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Glenn Hervieux

How to - Google+ Communities | Techie Minx - 0 views

    Steps and screenshots on how to start a Google+ community. If your school is a Google Apps school, this is available as part of the suite. Possible to create student communities for courses, clubs, etc., with fellow teachers, and the community.
Glenn Hervieux

Being Professional in a Digital World: Email Communication for Teachers - 0 views

    "This is part of a series for being professional ina digital world and focuses on when teachers should and shouldn't use email communication." I liked the guidelines. Very clear use of email for teachers with parents, guardians, etc. ***You can download the document & revise it.

ALA Annual 2011: AASL Unveils the Top 25 Websites for Teaching, Learning - 1 views

    This list is considered the "best of the best" by AASL and is comprised of free, user-friendly sites that encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. They also provide a foundation to support AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. The sites offer tools and resources in content collaboration, content resources with lesson plans, curriculum sharing, digital storytelling, managing and organizing, and social networking and communication.
Glenn Hervieux

My ETMOOC Intro: Creating Great Things Through Collaboration - YouTube - 0 views

    Excellent use of public domain video clips and voiceover to communicate "Creating Great Things Through Collaboration". Part of the #ETMOOC course I'm involved in. 
Glenn Hervieux

CUE Conference Keynote: Common Core - Transforming Teaching & Learning | Catlin Tucker,... - 0 views

    Katlin Tucker, a dynamic high school teacher presents her approach-pedagogy-instructional strategies to transform teaching and learning. She demonstrates ways she helps engage students and grow skills in several areas, including communication, comprehension & critique, collaboration, content knowledge, etc. A couple of her main tools include Collaborize Classroom and Google Docs. 
Glenn Hervieux

Teacher Development Research: Keys to Educator Success | Edutopia - 0 views

    Teaching quality has been defined as "instruction that enables a wide range of students to learn" (Darling-Hammond, 2012), and it is the strongest school-related factor that can improve student learning and achievement (Hanushek, 2011; Nye, Konstantopoulos, and Hedges, 2004; Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain, 2005). Knowing this, what is the best way to foster and provide ongoing support for good teaching practices? While every school is unique, research has identified several elements that can almost universally increase the chances for successful teacher development and create a powerful and positive school community.
Glenn Hervieux

Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

shared by Glenn Hervieux on 14 Apr 13 - Cached
    "In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking)."
Glenn Hervieux

Learning In Burlington: Going 1:1? How Would You Respond To Comments Like This? - 0 views

    My response: Patrick, thanks for bringing the issue to us to consider. No matter how we see it, it is a discussion that is important to have. It does mean we have quite a responsibility to use the tools we have well. On a Classroom 2.0 Live webinar today, there was a discussion of the technology needing to be transformative, not just a substitute for paper/pencils/books, etc. or just an electronic version of the same curriculum. That brings us to the pedagogical approach of each teacher. If they just place their old methodology on top of the technology, nothing much different will occur. BUT...if they see their method of how students will interact with them and course material differently, the technology can be a tool both the teacher and student can enjoy and in the process they can become more creative, collaborative, and communicative.
Glenn Hervieux

The Chromebook is Mightier Than the Sword: History Students Become Heroes - 0 views

    "History students in the Perris Union High School District can do more than adorn their classroom walls with cool projects and posters. PUHSD students join larger communities of activists, historians, and journalists to make the world a better place." And they did it with Chromebooks!
Glenn Hervieux

Tony's Infopics - Learning in Hand - 0 views

    "An infopic is a photo with text layered on top that is designed to communicate a message. The message might be a summary, quote, definition, notes, data, weblink, hashtag, or other informational tidbits. The information might come from a conference, workshop, activity, lesson, video, book, a conversation, etc. Your blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus are great places to share infopics." Tony shares how to create infopic in a great video. He is an amazing teacher!
Glenn Hervieux

Technology SAMR Model for Administrators - Part 1: Staff Presentations | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Throughout this series, I will focus on the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) model highlighting different tasks that school-based administrators may face during the school year. These tasks will be broken down and explained using the SAMR model in the following order: Part 1: Staff Presentations Part 2: Community Interaction Part 3: File Management Part 4: Classroom Evaluations Part 5: Staff Input"
Glenn Hervieux

remind101 - 0 views

     A safe way for teachers to text msg. students and stay in touch with parents - FREE. A quick tool for teachers to use. 
Glenn Hervieux

For Each to Excel: Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 0 views

  • That rethinking revolves around a fundamental question: When we have an easy connection to the people and resources we need to learn whatever and whenever we want, what fundamental changes need to happen in schools to provide students with the skills and experiences they need to do this type of learning well?
  • How can we shift curriculum and pedagogy to more effectively help students form and answer their own questions, develop patience with uncertainty and ambiguity, appreciate and learn from failure, and develop the ability to go deeply into the subjects about which they have a passion to learn?
  • Everyone follows a rubric that covers such areas as standards, learning outcomes, artifact explanation, blog posts, learning activities, work ethic, and research. Personalized learning like this requires students to reflect deeply on their effort and assess their work and progress, a fundamental part of developing the skills and dispositions to continue learning after the class ends.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • In other words, the truly personal, self-directed learning that we can now pursue in online networks and communities differs substantially from the "personalized" opportunities that some schools are opening up to students. Although it might be an important first step in putting students on a path to a more self-directed, passionate, relevant learning life, it may not bring about the true transformation that many see as the potential of this moment.
    • Glenn Hervieux
      However, it may be the place we need to start with students who haven't had the opportunity to learn the skills to handle personal learning structures, including the self-discipline required to sustain their pursuit of learning. 
  • personal learning means making our own choices about what we wish to play or learn with, whom we wish to learn with or from, where we want to do this learning, when we prefer to learn or play, and how we want to learn.
  • Despite the promise of personalizing learning and some teachers' best efforts to give their students more agency in the education process, many educators wonder whether the concept goes far enough in preparing students for the wide array of learning opportunities outside the classroom.
  • The goal is about eliminating obstacles to the exercise of this right—whether the obstacle is the structure and scheduling of the school day, the narrow divisions of subject, the arbitrary separation of learners by age, or others—rather than supplying or rearranging resources. (p. 6)
  • Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation
  • In this era of access, personalizing learning means allowing students to choose their own paths through the curriculum. For schools and teachers, it means connecting our expectations to students' passions and interests as learners.
    Will Richardson explores this idea: "By pairing personalized learning and technology, a teacher can help students learn what they need to learn through the topics that interest them most." How does "personal learning" fit into the structures we have in school learning environments? 

Citelighter - 0 views

    Citelighter is an easy-to-use academic research tool that utilizes a community of students to help you find valuable content, automatically cite sources, and provide an organizational framework for writing your papers.

Talkwheel - 2 views

    Talkwheel creates a visual roundtable collaboration platform to allow groups in enterprises, e-learning and social networks to interact more effectively than anywhere else online. -Enterprises use it to improve communication internally, as well as externally to engage their customers around different interactive focus groups.
Glenn Hervieux

How to Embrace & Implement Ed Tech in 2015 | Scholar Space - 0 views

    Nick Provenzano aka The Nerdy Teacher, shares his ideas on how to embrace and implement Ed. Tech. in 2015
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