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Courtney Wilson

NOAA National Ocean Service Education: Prince william's Oily Mess - 0 views

    A National Ocean Service Education lesson developed following the Exxon Valdez spill. This lesson focuses on the aftermath of an oil spill, its effects on the people and ecosystems, lessons learned, and what recovery means. It also includes links to an Oil Spill Trajectory Model, an Oil Spill Primer for Students, and How Toxic is Oil?
Nancy Trautmann

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - 2 views

    list of 50 education technology tools -- for leveraging social media, spicing up lessons, lesson planning and student projects, and to help teachers "stay connected, organized, and increase the ease of building multimedia lessons and learning tools." Some, like Grockit, Schoology, and OpenStudy are designed specifically for use in education.
Nancy Trautmann

Great Lakes Eco-Region: NOAA Education Resources - 0 views

    Multimedia, lessons, data, and background information about the Great Lakes. Includes a "Listen to the Lake" podcast and several webcams. Lessons to download relate to watershed land use, fish life cycles, invasive species, human population, and others.
Nancy Trautmann

Engaging Students Through Global Issues - 1 views

    Engaging Students Through Global Issues is an activity-based lesson book that contains 40 inspiring lessons. These lesson plans are designed to help students understand complex global issues and sustainable solutions. Each lesson offers creative tools for students to take action in their local and global communities."
Nancy Trautmann

Teaching about World Population | Teacher Resources, Lessons, Plans, Activities - 0 views

    "World population reaching seven billion is a great opportunity for you to incorporate environmental education and global studies into your classroom. The following teacher-friendly activities are classroom-ready and will get your students to actively engage in these timely issues. All of the lesson plans are correlated to the national content standards for eleven middle school subject areas. Themes: P = Population Dynamics E = Environmental Connections S = Societal Connections"
Jim MaKinster

Wind and Solar Lessons: IAGT - 0 views

    This is a set of GIS lessons from IAGT.
Nancy Trautmann

Classroom | MpalaLive - 0 views

    Live webcams at Mpala Research Center in Kenya, and lessons for grades 3-8
Nancy Trautmann

North American Conservation Education Toolkit - 0 views

    The Conservation Education Strategy Toolkit contains resources developed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) to support conservation educators. Includes lots of useful stuff: downloadable lessons, "Benchmarks for Conservation Literacy," "Field Investigations: Using Outdoor Environments to Foster Student Learning of Scientific Processes" etc.
Courtney Wilson

Stabilization Wedge Game - Solving the Emissions Problem - 1 views

    "This lesson, developed by the Carbon Mitigation Program, contains background information and an interactive, hands-on game that allows players to define strategies for reducing CO2 emissions and find solutions for the world's greenhouse gas problem. This game is based on peer-reviewed, current research and is a wonderful introduction to carbon policy and energy solutions. "
Courtney Wilson

Gray Whale Migration - GIS at Lane Community College - 0 views

    "In this lesson students examine the patterns of gray whale migration along the Pacific Coast of North America. The exercise provides data at both broad and local scales, providing students with migration patterns and local scale feeding patterns. "
Courtney Wilson

Blown Away - 0 views

    GIS lesson analyzing tornado activity
Nancy Trautmann

TAKING ROOT: The Vision of Wangari Maathai - 0 views

    These lessons examine how environmental issues such as deforestation are intricately linked to many other social issues, and how organizations such as the Green Belt Movement use certain strategies to mobilize citizen action toward social and environmental justice. These lessons are directed toward grades 9 through 12, and college students for use in the following subject areas: social studies, environmental studies, political science, women's studies, international studies, world history, government and civics.
Krista Kolodziejczyk

The Environmental Literacy Council - 0 views

    A great web site for environmental issues, lessons and online games. A nice place for students to investigate global environmental issues
Ron Reed

Environmental Science Education Partnership : Teacher Research Fellowship Program: Less... - 0 views

    The 5E lesson model is adapted from the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS, and enhanced with more detail by the ESEP team for the Chesapeake Teacher Research Fellowship to provide a successful means for encouraging research in the classroom and in some cases incorporates field components to expand the investigation beyond the classroom walls.
Nancy Trautmann

Cloud Forest Introduction || Canopy in the Clouds - 1 views

    An interactive website for learning about cloud forest ecosystems. Includes videos and lesson plans.
Beth Henderson

NOAA Lesson Videos - 2 views

    Lesson videos primarily related to Oceanography, Hurricanes, Water Cycle, Coral Reefs, Plate Tectonics and more!
Michelle Watkins

Jason Science Curriculum - 0 views

    "JASON's science curriculum units are designed to: Light the spark of inspiration in students Fit within school districts' core 5th-8th grade curricula Adapt to higher and lower levels Align to state and national standards Cover at least five to nine weeks of material Include numerous research articles, hands-on lab activities, videos, games, and multimedia resources Include suggested lesson plans, extensions, interdisciplinary connections, and teacher resources for alignment, assessment, and classroom management."
Courtney Wilson

How I use wikis in my classroom - 2 views

    1. Lesson Summaries 2. Collaboration of Notes 3. Concept Introduction and Exploratory Projects 4. Dissemination of Important Classroom Information beyond the Classroom 5. Individual assessment projects
Courtney Wilson

NOAA Education Resources: Oil Spill Collection - 0 views

    "As the nation's leading scientific resource for oil spills, NOAA has been on the scene of the BP spill from the start. The agency provides scientific, weather and biological services to federal, state and local organizations."
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