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Courtney Wilson

Hog Wild Project - 1 views

    "The Hog Wild curriculum is an interdisciplinary unit designed to engage students in a simulation focused on the establishment of a hog farm in their local watershed. Students prepare for and engage in a simulated town council hearing on the establishment of a particular hog farm in the area. Participating groups of students will take on the role of different stakeholders, conduct research from the perspective of that group, create GIS maps to support their positions, and then present and defend their positions during the two day hearing. One goal of Hog Wild is to help students see the political, social and economic dimensions of environmental issues. This website contains a growing set of resources designed to support this curriculum. "
Nancy Trautmann

Urban Bird Sounds Project - 0 views

    Welcome to the Urban Bird Sounds Project! This project will teach you to recognize bird sounds in the city. You can see all these birds in the city of Boston --and maybe in your city also.
Nancy Trautmann

Selecting Sites for Renewable Energy Projects - 0 views

    "In this activity, undergraduate students use Google Earth to investigate a variety of renewable energy sources and select sites within the United States that would be appropriate for projects based on those sources. These sources include solar energy, bioenergy, hydroelectricity, tidal power, wind energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy."
Nancy Trautmann

Students Exploring the World's Habitats - 0 views

    HabitatNet is a global biodiversity monitoring project developed by NH science teacher, Dan Bisaccio. He and his students are actively involved with the Smithsonian Institution's Monitoring & Assessment Biodiversity Project. In January of 2005, HabitatNet/Souhegan High School with the Smithsonian Institution, Amigos de Sian Ka´an UNESCO Bio-Reserve and El Eden Ecological Reserve hosted the First International Earth Summit for Youth on Global Biodiversity. Students and teachers from the United States, France, India, Germany, Italy, Puerto Rico, the Netherlands and Mexico participated in the event.
Nancy Trautmann

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - 2 views

    list of 50 education technology tools -- for leveraging social media, spicing up lessons, lesson planning and student projects, and to help teachers "stay connected, organized, and increase the ease of building multimedia lessons and learning tools." Some, like Grockit, Schoology, and OpenStudy are designed specifically for use in education.
Jamie Hefti

Discover... Citizen Science - 0 views

    This article highlights some Citizen Science projects that you may want to get involved with personally and/or with your students. Links to websites are provided. There are all sorts of projects for monitoring organisms including but not limited to birds, frogs, fish, ladybugs, plants, even horseshoe crabs!
Jamie Hefti

Global Climate Change & Human Health - CIESIN|IAGT|NASA - 1 views

    I think all of the CB people that attended the workshop will agree... you have got to check out CHANGE Viewer ASAP... The Climate Change and Human Health project is designed to provide educators with the resources to engage high school students in critical thinking about climate change and the potential impact on human health across the planet. Activities developed for this project all use an interactive geospatial globe called CHANGE Viewer, to view and access climate and human related datasets.
Carol Burch

Scribble Maps - 2 views

shared by Carol Burch on 18 Sep 10 - Cached
    Free spatial tool for easy mapping projects with students.
Nancy Trautmann

New York Nature Explorer - 0 views

    New York Nature Explorer is an online tool for finding out about the animals, plants and habitats in your neighborhood or area of interest. As a gateway to biodiversity information, it is intended for landowners, land managers, citizens, municipal officials, planners, consultants, project developers, researchers, students, and anyone else interested in the natural world. Nature Explorer currently contains information on birds, reptiles, amphibians, rare animals, rare plants, and significant natural communities.
    Nature Explorer currently contains information on birds, reptiles, amphibians, rare animals, rare plants, and significant natural communities.
Vicki Schmidt

Urban Bird Sounds Project - 0 views

    student created podcasts
Nancy Trautmann

Skoolaborate - 0 views

    # Develop the capacity of young people in decision making and action learning around issues of global significance. # Have young people work together on innovative projects which engage them in unaccustomed forms of action that create understandiing of differences and promote conflict resolution skills between individuals and groups. # Develop inter-cultural understanding in schools and their community members. # To transform traditional schools practice by increasing global connection, meaningful use of digital media and inspiring student engagement.
Nancy Trautmann

YouthXchange Training Kit on Responsible Consumption - 0 views

    This UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Educational, Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) training kit is a train-the-trainer tool that aims to promote sustainable consumption patterns among young consumers worldwide.
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