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Hillary Clinton Gives Israeli Education Program Spotlight on Campaign Trail - Israel - ... - 0 views

  • ch week in Israel, young parents open their homes to local instructors who teach them how to prepare their toddlers for school.
  • In her bid for the Democratic nomination, Clinton rarely misses an opportunity to tout her record on early childhood education, from her first job out of law school at the Children’s Defense Fund to her Too Small To Fail program at The Clinton Foundation.
  • The story of how Clinton brought the Israeli education program to America starts with a coincidence.
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  • In 1969, an Israeli educator named Avima Lombard conceived the program as a way to help the children of North African immigrants get a head start in the Israeli school system
  • Clinton’s associates in Arkansas apparently had a similar reaction when she told them they would have to travel to the Holy Land for HIPPY training: “‘Israel! Where is Israel?’”
  • HIPPY has been studied widely in academic and research settings.
  • But the two strong personalities also clashed occasionally. For several years, Lombard demanded that certain HIPPY USA staff members receive training in Israel. As the program grew, this practice became expensive and unsustainable, leading HIPPY USA to start training staff in Arkansas.
  • In 1998, Hillary Clinton visited a HIPPY event in Jerusalem while accompanying her husband when he was president. It was around holiday time, and Clinton was photographed with HIPPY children and their mothers.
    HIlary Clinton is using the Israeli Education program to highlight her campaign. She wants to promote Israeli education and how she supports early education. Hilary Clinton adds she wants to support overseas education as well

New Documents Show Iran's Nuclear Program Predates the Current Regime - 0 views

    Documents reveal that Iran has been attempting to get a peaceful nuclear program fro years. The United States opposition towards the program has remained the same.

The Politics of Iran's Nuclear Program | The Iran Primer - 0 views

    A brief overview of why Iran began their nuclear program and what is has progressed into today. It also explains the nuclear process and major players involved in the program.

Lebanon - Educational System-overview - Schools, Private, Students, and Lebanese - Stat... - 0 views

  • The Lebanese educational system is divided in two sectors: private schools and universities, for which there is a charge for admission, and public (government) schools and universities that are practically free of charge.
  • Education was once almost exclusively the responsibility of religious communities or foreign groups, but because the number of students in public schools has risen to more than two-fifths of the total school enrollment, the government was pressured to open more public schools to meet the demands of the general public.
  • While public schools have not paid much attention to the preschool phase and have required students to be five-years-old to be accepted in kindergarten until the 1990s, private schools have always had a preschool phase and have accepted students as young as three-years-old
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  • The total duration in school remains intact, 12 years. The primary cycle of general education has been increased by one year, and is divided into two modules of three years each, while the intermediary cycle was reduced to three years instead of four. The first year of general education's secondary cycle must be considered common for all four different series of instruction, and the second year is common to only two out of four series. Lebanese students are not allowed to enter formal technical education before age 12, which is the age limit of obligatory education. The scholastic year was changed to 36 weeks, and 4 supplementary hours per week were added at the intermediary and secondary cycles.
  • The new school curricula was launched in September 1998, and the Educational Center for Research and Development had trained 16,000 teachers in public schools and 6,000 teachers in private schools on the new uses and principles of the new program. The new system took into account economic, social, and national perspectives. The principle characteristics of this new system consist of the following:
  • The Lebanese educational system has usually relied heavily on private schooling to accommodate the evergrowing demand for learning in the country
  • In short, the new formal educational system of Lebanon, like in many other countries, divides the years of instruction as follows: 6-3-3 (six years for the primary cycle, three years for the intermediate cycle, and three years for the secondary cycle), followed by the higher education cycle. Primary school education is followed either by a six-year intermediary and secondary program, leading to the official Lebanese baccalaureate certificate, which was originally based on the equivalent French school diploma, or by a three- to six-year technical or vocational training program.
  • There are 1508 public and private intermediary and secondary schools for the general instruction program in Lebanon, while there are only 262 schools for the technical and professional instruction program divided between the public sector (29 schools) and the private sector (233 schools).
  • Education is compulsory until the end of the intermediate cycle, is available to all Lebanese students, and is attended by nearly 95 percent of school-age children
  • The school year starts in early October and ends in late June. The school day consists of six hours starting at 8:00 a.m. with two hour lunch break and ends at 4:00 p.m. The length of class periods ranges from 50 to 55 minutes. Both public and private schools are supposed to observe official holidays, which are decided by the government; however, Christian-administered, religious private schools take Saturday and Sunday off every week, while Moslem-run religious private schools take Friday and Sunday, and Jewish-run private schools take off all of Saturday and Sunday afternoon only.
  • As to special education concerning handicapped students, there were about 10,000 handicapped people in 1975 (prior to the Lebanese civil war). During the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, this number reached 13,000; it is more than 15,000 in 2001. About 2,500 handicapped people were being educated and made ready to enter the work market.
  • In addition, females appeared to have a slightly higher percentage than males with regard to attending schools and universities. After age 25 male attendance becomes almost double that of female attendance.
  • the literacy rate was 88.4 percent in 1997
  • ue to the Lebanese people's negative attitude toward manual work, especially in industry and agriculture, students of lower socioeconomic status enroll mostly in vocational and technical schools. Therefore, there is a big difference between the two major types of instruction, as well as the relative numbers of schools and students enrolled in each of these types
  • The brevet certificate is only required by public schools, vocational schools, and teacher training institutes. The baccalaureate part I exam has two main tracks: literary and scientific. The baccalaureate part II has four main tracks: literature and humanities, which includes language, literature, history, philosophy, education, arts, and religion; sociology and economy, which includes economic sciences, politics, business and management, law, and sociology; general sciences, which includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, and their applications at the level of engineering; and life sciences, which includes biology and life sciences, chemistry and their applications in the area of medicine, health, agriculture, and other related subjects.
  • Most institutions of higher education require entrance examinations besides the baccalaureate part II, which is required by law.
  • The grading system is generally based on scales of 0 to 20 or 0 to 100, with 10 or 60, respectively, as passing grades
  • he curriculum in Lebanese schools is somewhat rigid, for all students must pursue the same programs in all three cycles
  • rivate schools can choose textbooks that meet their syllabi, except in the civics area where the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport requires them to use the center's textbooks.
  • rabic and either French or English are the languages of instruction in the Lebanese schools.
  • The United Nations Reliefs and Works Agency (UNRWA) provides funds supporting a private nonsectarian school system for Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East. This type of private schooling has been very effective in offering education and social services for children of Palestinian Refugees residing in Lebanon
    This article gave a great general overview to the education in Lebanon. One of the major components of Lebanon's education system is when they changed it 1999 to reflect the style of French education systems. Additionally, Lebanon has a high rate of 95% attendance for its students and it also has a high rate of literacy at 89%

Will Iran Continue Its Nuclear Program Abroad? | The National Interest - 0 views

    Speculation that Iran will work closely with North Korea to continue building its nuclear program while remaining in accordance with the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Clinton Touts Role in Confronting Iran's Nuclear Program After Bush/Cheney 'Bluster' - 0 views

    Hillary Clinton discusses her proactive leadership in regards to the negotiation over the Iran Nuclear Program. Showcases relevance of topic in American Politics.

CCCC Statement on Second Language Writing and Writers - 0 views

  • dapting to or adopting North American discursive strategies
  • to understand their characteristics
  • sensitive to their linguistic and cultural needs.
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  • In classes made up exclusively of second language writers, enrollments should be limited to a maximum of 15 students per class.
  • instructors should avoid topics that require substantial background knowledge that is related to a specific culture or history that is not being covered by the course.
  • Writing instructors should look for evidence of a text's rhetorically effective features, rather than focus only on one or two of these features that stand out as problematic.
  • Further, "patchwriting," defined by Rebecca Moore Howard, as the copying of sections of texts, such as phrasings and sentence patterns, is a natural part of the process of learning to write in a second language.
  • We advocate that instructors take extra care when suspecting a second language writer of plagiarism, and take into consideration the student's cultural background, level of experience with North American educational systems, and confidence level for writing in English.
  • Any writing course, including basic writing, first-year composition, advanced writing, and professional writing, as well as any writing-intensive course that enrolls any second language writers should be taught by an instructor who is able to identify and is prepared to address the linguistic and cultural needs of second language writers. 
  • should be based on students’ writing proficiency
  • mainstreaming
  • the literacy support of second language writers needs to extend beyond the composition requirement as well.
  • approaches for designing writing assignments that are culturally inclusive, and approaches for assessing writing that are ethical in relation to second language writing.
  • Therefore, it is imperative that writing centers model and discuss effective approaches for working with second language writers in tutor training, make available reference materials specific to language learners such as dictionaries on idiomatic English, and hire tutors with specialized knowledge in second language writing.
  • Second language writers often come from contexts in which writing is shaped by linguistic and cultural features different from their NES peers. Beliefs related to individuality versus collectivity, ownership of text and ideas, student versus teacher roles, revision, structure, the meaning of different rhetorical moves, writer and reader responsibility, and the roles of research and inquiry all impact how student writers shape their texts.
  • scaffolding, creating benchmarks within larger projects, and incorporating additional resources such as the writing center.
  • to identify strengths second language writers bring to the classroom.
  • With the help of an instructor, second language writers can learn to bridge the strategies they use to communicate socially through digital media to the expectations of the academy. Therefore, instructors need to learn how to proficiently work with the writing tools and within the writing contexts that will help second language writers create these bridges. As in this case, instructors need to be trained to work with various writing media (e.g., computer programs) so that they can take advantage of these pedagogical opportunities.
  • instructors will be better prepared to work with second language students if issues of second language writing and writers are a consistent feature that is re-enforced throughout their training in writing instruction, especially in-service training encouraged of all writing instructors.
  • We recommend that writing programs familiarize themselves with the multilingual populations surrounding their institutions. Doing so not only provides valuable insight into the language experiences of some students in your writing programs, but it also could identify large multilingual populations wishing to matriculate into the college/university. Information on local populations can be collected from the US Census Bureau’s American FactFinder website. Also, websites such as the National Center for Education Statistics provides data on the number of English Language Learners (ELL) receiving special services in area high schools, some of whom might aspire to enter the university one day. Such information can be collected and disseminated on a centrally managed university website for the benefit of both instructors within the composition program and other university faculty.

Turkey says training of Syrian rebels to begin on March 1 - 0 views

  • A program to train and equip moderate syrian rebels will get under way on March 1, the Turkish Foreign Ministry
  • Tanju Bilgiç, came after Turkey and the us recently announced the signing of a long-anticipated deal to train and equip the rebels.
  • some 2,000 Syrian rebels will be trained and equipped in Turkey within a year as part of the program
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  • The agreement comes at a time when fighting has escalated between rebels and the Syrian regime in and around Aleppo and talks of a cease-fire in the northern province are taking place.
  • Turkey was one of the three countries that publicly said it was ready to open its territory for the training of the Syrian rebels.
  • US had earlier said it was considering initially dispatching at least 400 troops to train the rebels outside of Syria
  • We have been saying for a long time that the international community has the responsibility to support the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, which is recognized by 114 countries and the groups related to the coalition,” said Çavuşoğlu, adding that the training agreement is an important step taken within this framework.
  • “England is also carrying out similar training [programs] in Libya. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have also announced that they will be hosting a train-and-equip program,”
  • The deal between Ankara and Washington is a positive development between the two long-standing allies, despite strains over Middle Eastern policy. Turkey wants President Bashar al-Assad's departure to be the focus in Syria, while Washington's priority remains battling ISIL insurgents.
  • The NATO ally has also has been facing backlash for its reluctance to join the US-led coalition efforts to eliminate ISIL, feeding speculation that this reluctance stems from some Turkish officials being ideologically close to the terrorist group.
  • Turkish authorities have strongly condemned the terrorist acts of ISIL militants and say these actions have nothing to do with Islam.
    Turkey has announced that, along with the US, they will be training some 2,000 Syrian rebels. Tensions have been rising between Syria and Turkey ever since Turkey went into Syria to retrieve a historical figure and relocate him but they are hoping this move will calm the tensions between the two states. 

Group: Iran Operating Top Secret 'Parallel Nuclear Program' - 1 views

    Iran's secret nuclear work? Iranian dissident group claims it now has evidence of "an active and secret parallel nuclear program" operated by Tehran.

Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal; Sanctions Are Lifted - The New York Times - 0 views

  • country had followed through on promises to dismantle large sections of its nuclear program.
  • Seven Iranians, either convicted or charged with breaking American embargoes, were released in the prisoner swap, and 14 others were removed from international wanted lists.
    Iran sanctions are lifted after coming to an agreement with the U.S. and E.U. Iran gained control of 100 billion in frozen assets and dismantled a large part of its nuclear program. A prisoner swap took place, releasing American citizens from Iran as well as 7 Iranians being imprisoned in Washington.

Iran's Nuclear Program - Then and Now: Documents from 1970s Presage Issues Surrounding ... - 0 views

    Highlights the change in Iran's nuclear program over the past decade. Although there was concern over national security in the 1970s, the Obama administration along with many other countries fear that Tehran's goals are not peaceful.

Separating Fact from Fiction on Iran's Nuclear Program | Alternet - 0 views

    Claims regarding purpose behind Iran Nuclear Program was for electricity. Iran gov. They claim they were never trying to build nuclear weapons.

Egypt | Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment | U.S. Agency for International D... - 1 views

  • We address gender inequalities in education, support women’s and girls’ civic participation and political rights, reduce and respond to violence against women and children and support women’s economic empowerment by providing jobs, training, loans for small businesses and improved access to trade opportunities.
    The webpage lays out the larger plans and goals when providing aid to Egypt's women to promote equality. The goals range from various aspects including career development, civic participation, reducing poverty (including an increase in girl's enrollment in school), and an increase in healthy habits and standards. The concerns and goals listed also reflect the outline of the  U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 
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    This is the aid program I mentioned in class last week.
    The webpage lays out the larger plans and goals when providing aid to Egypt's women to promote equality. The goals range from various aspects including career development, civic participation, reducing poverty (including an increase in girl's enrollment in school), and an increase in healthy habits and standards. The concerns and goals listed also reflect the outline of the  U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 
    USAID helps women gain equality and they promote women empowerment. It helps through various programs in agriculture, education, and health.

Khamenei calls Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons a myth - 0 views

    Ali Khamenei is Iran's Supreme Leader. On Sunday, April 19, 2015, he pronounced that Iran's nuclear program and that nuclear weapons are a myth made up by the U.S. and European nations. As a result, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has launched investigations regarding the possible military dimensions of the nuclear program.

The Debate - Iran Nuclear Deal (P.1)(8.2.2015) - YouTube - 0 views

    Ayat. Seyyed Ali Khamenei, leader of Iran's Islamic revolution, speaks on nuclear negotiations, regarding western dispute over Iran's nuclear program. He says " No deal is better than a deal which contradicts national interests." Other issues concern Iran's purposes for the nuclear program and political decisions for sanctions to be lifted.

Timeline on Iran's Nuclear Program - 0 views

    Here is a timeline posted by the New York Times of Iran's nuclear programming, beginning in the 1950s onward.

ISIS NuclearIran - 0 views

    This website shares with us information about Iran's nuclear program. Here you will find daily updates, regarding "assessments of this program, to ongoing diplomatic activity aimed at halting its uranium enrichment activity."

To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran - 0 views

    US Republican, John R. Bolton, declares an arms race has begun and the only way to stop Iran's nuclear program is metaphorically beating them to the punch. As of now the Obama administration does not foresee Iran negotiating any way out of it's nuclear program with the United States.

Sanctions alone didn't curb Iran's nuclear ambitions | The Japan Times - 0 views

    Looking at Iran's nuclear program from a more global perspective. The International Atomic Energy Agency found that Iran had complied and committed to all of its agreements from the previous nuclear deal.

The Iran nuclear framework deal: A definitive, research-based guide from Harv... - 0 views

  • However, in order to utilize the plutonium for a weapon, Iran would still have to build a reprocessing plant to be able to separate plutonium from spent fuel.
  • [I]t will reduce the risk of Iran getting a bomb better than any of the realistic alternatives. Iran has agreed to physical limits on its ability to produce weapons-grade materials that will assure a break-out timeline of roughly a year for the next 10 years, as well as additional restraints and verification measures to monitor compliance and detect cheating. If the U.S. rejects the deal and returns to sanctions, Iran is certain to return to what it was doing before the interim agreement: installing additional centrifuges, enriching uranium, increasing its stockpile of enriched material, developing more advanced centrifuges, and completing the Arak heavy water reactor. The agreement does not solve the problem, but it reduces the risk for now and buys substantial time to resolve the threat in the future.
    • ysenia
      reduces risk of future issues
    Overview of the Nuclear Deal as well as the pros and cons. A more in-depth evaluation of facts about the program and the benefits of global intervention.
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