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Alexandre Serres

Introducing transliteracy - 0 views

  • Transliteracy is recent terminology gaining currency in the library world. It is a broad term encompassing and transcending many existing concepts.
  • The working definition of transliteracy, as put forth by Thomas, states that it is “the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and films, to digital social networks.”
    Tom Ipri. "Introducing transliteracy: What does it mean to academic libraries?" Coll. res. libr. news November 2010 71:532-567
Alexandre Serres

ALA 2011 - Why Transliteracy - 0 views

    Support ppt, de Lane Wilkinson, pour une communication au Congrès de ALA, 28 juin 2011, "Why Transliteracy"
Alexandre Serres

Trans-what? A Day of Literacies at the ALA Annual Conference | American Libraries Magazine - 0 views

    Article de Liz Humrickhouse, sur le Sun, 06/26/2011
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