said Jordan Sturdy, MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky. "Expanding the role of paramedics to help care for the health and well-being of British Columbians just makes sense." Community paramedicine broadens the traditional focus of paramedics on pre-hospital emergency care to include disease prevention, health promotion and basic health-care services. This means a paramedic will visit rural patients in their home or community, perform assessments requested by the referring health care professional, and record their findings to be included in the patient's file. They will also be able to teach skills such as CPR at community clinics.
  • "Community paramedics will focus on helping people stay healthy and the specific primary care needs of the people in these communities," said Linda Lupini, executive vice president, BC Emergency Health Services. "This program also allows us to enhance our ability to respond to medical emergencies by offering permanent employment to paramedics in rural and remote areas of the province." "Community paramedicine brings improved patient care and more career opportunities to rural and remote areas," said Bronwyn Barter, president, Ambulance Paramedics of BC (CUPE 873). "Paramedics are well-suited to take on this important role in health-care provision." Community paramedicine was initially introduced in the province in 2015 in nine prototype communities. The initiative is now expanding provincewide, and will be in place in 31 communities in the Interior, 18 communities in northern B.C., 19 communities on Vancouver Island, and five communities in the Vancouver coastal area this year.
  • At least 80 new full-time equivalent positions will support the implementation of community paramedicine, as well as augment emergency response capabilities. Positions will be posted across the regional health authorities. The selection, orientation and placement process is expected to take about four months. Community paramedics are expected to be delivering community health services in northern B.C. this fall, in the Interior in early 2017, on Vancouver Island and the Vancouver coastal area in the spring of 2017. BC Emergency Health Services has been co-ordinating the implementation of community paramedicine in B.C. with the Ministry of Health, regional health authorities, the Ambulance Paramedics of BC (CUPE 873), the First Nations Health Authority and others. Copyright 2016 Williams Lake Tribune
Govind Rao

Make health care an election issue - Infomart - 0 views

  • National Post Thu Aug 27 2015
  • When voters are asked what issue matters most, health care once again tops the list. Yet the issue remains on life support in the current federal election campaign. As with campaigns past, it has so far failed to become a ballot question, despite the fact that it's one of the few common experiences we all share. So why is health care traditionally absent from the campaign trail?
  • There are two main reasons. First, there is the Constitution. It deems health care a provincial responsibility, essentially limiting the federal government's role to that of a giant ATM machine. When provinces deliver good health care, they take the credit; when they are unable to do so, they blame Ottawa for not transferring them enough money. Promises not only come with a price tag, but siphon money from other priorities, all without delivering political payback.
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  • The second reason is our proximity to the United States, which has served as the health-care bogeyman for over 50 years; the example of what Canada does not want to be: a place where people have to go Breaking Bad for cancer treatment. As a result, no party dares think outside the public monopoly box, or challenge the status quo. This reduces the debate to one of dollars and platitudes, which is about as appealing as hospital food.
  • But now, as the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is warning, Canada is facing a grey tsunami, an aging population that threatens to swamp our health-care system and budgets. By 2036, 25 per cent of the Canadian population will be seniors and health care will eat up 62 per cent of public spending. Surely a crisis like that would open the door to a wider discussion of how to tackle health care, not only for this population, but all Canadians.
  • No such luck. One of the problems is that this crisis will take 20 years to fully hit us. Like a tsunami, it still looks small while it's on the horizon; only when it towers over you do you realize the full impact of the disaster. It lacks the immediacy of a terrorist attack or oil-price shock. It's also not part of a broader reform agenda, such as that undertaken by Sweden following its financial crisis of the 1990s, which led it to reform of its health-care system by introducing market mechanisms and a mix of public and private delivery.
  • But it is an immediate disaster for the millions of medical professionals, families and individuals coping with the health-care demands of aging. Their voices are being drowned out by sniping over the minutiae of the Mike Duffy trial, or announcements of boutique tax breaks for teachers or service club members. Despite an alliance between the CMA, CARP, the Alzheimer's society and others, health care remains on the back burner.
  • If providers, caregivers and seniors hope to get this health crisis more attention, they need to change how the debate is framed. It needs to be seen as a crisis of today, a crisis that moves votes, a crisis that politicians feel they need to address. They also need to advance cost-effective solutions at the front end, rather than plowing money into it at the back end. Prevention strategies, for example, could help ensure that the seniors of 2036 are healthier than those of 2015, thereby reducing budgetary strain. The middle aged middle class need to be reminded that they won't stay young forever and that they need to prepare the system for what lies ahead.
  • But advocates also need to tackle the big picture: this country's resistance to market-based provisioning of healthcare services. The Supreme Court's decision in Chaouilli v. Quebec turned 10 this month, but has not resulted in the changes many were hoping for, in terms of significantly increasing choice in the health-care system. Forget the U.S. - Canada should look to the rest of the OECD, where countries from Australia to Switzerland feature mixed health-care delivery models, incorporating public and private institutions, and payers, including public and private insurance. Many of these countries also spend less per capita than Canada, while achieving superior outcomes.
  • In other words, give the federal parties a chance to craft an original political solution, rather than simply throw more money at the problem. Just as the Canada Health Act served as a legacy piece for the Liberal government of 1984, new health-care legislation could become a hallmark of whatever government holds the reins after Oct. 19. More importantly, It could ensure that the health needs of the aged, and all Canadians, are met for generations to come.
Heather Farrow

Lawsuit to reignite health-care debate; Cambie Surgery Centre's practice of billing pat... - 0 views

  • The Globe and Mail Wed Aug 31 2016
  • Brian Day, a crusader for greater private health-care access, will be in a Vancouver courtroom next week for the start of a lawsuit challenging provincial rules that pertain to his clinic's practice of billing patients for procedures offered in the public system. While the hearing challenging B.C. regulations that ban private care for medically necessary services is expected to last six months, a bullish Dr. Day said in an interview on Tuesday that victory is inevitable "because we're right." The hearing begins next Tuesday in B.C. Supreme Court. On one side is the Cambie Surgery Centre, which describes itself as Canada's only free-standing hospital of its kind, as well as patients who are listed in the lawsuit as plaintiffs. On the other side is British Columbia's Medical Services Commission and the provincial Health Ministry.
  • The case promises to reignite a debate whose last major legal test occurred in 2005, when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that a Quebec ban on private health care was unconstitutional. Dr. Day is the medical director at the Cambie clinic, which specializes in anthroposcopic surgery and allows patients to pay out-of-pocket rather than wait for care in the public system. The provincial government has previously audited the clinic and alleged its billing practices were illegal, though for years it did little to actually intervene. Dr. Day and his patients argue that restrictions on private care are unconstitutional. The orthopedic surgeon and past-president of the Canadian Medical Association said he is motivated by a key belief. "You should not suffer or die because of a wait list," he said. "Access to a waiting list is not access to health care." The B.C. government says it is simply enforcing the law.
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  • "The priority of the Medical Services Commission and the Ministry of Health is to uphold the Medicare Protection Act and the benefits it safeguards for patients in this province," B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake said in a statement on Tuesday. "We expect and require these clinics to come into full compliance with the law, and we remain fully committed to seeing out this case to its resolution." The ministry said it could not comment further because the case is before the courts. But the federal government is also watching the proceedings closely and has sought intervenor status in the case. In a statement from Ottawa, Health Canada said many provisions of the B.C. legislation mirror those of the Canada Health Act, "making this case of significant importance not only to British Columbians, but to all Canadians."
  • Given that Canadians "overwhelmingly" support universally accessible health care, "any challenge to a principle so fundamental to our health-care system is of significant concern to the Government of Canada." During a federal Liberal caucus retreat in Saguenay, Que., last week, Health Minister Jane Philpott said the case and the prospect of health-care privatization are a cause of "concern" for her. "I think I have made it very clear on repeated occasions that our government is committed to firmly upholding the Canada Health Act. The Cambie case deals specifically with that, with the provision of services," she told reporters. "It's fundamentally important to the health-care system in the entire country, not just in British Columbia, that we make sure that medically necessary services are universally insured and there are no barriers to access of those services." Ms. Philpott acknowledged that some health-care services in Canada are delivered privately, citing physiotherapy, which is largely carried out in private clinics because it is not included under the Canada Health Act.
  • But she said anything similar to a user fee is a barrier to people being able to receive medically necessary care. Ultimately, Dr. Day said, the law, facts and evidence are on the side of his argument that Canadians would best be served by a "hybrid" health-care system. "I kind of hope the judge doesn't hear that, and our lawyers would be nervous to hear that, but that's what I believe," he said. Within that system, public hospitals would offer private services and private hospitals would offer public services. He said he also wants to see competition between and within the systems. "Competition breeds excellence," Dr. Day said. © 2016 The Globe and Mail Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Govind Rao

Moving Canada toward a true health care accord - Infomart - 0 views

  • Trail Daily Times Thu Jan 21 2016
  • This week Canada's Minister of Health, Dr. Jane Philpott, will meet with her provincial and territorial counterparts in Vancouver. This is no ordinary get-together. In his mandate letter to the Minister, Prime Minister Trudeau tasked Philpott with "engaging provinces and territories in the development of a new, multi-year Health Accord with long-term funding agreement." This is a distinct change in tone from the previous federal government, which refused to meet with provinces to negotiate a new agreement after the accord ran out in 2014.
  • The top-down approach by the Harper government was greeted with two distinct reactions. There were those that saw the cancellation of the Health Accord as a step backward that would further reduce the federal portion of funding for health care, offloading costs to the provinces. Others criticized the past accord, billed as "a fix for a generation," because it didn't buy the intended change. While progress was made on wait times for certain services, other innovations in home care, primary care, prevention and health promotion, and the development of a national pharmaceutical strategy were not achieved in any meaningful way, with most of the increased funding getting absorbed into regular health budgets. Both of these perspectives hold merit.
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  • There is a strong case to be made for a return to the original 50/50 funding arrangement, which is one of the key reasons the provinces signed on to Medicare in the first place but which has steadily been eroded in the decades since. There is also a fair criticism that increased funding - from $124 billion in 2003 to $207 billion in 2012 - should have been used more deliberately to attempt to achieve the intended change in system performance or health outcomes for Canadians. So as the health ministers meet in Vancouver, how can they bend the curve toward a less costly and more effective health care system? How can they ensure the funds invested this time around will buy real improvements in health?
  • Some of the directions for this can be found in the Prime Minister's mandate letter to the Minister of Health, which included an exhortation to "support the delivery of more and better home care services." Investment in quality home care has been shown to improve patient experience while easing pressure on acute and long-term facilities.
  • The letter also encouraged Minister Philpott to "encourage the adoption of new digital health technology." If done right, electronic medical and health records can greatly expand our ability to effectively treat individuals and the population. A third major element described in the mandate letter was a call to "improve access to necessary prescription medications" by "joining with provincial and territorial governments to buy drugs in bulk," and "exploring the need for a national formulary." This falls short of a national pharmacare program, but does not close the door to the possibility.
  • Canada is the only nation with a universal health care system that doesn't include drug coverage; one in five Canadians reports being unable to afford to take necessary medications as prescribed. A national pharmacare program would eliminate that problem while saving Canadians approximately $6 billion per year in excess costs. Half measures in this area will not achieve the desired savings or accessibility. The directives from Trudeau to Philpott are helpful, but there are two key ingredients missing. The first is that the flow of health care funds needs to be connected to clearly articulated goals. Indiscriminately increasing fund transfers with no accountability for how they will be used is a recipe for continually increasing costs without improving the quality and accessibility of care. The second is that all levels of government need to move toward a Health in All Policies approach that understands all areas of government - policies affecting income, education, housing, food security, for example - impact health outcomes. Health care is the greatest cost driver in provincial governments, but it isn't the area in which spending has the greatest impact on health - and it's not where those costs can best be controlled.
  • The decisions emerging from this upcoming summit could change the landscape of health care policy in Canada. Ryan Meili is a family physician in Saskatoon, vicechair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare, an expert with and founder of Upstream: Institute for A Healthy Society.
Irene Jansen

Affordable Care Act driving health care mergers - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • Two of the region’s corporate giants — one focused on government health insurance, the other specializing in communities for seniors — were acquired by larger industry players last week, as consolidation heats up in health-related sectors.
  • Insurance giant Aetna announced it will buy Bethesda-based Coventry Health Care, which provides Medicare and Medicaid services, for $5.7 billion. Two days later, Ohio-based Health Care REIT announced an $845 million deal to acquire McLean’s Sunrise Senior Living, which manages 300 senior living facilities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, including 25 in the Washington region.
  • the health care industry is increasingly turning to consolidation as a way to cope with smaller profit margins and higher compliance costs that many anticipate when the federal government’s health care reforms under the Affordable Care Act take effect.
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  • The government’s health care reform will likely shrink insurers’ profits margins, health care analysts said, because they will no longer be able to deny individuals with pre-existing conditions, and at the same time must limit how much they raise their rates.
  • Cigna bought HealthSpring earlier this year, and WellPoint last month announced plans to acquire Amerigroup.
  • Aetna is the nation’s third-largest insurance provider
  • The deal will help Aetna reduce overhead costs, and boost Coventry’s ability to market to more consumers on state-run health insurance exchanges. Exchanges are online marketplaces that states must build by 2014 to help consumers shop for plans offered by private insurers.
  • an ACA provision known as the medical loss ratio requires them to limit spending on administrative costs and salaries to 20 percen
  • “If you’re a business like Coventry and you’re only operating in certain states, you’d only be able to market in that particular state’s exchange,” Stember said. “Aetna already operates in 50 states
  • nursing homes, senior communities and other long-term care facilities will follow a similar path of consolidation because small and mid-size operators will struggle to afford compliance costs

Report claims Alberta facing crisis with seniors' care; Aging population, lack of beds ... - 0 views

  • Town & Country
  • Tue Nov 1 2016
  • The availability of long-term care beds has plummeted over the last 15 years and the number of privately-operated long-term care beds has increased while government-operated beds has decreased, according to a report published by an independent Alberta-based research network.
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  • Last week, the Parkland Institute - which is based out of the University of Alberta - released its report Losing Ground: Alberta's Elder Care Crisis. It was an update of another Parkland report from 2013. The report states that as of March 31, 2016, there were 14,768 longterm (LTC) beds in Alberta and 9,936 designated supportive living (DSL) beds, as well as 243 palliative care or hospice beds.
  • The number of LTC beds in Alberta has been relatively stagnant - Alberta only has 377 more LTC beds than it did in 2010, an increase of only 2.6 per cent. The number of DLS beds, on the other hand, has increased by 4,770 or 92.3 per cent. As well, the number of continuing care beds classified as DLC as opposed to long-term care beds grew from 26 per cent in 2010 to 40 per cent in 2016.
  • That means nearly half of the continuing care beds available in the province for elderly Albertans do not have a registered nurse on-site and are not subject to minimum staffing requirements. "Losing Ground" also examines who is operating the LTC beds in the province. About 21 per cent are operated by Alberta Health Services (AHS) or a regional health authority. Another 10,808 were run by for-profit corporations and 8,881 were run by non-profits. In the last seven years, Alberta has lost 333 beds in public facilities while private, for-profit facilities have added 3,255 beds.
  • The issue is that publicly-run LTC facilities generally provide more health care to residents than privately-run or non-profit facilities. On average between 2011 and 2013, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and health care aids in public facilities provided four hours of direct health care to residents compared to three and 3.1 hours per day in non-profit and private facilities respectively. The report stresses that all facilities are required to provide 4.1 hours of care per day to residents, which means they are all falling short due to a lack of staff.
  • The report also notes that the NDP government has fallen far short of its election commitment to open 2,000 new long-term care beds by the end of 2019, including 500 new beds in 2015. The growth in the older population, coupled with a stagnant number of new LTC beds and move towards private care, means the availability of beds for Albertans over the age of 85 has nearly been halved since 2001. "This drop has greatly reduced the province's ability to meet the care needs of its most frail seniors," said report author David Campanella, in a release.
  • Minister's response In an e-mail, Minister of Sarah Hoffman said they know there is a huge demand for longterm care and dementia beds that stems from "years of neglect" on the need for affordable spaces for seniors under the previous government. "As a result, we are building spaces and putting in the beds Albertans need as we committed to do in the election and we are doing it collaboratively with communities and community partners." Hoffman said that last year, the province did a thorough review of all proposed Affordable Supportive Living Initiative (ASLI) projects, and implemented important changes to proposed projects to address the needs of Albertans.
  • Every new approved ASLI project has since opened with higher numbers of dementia and long-term care beds than originally planned, she said. "With ASLI now ended, we are developing a new capital program for long-term care with criteria to ensure the right level of care and the right methods of delivery are expanded," said Hoffman. She noted they have $365 million earmarked for senior care in the current budget and that will improve access for families across Alberta. Following the report's release, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) issued a statement that it is disappointed by the lack of progress being made reforming the province's system of senior care.
  • CUPE Alberta president Marle Roberts said the union, which represents 2,600 long-term care workers throughout the province, has repeatedly asked the current and previous Alberta governments to shift its focus to publicly-delivered services. "This study confirms what others have indicated before - caregivers in public facilities have more times for patients and deliver better outcomes," said Roberts.
  • We are disappointed that the number of private beds continue to increase, while the number of public beds has dropped ... We are letting patients down by not offering them the care they need," she added.
  • A report from the Parkland institute claims there has been a trend away from publicly- run long-term care beds, such as those at the Westlock Continuing Care Centre (seen above). The number of long-term care beds offered by private organizations or non-profit organizations, on the other hand, is on the rise.
Heather Farrow

Implementing assisted-dying legislation in a social policy vacuum - Policy Options - 0 views

  • As Canada’s aging population grows, our assisted-dying dying legislation cannot stand in isolation – the federal government must do its part to ensure doctors, health-care providers and families receive adequate options and pathways for care at the end of life. So, what are some of the social policies that are needed to support the assisted-dying dying legislation? In its nationwide consultations, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) identified the importance of advance-care planning (ACP), palliative care, long-term care, home care, a national seniors’ strategy, and research and investment in Alzheimer’s as parallel issues to assisted dying.
  • While the medical and legal frameworks for ACP are a provincial jurisdiction, the federal government should at a minimum support the forthcoming assisted-dying dying legislation by investing in ACP education and training for health-care professionals and launching public awareness campaigns. We have a lot to learn from other jurisdictions, including the United Kingdom’s Gold Standards Framework training institute and Australia’s National Framework for Advanced Care Directives.
  • While there are innovative models of delivering palliative care, actual access to high-quality palliative care varies by region and health provider. We need a Pan-Canadian palliative and end-of-life care strategy. In 2014, NDP MP Charlie Angus successfully moved such a strategy in Private Members’ Motion M-456. Dealing with issues of access, funding and standardization, Angus’s motion was nearly unanimous, but nonbinding. It calls for support for family caregivers and increased access to home-based and hospice-based palliative care. Canada’s assisted-dying legislation would only be strengthened with national direction on palliative care, which is long overdue.
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  • Calls for a Canadian national seniors’ strategy intensified in 2015 – everyone from the CMA to the IRPP held consultations across the country, identifying key issues and laying impressive groundwork for a future strategy. Lack of political will, however, holds us back – discussion of a national seniors’ strategy during the federal election was very limited, and it is still a political black box. An effective seniors’ strategy would provide a framework for all of the issues I have described – access, affordability and advance planning.
  • The long-term-care sector will be a critical partner for implementing, supporting and evaluating assisted-dying requests when the proposed legislation becomes law. Home-care workers and health-care providers in long-term-care facilities, alongside family members, are often the last to care for dying patients outside hospital settings. For many Canadians, long waiting lists to access limited long-term-care spaces are a significant barrier. Regional disparities in access, quality and affordability also exist, and multiple advocacy organizations have emphasized the need for national leadership on issues of elder abuse and neglect in long-term-care facilities.
  • A national senior’s strategy will be essential to improving seniors’ quality of life, supporting families and caregivers, and planning for Canada’s rapidly aging population. Canada currently has one geriatrician for every 15,000 Canadians, and there are significant gaps across the country in the quality, cost and access to care.
  • May 24, 2016 
  • ith Canada’s assisted-dying dying legislation currently before Parliament, it becomes increasingly urgent for the Liberal government to make substantive commitments to policies and programs that will support this sea change in the health-care system.
Govind Rao

Canada needs 'coalition of the willing' to fix health care - Infomart - 0 views

  • The Globe and Mail Wed Nov 18 2015
  • What country has the world's best health system? That is one of those unanswerable questions that health-policy geeks like to ponder and debate. There have even been serious attempts at measuring and ranking. In 2000, the World Health Organization (in)famously produced a report that concluded that France had the world's best health system, followed by those of Italy, San Marino, Andorra and Malta.
  • The business publication Bloomberg produces an annual ranking that emphasizes value for money from health spending; the 2014 ranking places Singapore on top, followed by Hong Kong, Italy, Japan and South Korea. The Economist Intelligence Unit compares 166 countries, and ranks Japan as No. 1, followed by Singapore, Switzerland, Iceland and Australia. The Commonwealth Fund ranks health care in 11 Western countries and gives the nod to the U.K., followed by Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and Germany. The problem with these exercises is that no one can really agree on what should be measured and, even when they do settle on measures, data are not always reliable and comparable.
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  • "Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect health system and it certainly doesn't reside in any one country," Mark Britnell, global chairman for health at the consulting giant KPMG, writes in his new book, In Search of the Perfect Health System. "But there are fantastic examples of great health and health care from around the world which can offer inspiration."
  • As a consultant who has worked in 60 countries - and who receives in-depth briefings on the health systems of each before meeting clients - Mr. Britnell has a unique perspective and, in the book, offers up a subjective and insightful list of the traits that are important to creating good health systems. If the world had a perfect health system, he writes, it would have the following qualities: the values and universal access of the U.K.; the primary care of Israel; the community services of Brazil; the mentalhealth system of Australia; the health promotion philosophy of the Nordic countries; the patient and community empowerment in parts of Africa; the research and development infrastructure of the United States; the innovation, flair and speed of India; the information, communications and technology of Singapore; the choice offered to patients in France; the funding model of Switzerland; and the care for the aged of Japan.
  • In the book, Mr. Britnell elaborates on each of these examples of excellence and, in addition, provides a great precis of the strengths and weaknesses of health systems in 25 countries. The chapter on Canada is appropriately damning, noting that this country's outmoded health system has long been ripe for revolution, but the "revolution has not happened."
  • Why? Because this country has a penchant for doing high-level, in-depth reviews of the health system's problems, but puts all its effort into producing recommendations and none into implementing them. Ouch. "Canada stands at a crossroads," Mr. Britnell writes, "and needs to find the political will and managerial and clinical skills to establish a progressive coalition of the willing."
  • The book's strength is that it does not offer up simplistic solutions. Rather, it stresses that there is no single best approach because all health systems are the products of their societies, norms and cultures. One of the best parts of the book - and quite relevant to Canada - is the analysis of funding models. "The debate about universal health care is frequently confused with the ability to pay," Mr. Britnell writes. He notes that the high co-payments in the highly praised health systems of Asia would simply not be tolerated in the West.
  • But ultimately what matters is finding an approach that works, not a perfect one: "This is the fundamental point. There is no such thing as free health care; it is only a matter of who pays for it. Politics is the imperfect art of deciding 'who gets what, how and when.' " The book stresses that the challenges are the same everywhere: providing high-quality care to all at an affordable price, finding the work force to deliver that care and empowering patients. To do so effectively, you need vision and you need systems. Above all, you need the political will to learn from others and put in place a system that works.
Govind Rao

Ontario hospitals unprepared for aging population - Infomart - 0 views

  • Toronto Star Thu Apr 23 2015
  • With the provincial government set to table its budget today, much of the public discussion to date has focused on the future of alcohol sales and power generation in the province. While these issues are important, we must not lose sight of other priorities - particularly how best to care for our aging population. While Ontario hospitals have not received an inflationary funding increase over the last three years, the province's 149 public hospitals have been working very hard to adapt to meet the needs of patients. Hospitals have worked hard to help the government meet its financial objectives by improving operating efficiencies and reducing costs while also enhancing patient care. Over the past decade, Ontario hospitals have become the most efficient in Canada. Despite serving a record number of patients, wait times have gone down and more people are getting the care they need faster in areas such as cancer surgery, cardiac procedures, cataract surgery, and hip and knee replacement. And they're doing so with the fewest hospital beds, per citizen, of any Canadian province.
  • However, hospital leaders are now facing some very challenging budget decisions to contain costs and meet the ever-increasing service needs of Ontarians.
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  • When we established our universal health care system more than 50 years ago, the average Ontarian was 27 years of age and less likely to be living with chronic and complex health issues. In contrast, 60 per cent of our total hospital days last year were amongst older Ontarians, particularly those living with multiple health issues, and with minimal social supports.
  • When these patients end up in hospitals, it becomes a particular challenge to get them back in their own homes. In fact, more than 14 per cent of Ontario's hospital beds are currently occupied by patients like these who cannot be discharged because we don't have the right types of services available in the community. By having to stay in hospital, these patients aren't getting the kind of care that they should. And by remaining in hospital, the cost of their care and cost to their overall health is much higher than it actually needs to be. The majority of these patients are waiting for less costly at-home care services through home and community care agencies, or care in more supervised or assisted living environments, such as nursing homes. We also know that too many older Ontarians are still sent to nursing homes when there isn't enough home care, which is less expensive, available. With these growing pressures coming to a head, now is the time to act and make sure that our province can continue to provide the high-quality care that Ontarians want, need and deserve.
  • It is time to invest aggressively in home and community care, nursing home and assisted living services, and other vital areas so that patients can stay healthy and independent in their communities for as long as possible and when hospitalized, be discharged quickly and safely to get quality care in their community.
  • We need to identify the right mix of services to ensure all Ontarians can get the right kinds of care where and when they need it. That means knowing the right number of beds needed in hospitals or long-term care homes, as well as the number of assisted living spaces, home care hours, and primary care and mental health services required to meet the needs of our aging population. Given the exploding need for different kinds of services, it also means we need to be innovative by creating new models of care.
  • While the government has recently acknowledged the importance of robust health-service capacity planning, neither we nor any other Canadian jurisdiction currently has such a plan. This is worrisome because what we do know with absolute certainty is that the number of older Ontarians will double over the next two decades. With service demands growing rapidly at the same time that the system moves to further contain cost growth, we owe it to patients and clients to meet their changing health care needs not only for today but for the decades still to come.
  • Ontario needs clear-eyed and effective long-term planning to ensure its health care system has the ability meet the evolving health care needs of Ontarians. Until we know exactly what services the people of Ontario need, our system won't have the long-term plan required to meet them. Dr. Samir Sinha is director of geriatrics at Mount Sinai and the University Health Network Hospitals and provincial lead of Ontario's Seniors Strategy. Anthony Dale is president and CEO of the Ontario Hospital Association.
Irene Jansen

Health ministers look to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • Ontario, for instance, is pumping money into providing more home care. Manitoba is looking toward preventive medicine. Saskatchewan is reviewing ways to improve long-term care. Nova Scotia has a system where paramedics treat some ailments in long-term care facilities to avoid tying up hospital beds.
    • Irene Jansen
      For truth re. Ontario home care, see: as Wall's vision of "improving LTC" in Saskatchewan involves expanding retirement homes (largely private for-profit, lesser-regulated).
  • Mr. Ghiz said they could use more help from Ottawa.“Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas – we're open
    • Irene Jansen
      "Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas - we're open". This is not a battle cry.
  • finding ways to keep seniors out of hospital. Ontario, for instance, is pumping money into providing more home care. Manitoba is looking toward preventive medicine. Saskatchewan is reviewing ways to improve long-term care. Nova Scotia has a system where paramedics treat some ailments in long-term care facilities to avoid tying up hospital beds.
    • Irene Jansen
      For the truth on Ontario home care, see Wall's vision of "improving LTC" in Saskatchewan involves expanding retirement homes (lesser-regulated, largely for-profit).
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • The provinces will look to expand a collective drug-purchasing plan, set new guidelines to cut the number of unnecessary medical procedures and improve home care for senior citizens. These strategies were on the table Friday as provincial health ministers hunkered down in Toronto for two meetings on overhauling the nation's universal health-care system and wrestling down its cost.
  • The greatest cost pressure on the system, however, may be the demographic shift and the steady rise in the number of senior citizens requiring chronic care.
  • The second, chaired by Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews, focused on dealing with the nation's aging population.
  • The provinces are also looking at ways to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests and surgeries such as MRIs, knee replacements and cataract removals. After consulting with health-care professionals, they hope to draw up a series of voluntary guidelines, to be presented this summer, on when such procedures are necessary and when they can be skipped.
  • The provinces will look to expand a collective drug-purchasing plan, set new guidelines to cut the number of unnecessary medical procedures and improve home care for senior citizens. These strategies were on the table Friday as provincial health ministers hunkered down in Toronto for two meetings on overhauling the nation's universal health-care system and wrestling down its cost.
  • The first session was part of the Health Care Innovation Working Group
  • The first session was part of the Health Care Innovation Working Group
  • The second, chaired by Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews, focused on dealing with the nation's aging population.
  • Last year, the working group produced a deal that saw the provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, team up to purchase six generic drugs in bulk, which resulted in savings of $100-million annually.They want to take a similar approach to buying name-brand medicines. Mr. Ghiz estimated such a plan could save $25-million to $100-million more.
  • Last year, the working group produced a deal that saw the provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, team up to purchase six generic drugs in bulk
  • They want to take a similar approach to buying name-brand medicines. Mr. Ghiz estimated such a plan could save $25-million to $100-million more.
  • The provinces are also looking at ways to cut back on pricey diagnostic tests and surgeries such as MRIs, knee replacements and cataract removals. After consulting with health-care professionals, they hope to draw up a series of voluntary guidelines, to be presented this summer, on when such procedures are necessary and when they can be skipped.
  • The greatest cost pressure on the system, however, may be the demographic shift and the steady rise in the number of senior citizens requiring chronic care.
  • finding ways to keep seniors out of hospital.
  • For all the provinces' innovations, however, Mr. Ghiz said they could use more help from Ottawa.
  • “Hopefully, some day, the federal government will be at the table with dollars and with ideas – we're open
Govind Rao

Taxes: not always a dirty word; Civilized society, with universal health care, is fuell... - 0 views

  • Hamilton Spectator Fri Dec 12 2014
  • "Try to think of a word more hated than "taxes"! Right! Let's lay our cards on the table and say we are talking taxes. Politicians promise lower taxes and, therefore, more disposable income if we vote for them. They turn "taxes" into a hated word. The promise of lowering them is like luring a bear to a honey pot because many of the electorate believe they will be better off financially. This is a myth. One has only to note all the "extras" for which you would fork out on a daily basis - that is, if you are fortunate enough to have the income. It's been said "taxes are what one pays for a civilized society."
  • And we are civilized, aren't we? Taxes pay for all the services we expect to receive in a first-world country: health care, social workers, schools, libraries, bridges, roads, clean drinking water and sanitation, parks, food and building inspectors - and more. If these necessities are not being delivered it's likely taxes are being misappropriated or are insufficient - or maybe both. It's clear we have allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by politicians who promise that if we vote for whoever is electioneering, we shall have halcyon shopping days using the extra money that otherwise would have been lifted from us in taxes. The word "bamboozled" is used advisedly. Take our hospitals. In the 21st century, in Canada, are these institutions meeting the needs of all Canadians, no matter the income? The answer is no. This is not to say that there are not many patients who feel they have received good care. But we are talking about "all Canadians" and not only those who have spun the wheel and been lucky. There are so many horror stories in the media concerning mistakes made and neglect of patients that you feel sorry for conscientious staff from all hospital departments who may feel their efforts are not appreciated. These employees go to work each day and do their best, despite being overworked and stressed.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • For years polls have told us that health care is Canadians' No. 1 concern. Yet federal governments, in particular the present one, have handed down to provinces insufficient funding, thus our health care system finds itself in palliative care. One cannot mention hospitals without speaking of their fundraising campaigns. No matter how you slice the pie, fundraising doesn't seem to be the way to run a first world health care system. What if donations dry up due to a national or global economic downturn? Solid federal funding, the disbursement of which is scrutinized by an informed electorate, must result in careful management by our health and finance ministers. This is really "standing on guard for thee" and being a proud Canadian.
  • For some time now, Hamilton's hospital walls and elevator doors have been plastered with massive posters of smiling doctors and patients urging us to "make a difference." It would be interesting to know the grand yearly total of staff salaries, equipment, office rents, printing, mail-outs, massive posters, and full-page newspaper and television advertisements. Even our telephone calls are met with the suggestion that the caller might like to make a donation. How can our health care system survive, expand and improve while being so reliant on the whims of donors? Further, let's not forget the multiplicity of other organizations that are also urgently fundraising - health care has to contend with these.
  • And it may not be widely known that it is the current government's intention to make another $36 billion in health care cuts over 10 years after 2015. This doesn't convey a picture of a future robust not-for-profit system which Canadians maintain is their No. 1 concern. If Tommy Douglas, medicare's founder, were to walk hospital corridors today, it is likely he would see this aggressive fundraising as one gigantic begging bowl. It is all so tacky.
  • According to their literature, the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario has set goals for public health, primary care, hospital care, home care and rehab, complex and long-term care. Further, Canadian Doctors for Medicare state its first goal is "to help continuously improve publicly funded health care in Canada." These goals cannot be achieved without a big injection of tax dollars which, spent wisely, enable our public health care professionals to deliver the quality of health care Canadians need and deserve. Think about it! Louise Rogers lives in Dundas.
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